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What If Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Outsells Lightning Returns?

The Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD collection is making the news rounds lately as you might have noticed, and I don't think I've seen such excitement over an HD overhaul before.

Maybe it's because Square-Enix is pulling out all the stops with their graphical overhaul , audio remastering, and extra content . It could also have something to do with a lot of fans feeling starved of their favorite gameplay style. As the hype train keeps on rolling toward the Tokyo Game Show when more of the titles will be shown all we can say for certain is that it will be a success.

Over the course of this generation the digital release of the PS1 era Final Fantasy games managed to make many top seller lists even without any visual or audio improvements. We may not be privy to those sales numbers, but they have got to be impressive for some old games.

Speaking of this generation, the latest entry in the series outside of the MMO world is due soon. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is coming February 11th of next year. Final Fantasy XIII-2 sold less than half the copies its predecessor did and some might argue that was because of the changes gamers encountered in XIII . Lightning Returns appears to be making even bigger changes than XIII did, so what happens if those sales take another dive?

Final Fantasy X sold many more copies on one console than XIII did on two. What I'm wondering is, what would it tell Square-Enix if Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD actually outsold Lightning Returns ? Would that just tell them that fans of FFX were happy to experience the game again and that fact has no bearing on the current direction of the series? Or could it tell them that fans of the older gameplay style are still here and hoping for more? Maybe I think too much, maybe I need to remind myself that this is Square-Enix we are talking about and it probably wouldn't tell them anything if it does happen.

What would it tell you if FFX/X-2 HD outsold Lightning Returns ?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X HD, Final Fantasy X-2 HD, Final Fantasy XIII , Final Fantasy XIII-2 , Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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10 years ago

i will be buying ffx not the obsession of lighting

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I don't see anything changing for S-E even if this does happen. They see what they want to see. They see the dwindling sales figures from XIII to XIII-2 and decide to go ahead with a third entry that makes even less narrative sense than either of the others. They see people loving the look of Versus XIII and mistakenly believe that it is what they want from the core future of FF, so turn it into XV.

FFX/X-2 may sell well, but what will that result in? An HD overhaul of FFXII? FFX-3? I don't see their eyes being opened to the reality of what the fans seem to want.

10 years ago

Does anyone really want a Final Fantasy X-3 now? I just can't see a need for it. As much at I dislike X-2, it delivered that happy ending, if you think it is needed – I don't personally, but it has some sense of purpose, I just see no need to continue the X story line.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Wouldn't know, I've never played either X game (SACRILEGE!!!). I'd have to agree with you though. It doesn't make sense and no-one wants it. However, S-E sees FF as a cash cow and if the HD compilation is more successful than XIII-3, then who's to say that someone at the company wouldn't get it into their head that what people want is further continuation of the X storyline?

I don't think it's going to happen. I don't think anyone wants it to happen. I don't think that it should happen. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a chance of it happening.

10 years ago

It's too late for that now, had they released FFX-3 on the PS2 instead of XII that would have worked, but it is just too late for it now. Still were getting an hour audio story which explores the events after the game, that is more than enough.

There have been many ports of Final Fantasy before, the ones on the PSP sold to the greatest hits range. So, even if it is successful I wouldn't get your hopes up.

But as you have yet to experience FFX, I would recommend this package, it's one of the more accessible FF's and I believe it to have the best combat system.

10 years ago

SE: "The fans loves FFX HD, that gives me a great idea. We should make FXIII 4K HD!"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

FYI, the only reason I changed the pic is so people won't think we posted the same story twice on the main page. Believe it or not, people who don't really read can think that just by glancing. And when two of the same pic are close together and in the same location… 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/24/2013 10:37:38 PM

10 years ago

Hey no problem Ben, good thinkin'. I didn't know if I should post it at all due to the backlash against Final Fantasy stories but I felt strongly that this needed to be asked.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/24/2013 10:56:38 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Hmm… That makes me wonder if I'm in the minority by not even glancing at the pictures. No, honestly.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Oh, trust me, it's a rule that PSXE isn't allowed to post anything about Final Fantasy. Because I mean, after all, it's the only thing we post.

…………irrational idiocy aside, you can put up anything you want about FF. 😉

10 years ago

I don't think It's a question really. It will sell more, period. Heck, the PSN versions of FFVII and FFVIII each sold more than FFX-2 IIRC.

Now, I'm actually one of the few anticipating LR FFXIII… but you just can't compare a kinda spin-off kinda sequel that maybe will be good and maybe not with a package that gives you one of the best RPGs off all time with, in my humble opinion, the best music in a videogame ever, plus content a lot of people haven't seen, amounting for hundreds of hours of gameplay (I played FFX for at least 150 hours, and played FFX-2 for another 80).

Even then, I don't think SE will read anything into it more than nostalgia is a powerful sales force. LR is just a good way to make a quick buck, since, as I've stated before, In Japan Lighting is hugely popular and FFXIII-2 sold better than almost any game, so LR makes business sense… Not as much as a FFVII remake, but the higher ups in SE don't have that much business sense anyways…

I noticed this:
"Final Fantasy X sold many more copies on one console than XIII did on two" should be "Final Fantasy X sold many more copies on one game than XIII did on two", right?

Last edited by darxed on 8/24/2013 11:49:59 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

In regards to your last comment, no. He's saying that FFX sold more on the PS2 alone that XIII did on both PS3 and 360.

10 years ago

Final Fantasy X did sell more copies on the PS2 alone than FF XIII did on the PS3 and the 360 combined. So no correction necessary there.

10 years ago

Lawless and Zettai are correct, in that statement I am not addressing X-2 at all because I think if we are honest with ourselves we are all buying this HD update for FFX HD, X-2 wasn't even in the calculation and was announced as part of the package later. I'm only talking about PS2 versus PS3&360.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/25/2013 9:36:48 AM

10 years ago

@World: Haha, yes that is undeniable. If the games were sold separately like on the Vita, I question if I would get X-2. Certainly not until it became cheaper.

10 years ago

I thought World meant FFX sold more than FFXIII and FFXIII-2 combined… Ha, I completely forgot FFXIII was on the 360 as well. Anyways, my mistake. sorry World.

Last edited by darxed on 8/25/2013 9:17:30 PM

10 years ago

Actually, it did sell more than those combined 🙂

10 years ago

They will come to the only logical conclusion. FFX-2 is the real reason it sold and the next game will have an all female cast wearing nothing but bikinis.

10 years ago

It probably will.

10 years ago

Their obsession with Lightning is evident so it won't mean anything to them how well it does versus FFX/FFX-2 HD. They probably know that FFXHD will probably outsell Lightning Returns anyway.

10 years ago

Im serious Lightning better not be a "hidden" Aeon in the FFX HD. Don't let Kitase have his way with it Square.

10 years ago

As bad as that is I would laugh so much if that ever did happen XD

10 years ago

It will tell me what ive always known, That when Square soft became SquareEnix their Final Fantasy game franchise started dying.

Balian Axel
Balian Axel
10 years ago

SE has made ignoring public opinion an artform. No doubt the ffx/x-2 remake will sell very well ( definite purchase for me ) but barring some unforseen miracle they will interpret those sales as indicitive of some else entirely.

10 years ago

Square is gonna screw it up, just like they have done FF 14 online. Terrible.

10 years ago

Not a lot, nostalgia has a huge impact on video gamers, you can hear it whenever they talk about game experiences. The amount of times I have heard people prefer a Final Fantasy because it is their first is overwhelming.

I think it will sell more than Lightning Returns -Whatever. Because it is far more accessible. Only people who played the previous two games will have a hint at what is going on. I say this because even playing XIII-2 I have no idea what is happening. As all the stroies depth with the gods is rarely present, No matter what people say this is a sequel, as it ends the XIII saga, I just dont know what to make of it. It may be the first FF I do not buy day one… which says a lot coming from me and yes I do intend to pre-order the FFX HD collection.

10 years ago

Nostalgia is very important, but following that to it's natural conclusion would mean that a logical person or presumably corporate entity ought to be able to piece together this basic equation:

-If nostalgia for an old gameplay style is much more sales-inducing than the new experimental western action leanings, then the old way of doing things is more profitable.-

I would argue that FFXIII series is much more accessible because the battles are almost entirely automatic, your HP recharges, and they don't really qualify as RPG's anymore. Unless you were just talking about the story, because yeah FFXIII makes seems to try to make no sense on purpose.

10 years ago

Maybe it'll be the punch in the face that SE needs to smarten the hell up. Listen to the fans rather than saying FU to us.

10 years ago

The question should be will Final Fantasy X outsell ALL Jrpg on PS3 because sadly X HD Will be the best Jrpg on PS3!!

10 years ago

funny how SE tend to messed up the Final Fantasy Series and leave the Dragon Quest series unchanged and yet DQ always sells way MORE. wonder why they don't get it.

10 years ago

If? I hadn't even considered the idea that Lightning 3 could outsell FFX HD.

I think the better question is: When FFX HD outsells Lightning, what will SE's reaction be? Wake up call? Or more excuses?

10 years ago

The re-release might not sell as much as a new title because it's not a new game, it's a re-release.

Of course, if it does outsell Lighting Returns than that means more consumers want that type of FF games than the other.

10 years ago

That would be the logical assumption, but when has SE used information logically? They had no clue all the love for a FFVII remake on the internet meant people wanted one.

10 years ago

It won't tell them anything. They'll say, "WOh! Free money!" Then say, "That was really lucky! Too bad we can't release it again!"

And they will move on.

10 years ago

THey'll create Final Fantasy X-3 starring Lightning =p
Either that or add Yuna DLC to XIII-3.

10 years ago

My god I hope it does, I don't care if doesn't change anything – I just wanna forever be able to bring it up to gamers who don't know any better.

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