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Child Of Light: JRPG-Inspired Blend Of Limbo And Final Fantasy

For PSXE readers, anything that's "JRPG-inspired" is bound to get plenty of attention.

Ubisoft's smaller-scale downloadable project, Child of Light , was revealed this week at Gamescom, and it sounds awfully interesting. Far Cry 3 director Patrick Plourde spoke about the game during a GDC Europe panel (as cited by Polygon ).

Built in the Ubi Art Framework, which has been used for titles like Rayman Origins , this fairy tale-inspired game is essentially the "antithesis of a AAA game." After the brutal intensity of Far Cry 3 , it appears that Plourde is pulling a complete 180 and is attempting something, "soft, small and feminine." He decided to recreate "the Golden Age of Illustration," back when children's books featured beautiful, intricate artwork from painters like Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac.

And the games that best captured this aesthetic, according to Plourde? The classic JRPGs from Squaresoft, the ones we so often lament losing. However, while those games were the inspiration, Plourde says he's not going back to sprites; rather, he's creating what looks like the concept art for those old-school pixels. As a frame of reference, he pointed out concept art from renowned Final Fantasy VI artist Yoshitaka Amano. As for the gameplay, we can expect a combination of Limbo and FFVI, with side-scrolling gameplay and turn-based battles.

How the hell that's going to work, we have no idea. We just know we want it. ASAP. This game could make my year .

Related Game(s): Child of Light

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10 years ago

As much as these small JRPG projects interest me it really isn't the same, and it's scary to see them slide into the same realm where genres go to die instead of getting big budget treatments that they deserve. There was never any reason to downgrade this genre that was once so important.

10 years ago

Well said.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, but I say, take what you can get.

10 years ago

Side Scrolling gameplay with turn based battle.

Might be similar to dungeon exploration in Valkyrie Profile 2.

10 years ago

while it is interesting, i gotta ask would the rayman artsy cartoony style suit a RPG?
one thing i HATE about allot of games these days, they choose cell shading where it just totally does not suit the game!
borderlands it works perfectly with the game, the darkness 2 is just stupid!
its like turning on the TV, seeing sesame street than all of a sudden a new character comes in wielding a chainsaw and slicing everyone to bits with blood spraying everywhere.
the darkness is well, its in the name, DARK!
kinda hard to set a dark evil moody mood when everythings sunshine, lollipops and rainbow hit the tops cartoons!
ninja gaiden Z yaba another perfect instance, i got to play a good half hour of it at PAX a few weeks ago and could not help but constantly scream WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS BULLSH*T!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i mean ninja gaiden is one of the darkest goriest games out there, so why does it look like a f*cking cartoon?
come on!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

maybe cuz it's all based in Japanese animation culture?

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
10 years ago

Sounds interesting. Alright, I'll keep an eye on this one.

10 years ago

I hope they can make it work and make tons of profit . Maybe this is the future of turn based rpg ,meaning low budget .Don t care for high end grphics in those so if making them low budget can reive those turn based rpg of old , i m all for it .

10 years ago

This is a test to see if a new product will swim. If it sells well they will invest more time and money into another one.

10 years ago

i'm sure it'll be someone's cup of tea

happy gaming =)

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