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Lightning Returns Details: Content, Length, Endings And More

It's everything you always wanted to know about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII . Okay, not everything , but this answers lots of questions.

Some of this information we already knew, while other tidbits are fresh finds. It was taken from German website and summarized at Gameranx ; the following is courtesy of director Yuji Abe speaking about the upcoming title.

We knew that one day will be exactly one hour long in real time, and we also knew that we'll have between 7 and 13 days to complete our quest. However, we didn't know that specific events will happen at specific times and if we're not there, we won't see 'em. Here are a few other interesting details:

Finishing every single sidequest in a single playthrough of the game is going to be extremely difficult, but not impossible to do.

It may take as many as five playthroughs to experience all of the content that the game has to offer.

There is only a single ending. Lightning either saves the world or she doesn't.

There are three difficulty settings: normal, hard, and super hard.

There is a New Game Plus mode where you can bring the content from your previous save into a new game.

It will be necessary to do quests, grind, and gain the appropriate levels to progress through the game.

There will be DLC for the game, but they will not come in the form of costumes or other vanity items.

Lightning Returns won't be ready to go until February. But on a related note, those HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 will be here later this year. …talk about massive differences between games.

Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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10 years ago


Around February I'll be getting ready for Dark Souls 2 which plays better, will have better characters, will be longer and much more replay value. From SOFTWARE does not disappoint.


To Be Decided
To Be Decided
10 years ago

There are going to do a beta real soon for PS3 so keep and eye out on the Dark Souls Facebook Page.

10 years ago

September 5th it starts I think.

10 years ago

That certainly sounds… different. Well I hope LR turns out good.

Hey Ben, any news on a release date for the remasters? I want to set aside some money so I can buy them on day one…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Don't know about a date yet.

10 years ago

Okay, thanks

10 years ago

I preordered the FFX-HD. No official date yet. Right now it has the placeholder of "Dec. 31, 2013" according to my receipt.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Is this good news ff fans?

10 years ago

No, just another mediocre game in the FF series.
Yes, it means the end of this terrible FF story.

10 years ago

Nope, FF isn't supposed to have time limits or missed events or a need to play it more than once.

10 years ago

You shouldn't need to play it more than once, but you should want to play it more than once. Heck, at this point I'd settle for a strong desire to play it at all.

10 years ago

seems like a crappy way to stretch a 13 hour game into a standard jRPG length.

10 years ago

Hold it! Now I swear I have read before that the DLC will only be limited to aesthetics like the costumes. Does this mean were getting DLC, if that is the case S-E has destroyed any chance of me purchasing this day one. I am not going to be treated for a fool like with Final Fantasy XIII-2's epilogue – any Story related DLC and I am out!

To Be Decided
To Be Decided
10 years ago

If it happened with 13-2 (and it was so poorly done (the whole Lightning segment)) you can guarantee it will happen with this. If they aren't going to ring out money out of you for the costumes. Why not some additional story scenes or character side stories.

10 years ago

I really hope, not I was considering it recently as seeing some of the returning characters caught my interest. But if they start adding DLC stories into it count me out. I really hate how since this generation has introduced DLC I cannot buy a game on launch with confidence. If the DLC is anything more that Weapons and costumes, I'll be buying the DLC edition. (I see Japan already has a DLC edition for XIII-2)

To Be Decided
To Be Decided
10 years ago

Why does this sound like an Atelier game without the the whole Alchemy stuff. If I want to a play a true intense time Management game I'll go with the Atelier series were time is everything. Good thing Dragon Fantasy Book II is coming to fulfill my old school RPG craving. But I agree this is sound completely difference and DLC oh the joy… I was going to ebay it when it cheap to check out but mainly treat as different game, not an FF game but I'll just wait for the complete edition and happily await Project Phoenix for PS4.

10 years ago

Seems interesting. I'll be playing this for the sake of playing an unconventional FF. And I finished the first two in the trilogy, so I might as well see this story off.

10 years ago

Wait…isn't that *two* different endings? She either saves the world or doesn't?

Last edited by aeron on 8/30/2013 2:09:40 PM

10 years ago

I would imagine the one where she doesn't involves a game over screen.

10 years ago

After the most disappointing opening of any mmo in the history of mmo's, and Squaresofts destruction of their FF franchise, I have lost all hope for them.

Seriously, FF 14 is a big damn joke.

10 years ago


10 years ago

"After the most disappointing opening of any mmo in the history of mmo's"

You're joking, right? Like… this is seriously…. it just… -has- to be a joke…

Or are you that completely out of touch with how mmo launches typically go?

First 2 days of early launch were rough. First week, it's tough to get on due to server restrictions, but when on, it's a dream.

Most mmo's, including WOW and FFXI and Everquest, had painful starts most of which lasted for the first month or two. The fact that FFXIV's only problem on the official launch day was dealyed log-ins, and that the issues will be shored up within a week or two of launch is actually more of an accomplishment, than anything else.

Besides, once logged on, it works perfectly. No issues.

You know I -LOOOVE- me some Square Enix hate, but lets use some truth here…

Sorry for the long post…. I think LV said it best, anyways.

10 years ago

P.s. Squaresoft doesn't exist.

10 years ago

You're wasting your time with this one, Underdog. He is an idiot that regularly trolls this site with idiotic comments. At least the blank guy appears to have a mental disability.

I had trouble getting on Wednesday, not a single problem on Thursday. What you said it spot on.

10 years ago

That was unnecessarily harsh…

In any case, I wouldn't say XIV has been a failure this time around. If anything it has been a success. Guild Wars 2 which is apparently another big MMO also had the same problem with too many people playing that it overloads the service. The game may not be a FF in the true sense of the name, but had it had no subscription I might have been willing to put some time into it.

10 years ago

Of course it isn't a failure, only a foolish person would suggest it is. Every MMO deals with initial server issues. It's nothing new to anyone that follows videogame news over the past decade. Actually XIV is a FF game in every sense of the name, I'm waiting for you to explain how it isn't.

I'm thankful it has a subscription fee.

10 years ago

I think he means the first release of FFXIV which was like 2 years ago and was a piece of sh*t.

10 years ago

Oh I see. So he just happens to refer to something that happened 3 years ago instead of the incredibly positive release of this week?

10 years ago

A mental disability lol (had to log back in on here to show my amusement double lol)

10 years ago

This isnt going to sell half of what 14 has sold. They had to terminate digital sales for a bit because of how many people are jam packing all 50 servers. Hopefully 14, being a real final fantasy, along with FFX HD and KH HD selling 3 times more then 13-3, SE will open their eyes. "Hey guys i think we should make games like those cause we sell more."

10 years ago

We shall see 🙂

10 years ago

It will probably sell half of what XIII-2 did, which was less than half of what XIII did.

10 years ago

Lightning Returns: Only to find that nobody wanted her to.

I've never seen such blatant exploitation of time wasting elements.

10 years ago

Sounds like a waste of time but I'll wait for reviews to pour in and I might get it to celebrate graduation.

10 years ago

It'll be a long wait. Most MMO reviews are "ongoing" reviews over the course of a year. They always start at like 4/10's then work their way up to the 7-10 range.

10 years ago

Am I wrong for still pining over X-X2 HD and KH 1.5 instead of this?

10 years ago

I was one of the few people who was excited for FF13 and 13-2. They were both utterly disappointing. Somewhat amusing but still disappointing and boring mostly.

10 years ago

Sol, it would mean that there was something seriously wrong with you if you weren't.

10 years ago

I liked XIII, don't get me wrong… But XIII-2 I still don't have yet, and I want XIII-3 when it is in the same price range of XIII-2. My only motivation though is to see where they went with things, unlike my earlier FF days when I just wanted anything Final Fantasy. The way Square-Enix has handled the franchise makes me more reserved about it compared to me playing 7, then wanting 8, then 9 etcetera etcetera… That why I have so many FF games and such, but after XIII I just don't feel the same zeal anymore.

10 years ago

I can honestly say I am getting this game so I can see how everything ends. I know I am in the minority of people that enjoyed XIII and XIII-2, but I admit I am disappointed with the direction Lightning Returns is headed. However, I will still hope that I will enjoy playing it, at least to some degree.

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