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Check Out A Sampling Of Remastered Audio From FFX HD

As franchise fans well know, the music of Final Fantasy is a big part of what makes those games memorable.

That was especially true for Final Fantasy X , which featured arguably one of the greatest original soundtracks in the history of gaming. And when the high-def remake emerges later this year, you'll be treated to a totally remastered score!

You can hear a sample of it below. More than 60 tracks from the original arrangement have been rearranged or remastered in the HD audio, and you get an idea of that overhaul with this brief taste. They focus on the battle theme, which is one of the best ever in Final Fantasy , in my honest opinion. Don't forget that Square Enix really has redone just about everything, and both the visual and audio differences are obvious here. So can't wait.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X HD

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10 years ago

Like Final Fantasy IV on the PSP, is there an option to choose the original soundtrack? I don't mind if it is optional but the guitar riffs on that battle theme were just silly, I can imagine getting sick of that even before I've left besaid…

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 8/24/2013 11:53:31 AM

10 years ago

I'm starting to think you should just pass on this one Ultima.

10 years ago

If I could have my old PS3 with PS2 backwards compatibility I can assure you I would but as I don't have that any more I have no way of making Final Fantasy X playable on a HD TV (and all my other 70+ PS2 games).

Besides, as this game is in my top 10 games of all times it's a must. I just which they didn't change much – Just like the Metal Gear Sold HD Collection, I have absolutely no complaints with that. But to sit and watch a game you adore be altered is sort of hard.

But as for the score, FFX`s score was really relaxing for the the most part with tracks like Besaid, Luca, Tidus's Theme, Guadosalam, so many tracks which will probably be overdone now. If it was just enhancing the audio to the latest surround sound settings I would have no issue, but the music itself shouldnt be tampered.

10 years ago

Oh well, maybe you can get used to the mild changes, it's not as if they scrapped the ATB battle system, made you control one character, and regenerated your health after every battle.

10 years ago

I wonder if the Black Mages were part of re-recording some of this.

10 years ago

I actually like both iterations. I think the newly added electric guitars in the HD version are mixed properly for it to work. However, if they were overbearing I could see it ruining the battle theme.

(phew. Square-enix kept it traditional turn-base) 🙂

10 years ago

With games like this , Ni No Kuni, Tales of Xillia, Tales of Xillia 2, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia 2, Dark Souls 2 and my current backlog I'm definitely going to be a late adopter of the PS4.

Of course, I was a late adopter of the PS3 so nothing new I guess.

10 years ago

I get apprehensive when I hear about going in and screwing around with stuff, but this works and I'm okay with it. I think it sounds better.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/24/2013 1:43:15 PM

10 years ago

More alive, very clear, awesome. This will be worth the long wait. It will also be the best Final Fantasy this generation and it's not even from this generation.

10 years ago

Ha. The irony!

10 years ago

Yeah . They put a good polish to it.

10 years ago

can anybody that knows anything about web pages help me? i broke this website. nothing in the dark blue is showing up. the links still work but i cant see it. like the top where it says psxextreme is just not there.

10 years ago

I have no idea. I would just google it, but be specific about what the issue is. Half the time Yahoo answers are actually helpful.

10 years ago

i have tried google but i dont understand what i am looking for. its not f11. i somehow did it with right clicking and the inspect element option of firefox. i am pretty good with computers but i dont understand web design.

10 years ago

Its going to take me some getting used to, but i think i can adapt to it. As long as 'Someday The Dream Will End' was not messed with in anyway, i'll be very happy.

10 years ago

@frylock25 press the key F11

or you might need to readjust your screen resolution

Last edited by SuMtOnE on 8/24/2013 9:43:19 PM

10 years ago

I had to check these out with my ATH-M50s headphones. They did an amazing job!

10 years ago

So I know I will be in the minority here, but I honestly felt like FFX was the beginning of the end for the FF series. So many of the things that I really hate about the modern FF games started in FFX. It was like they took the game and dumbed it down. They made it too stream lined and simple. You didn't ever have to think or figure out where to go or what to do, all you had to do was follow the path that they provided. Yes, it had a more traditional battle system, but, honestly, I never really thought that there was one battle system that was definitive for all JRPGs. It was always like the one area they could experiment with and shift around. I love the Star Ocean series, and it had a battle system that was nothing like the FF series. To me, the soul of a JRPG is about a mixture of exploration of the world, figuring things out (even if it was almost always really easy), an epic story, and massive growth both in combat ability and in the actual characters (which kind of falls into the epic story part, but not fully).

The spirit of a JRPG is a little hard for me to define I guess, but honestly I felt like FFX was where it first died. Since it was so recently dead, it still looked like something that we all wanted as long as you didn't look very closely, but the life was gone. Ever since then it has just decayed further and further until we get to Lightning Returns.

With a HD remake of FFX and FFX-II I don't feel like I'm getting any thing but a corpse with new make-up slapped onto it.

Standing so prominently in the minority probably wasn't the best thing to do with my first comment on the site, but it looks like this is old enough that most people won't see it anyway, so I guess that's good.

Last edited by Andivarious on 8/28/2013 12:54:19 AM

10 years ago

I think FFX was the very definition of story-driven goodness. It is my favorite FF but I did feel like it started to cross into something dangerous which it would never get out of. FF12 showed more of it despite still being good. Then FF13 finally crossed the threshold and it was no longer a game worth playing.

FF13 and then 13-2 were the only Final Fantasy titles I've ever traded in.

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