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EA’s Moore: We’ll Never Ship An Offline Video Game Again

A game that doesn't include an online offering of some sort? Who ever heard of such a thing?

The world's biggest video game publishers know just how important multiplayer is these days, and Electronic Arts COO Peter Moore has made that plain as day. In speaking to Engadget during last week's Gamescom event, Moore said his company will not ship a game that is only offline. Times have changed and that's that.

"We're seeing more and more of the online experience being part-and-parcel of every game. We don't ship a game at EA that is offline…just doesn't happen."

He added that free-to-play options are headed to every major EA franchise in the future, and that has proven to be a very popular business model. As for the focus on online components, Moore said gamers today want to be connected for a number of reasons, including checking on the scores and accomplishments of their friends. That's in addition to playing cooperatively or competitively online, of course.

There was something relaxing about not being connected, but maybe that's just me. I'm old, after all.

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10 years ago

I don't care if they want to have some kind of online crap as long as it isn't required and doesn't affect the story. I'd also their games stop freezing up for 5 minutes at a time while they search for EA servers that aren't there. Free 2 play? Taking Microsoft's dirty money? I think EA is well on their way to being the next generation's worst company again.

10 years ago

Fine with me as long as I can still play it offline (single player, that is). If not, more money to spend elsewhere.

10 years ago

I was going to blast EA for this by pointing out great games like Pikmin 3 don't offer online experiences but then I remembered the Miiverse connectivity. =P

10 years ago


Oh EA, you truly are the worlds worst company.

10 years ago

Shadows of the Damned and Alice: MR were some of the best games to come from EA in the past few years. Also really enjoyed the campaign to Medal of Honor but I didn't need to be online for that either.

10 years ago

They need to be online to stream those ads.

10 years ago

He's absolutely right! I mean, Dead Space 3 had multiplayer and micro-transactions and had much higher review scores and sold more than the previous…. oh, wait.

Ok, Mass Effect 3 had an awesome multiplayer component that was FAR more popular than the single player cam… wait….

Ummm… Oooh!! Got it!!

Sim City with online requirements…. no, that wasn't popular…

Oh! The Sims!! Wait, the online is pretty basic, and it can still be played offline.

Ah ha!! FIFA!! Dream Team, online multiplayer, micro-transactions for add-on kits not affecting gameplay, it fits perfectly!

Okay, so if EA is talking about their EA Sports games, then yeah, online, micro-transactions and free to play models work Perfectly!

As for everything else, EA had better keep that online micro transaction sh** away from the action, shooter, horror, racing and story-driven games many of us still love!!

By the way EA, Grand Theft Auto, The Elder Scrolls, God of War, Uncharted and Super Mario Galaxy have sold more than ANY of your games. Is it because of online features and micro-transactions?

Keep digging that shallow grave EA. Shutting down servers after just 3 or 4 years means I won't waste my money buying your compulsory yearly instalments. I buy games that give me the most value for money, and EA charges more for less than any other company. Shame the sheep who splash the cash on your stuff don't know any better, but us core gamers know your game, and we despise you for it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I heard my buddy spent $500+ on FIFA ULTIMATE TEAM. Ouch…

10 years ago

I used to work at Xbox customer support and got calls from parents whose kids had spent an unholy amount of money with their parents credit card on Ultimate Team.

10 years ago

Oh how I miss 1999.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Why was it better than 1998? 😉

10 years ago

Because Prince wrote a song about 1999, not 1998.

10 years ago

That's when I graduated high school 🙂

10 years ago

I graduated in 2000 🙂

1999 was when online gaming was magical to me. It was still rather new and there were still plenty of SP games without tacked on MP.

10 years ago

I miss 2014.

10 years ago

yeah um no EA there are some of us young and old(er) me and my brothers included that cudn't careless about online unless it's relevant yeah i said relevant you don't need online rachet and clank classic example but hey maybe i'm just part of the older gen that grew up ps1 ps2 mostly ps2 for me and didn't need online and am old fashioned i like story games with odd bit of online multi BF4 and destiny probs the only ones so far and maybe kz:sf most of my ps3 games are offline single player so yeah call me old fashioned i don't care i like wat like u'd have to argue me the other way

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

And it's thinking like that that keeps EA games from being in a list of my favorite games. I game for fun, not to listen to people cuss like sailors.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

As long as it makes sense and doesn't take away from the main campaign, I'm sure I don't care. But seriously, EA, just make good games and I'll buy 'em.

10 years ago

Still worrisome as Mass Effect 3's online did affect the single player.

10 years ago

This is almost a #dealwithit level statement. No wonder EA have aligned with MS so strongly this generation. It must have caused them whiplash with MS 180 on the XB1 online requirements.

10 years ago

Good – that potentially means more coop modes in the upcoming games. 🙂

10 years ago

isent it funny how the PR people these days are actually the people who are making idiotic statements like this and pissing their fans off!
not very good public relations people at all………

10 years ago

EA would have been better served to say they wouldn't release a game that couldn't connect if the customer so chooses.

Are you guys back on this age thing again? I got a birthday coming up on the 2nd. 58 doesn't feel so bad!!

10 years ago

Congrats EA! On your way to becoming the worst company again.

10 years ago

its their money they are wasting not mine

10 years ago

Im might be mistaken but didnt Peter Moore resign ?????

Anyhow, these big publishing CEO's keep making statements of the obvious. With every new console/PC/handheld having internet access, and with the prevailence of reliable internet providers across the country/countries, of course new games are going that direction.

Now I think this doesnt bode well for handheld devices, EA with its vast network of developer could very well support portables by themselves, but whatever. It would be nice to see more polished games for Vita and so forth.

Last edited by wackazoa on 8/27/2013 2:36:11 PM

10 years ago

I don't see how this is actually news. Frank Gibeau said months ago that he hadn't greenlit a purely single-player game in years.

10 years ago

I agree with Ben. Does that mean 20 is considered old too now?

10 years ago

wait… is this good or bad news
I just don't know anymore
I've hated EA for so long now
I can't tell when they're actually
doing something right

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