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The Last Guardian Not A Top Priority For SCE Japan Studio?

It's still vague, but at least it's an update…kinda.

We didn't hear about The Last Guardian at Gamescom, and it's just another event that has passed without mention of the long-awaited title.

However, during a recent Famitsu interview with Team ICO creative director Fumito Ueda (as cited by Polygon ), we find that the game is still in development. The only problem is that it doesn't top SCE Japan Studio's priority list right now:

"It's under earnest development. However, SCE Japan Studio, who's working on The Last Guardian, also has titles like Puppeteer and Knack, and those are only the ones currently announced. Those are taking priority right now."

That's a little disconcerting. It almost sounds as if he's saying the game is on the back burner, despite his "earnest development" comment. Is it because they're waiting to make the transition to the PlayStation 4? Knack is one of the PS4's confirmed launch titles, even though Puppeteer is just a digital title for the PS3. At this point, one would have to assume that Guardian has become a PS4 exclusive, right?

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago


10 years ago

Wow WTH!!

10 years ago

It's crushingly disappointing, but I've abandoned all optimism for this project. Until I see it on store shelves, TLG is vaporware.

10 years ago

Just burn this along with Agent.

10 years ago

Yeah looks like it's gone next gen, which will only make it take longer. At this point it's probably impossible to make it a good game or a sales success.

10 years ago

This game is dead, its not coming out. And if if it comes out, its going to be lame… Lets forget about it and move on.

The Puppeteer sounds like a lot of fun, and its a real game, so it has that going for it

Last edited by Cho_Quin on 8/21/2013 12:42:10 PM

10 years ago

Sony needs to take this game out to the pasture and put it down. It won't live up to the hype, it won't come close to covering the cost of development, and it likely won't be fun to play given the inner turmoil with the team.

10 years ago

PSN game I bet.

10 years ago

Seems like TLG will be cancelled eventually.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Puppeteer is also getting a retail release. And I'm super psyched for it!

I think the thing to remember with this news is that Team ICO is only a small part of Studio Japan (I think it has a headcount of about 50 people), so it's likely that they're doing their best to smash it out and move it over to PS4, but the rest of the studio are working on their own games. I have a feeling that the Knack team will move over onto TLG when it's finished as they will be able to provide the expertise and if Cerny gets involved in TLG… We will have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.

It's a shame we're still waiting on this, but.

10 years ago

Aye. Puppeteer does look great. So too does it's price.

10 years ago

…and I just tried that Rayman Legends demo and it's incredible.
Really, I think it's going to score some very nice reviews. Platformers can still rock.

10 years ago

Face it (PUH LEEZE); this ship has left the dock; this train has LEFT the station. Like I said; it'll be in Wal Mart bargain bins for $20 (or cheaper) at launch in an "oops moment".

10 years ago

I agree that in all likelihood they will have invested so much in developing then redeveloping for new hardware that this will struggle to get close to break even when released.

10 years ago

well it'll come when it comes i guess for whoever wants it. at least they are working on it.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

minimum of EIGHT years in development and its not the top priority for the studio!?
so when will it be, once it passes DNF territory!?

10 years ago

correction 7 years now but whatever seems like Sony and square enix have something in common they delay games for years need i say more?

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