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Real Men Cry: What Game(s) Turned On The Waterworks For You?

It has been said that real men cry. Therefore, it shouldn't be humiliating for you to admit it, right? Give it a go.

Over the years, there are have been many games that have captured great emotion. Even the older titles, which couldn't benefit from voice actors and borderline photo-realistic imagery, were able to convey powerful emotion. What are the ones that made you shed tears? Manly tears, of course…

I suppose the scene where Cloud lays Aeris to rest in Final Fantasy VII is on just about everyone's list; you have to be made of stone not to shed a tear or two at that. Actually, I was pissed before I was sad. When Sephiroth came down out of nowhere and buried that freakin' Masamune in Aeris' back, I was just like, "Oh, let me at that fu****. He just killed my best damn mage!" Then, with the scene after, I just about broke down. That sh** was overwhelming, damnit.

I admit I had a tear in my eye when Tidus and Yuna got together in that scene in the water ( Final Fantasy X ). It wasn't really a tear of sadness or even of happiness; it was a complex tear that combined how impressed I was with the artistic visual of the scene, and how much I had wanted to see those two finally come together. I also had tears for the ending of Final Fantasy VIII , which was just too amazing for words. That was wicked epic and totally emotional the whole way through.

I definitely cried at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater . The final encounter followed by the culmination of that story…it's still the very best ending of all time, I say, with FFVIII running a close second. This generation, Heavy Rain definitely got me (more than once, actually), and the end of the intro in The Last Of Us , when Joel suffers that crushing loss. You felt that right in your gut. I may be missing others…maybe if I read some of the comments, I'll remember. 😉

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10 years ago

The only one that really shattered my manly exterior was Final Fantasy VII, I watched in awe and depression and horror and sadness as it happened, but I didn't break down until the disc was complete. I just sat there for awhile, it was about 2AM.

I know I've choked up a couple other times but can't remember what did it or what game.

I've had plenty more moments of exhilaration and elation though.

Now a question for you all: What the HELL was Cloud standing on in that scene?

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

Being infused with Mako energy gives you incredible abilities, including the ability to tread water. I thought that was obvious.

10 years ago

I was more angered than saddened by Aries death. I wanted revenge and was irked at Cloud for being such a whiner about it and refusing to man up sooner. Ha

10 years ago

I wanted him to rage too, but the poor guy had mental problems so I guess we should be sympathetic 🙂

10 years ago

Final Fantasy Crisis Core ending cut scene. I knew what was going to happen but had a tear or two.
Legend of the Dragoon – the reason King Albert join the party.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth- on the psp. multiple characters story were very heartbreaking.

10 years ago

"The Last of Us" made me cry during the beginning and in fact, my wife got up and walked out of the living room.

10 years ago

I cried a bit after beating Lost Odyssey and the Xenosaga games. Mainly because I enjoyed the games so much that I was very sad that there wasn't anymore stories or adventures I got to experience with them.

10 years ago

TLOU is ontop of my list, i had trouble getting the game to work.
so i seen Joel's loss at the start several times. when i finaly got
TLOU to work, i wish i could've skipped the intro. it never got easier
to watch…..

the secound on my list, RDR

10 years ago

COD MW3… But they were more tears of anger than sadness. Killing Soap the way that they did was awful… Thinkin' back to everything he went through in COD 4 and MW2 made a brother boo hoo. Oh and MW2 when they got spectre… FFX/X-2 a couple of times lol. One of the Fables when the dog dies.

Last edited by LowKey on 8/12/2013 11:38:29 PM

10 years ago

My first PSone game… Legend of the Dragoon, first disc, when the Moon Gem was taken. I'm not gonna explain it to avoid spoilers, but if you know what I'm talking about… you KNOW what I'm talking about. Snake Eater's final Battle had me salute the game… I didn't cry, but that definitely gets an honourable mention.

10 years ago

The Last of Us. A few times it touched me personally since I have daughters.


In the beginning when Sarah was shot my heart sank. I also was touched by Ashley's performance when Ellie told Joel that she would only be more scared if he left her with Tommy. I was mad at Joel for treating her that way.


The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword brought tears of joy. It was just heart warming witnessing the love that Link and Zelda had for one another. It was an open romantic love rather they were both shy about it. The flirting and joy they had when they interacted with one another was just adorable.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/12/2013 11:42:30 PM

10 years ago


Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

The moment :Spoilers: Agro falls near the end of Shadow of the Colossus was a pretty shocking moment. I never knew a silent character (and a horse at that) could have such an impact on my emotions.

10 years ago


10 years ago

well never actually cried but have had a few close calls when i probably could have shed a tear or 2. SPOILERS WARNING

close's i ever came was just last year at the end of The Walking Dead i won't spoil it but anyone who's played it knows exactly how emotional that was.

Uncharted 2 at the end when it looked like elena wasn't gonna make it.. yea that got me.

and gotta agree with ben on MGS3. its my all time favorite game ending. and a very heartfelt moment. And i'll also throw in MGS4 ending when Snake put the gun in his mouth, camera pans away and BANG. i was like NOOOO!! SNAKE!!! damn almost felt like losing an old friend xD

10 years ago

Please tell me you watched after the credits. Just checking.

10 years ago

haha yea man i've played it like 6 times. but the first time seeing that.. godamn.

10 years ago


Definitely the ending of Snake Eater.
What EVA wrote in the note for Snake was too damn sad about The Boss.
An unsung hero will never be as tragic as a hero who died for his/her country and yet in the name of politic and peace, will forever be remembered as a villain.
When Big Boss cried at the grave, my tears came out, first time that has ever happened to me.

****END SPOILER*****

10 years ago

This topic came around at the right time for me because I just saw Linkin Park's Castle of Glass video. It was really hard to hold back the tears on that one. As far as games I think I really teared up when the camera pans over to Squall on the Balcony with Rinoa in FFVIII. For some strange reason I cry when I hear GLaDOS sing 'I'm Still Alive'. I think her computer voice has a strange psychological effect on me.

10 years ago

FFVII got spoiled for me so I knew it was coming. The only game that I remember really got me was the end of Okami.

10 years ago

all the final fantasy. they each have their moments… but Final Fantasy XIII got me the most in tears. I paid FULL PRICE and found out it SUCKS =(. im still havin a few tears writing this sniffles sniffles

10 years ago


10 years ago

Oooh! Going back to Shadow Moses in MGS4 and hearing 'The Best is Yet to Come'. That was all sorts of mixed emotions. Joy, Sorrow, Fear & Pain.

The End.

10 years ago

"Adaaaa!".. just kidding
You know what mostly triggers the tears in sad parts? the music. I think that's what triggers enough emotion to actually bring on the tears.

Red Dead is one of the recent games that got me.

10 years ago

One more. Legacy of Kain: Defiance ending. Powerful.

Last edited by fatelementality on 8/13/2013 12:19:08 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

metal gear solid 4,when sunny asks octocon where snake is & he replies "snake had a hard life":that got me.
Heavy rain,The last of us & The darkness.

10 years ago

If Snake really died like he was supposed to… that would have pierced some hearts.

10 years ago

"And that was… the end of the line."

Yeah, The Darkness was moving, though Jackie's lips never did…

10 years ago

Kingdom Hearts series. I don't remember all the moments exactly, but the themes of that game combined with the music and the characters plucked on my heart strings like nothing else.

I was super sad a couple of times in Legend of Dragoon too.

I wasn't like sad but I got epic goosebump chills during the intro to Darksiders 2 when death is riding to the frozen castle…that music is just…omg so good.

MGS3 that ending and the whole story about the Boss, man…heavy stuff.

I know I have teared up in a lot of games for sad, happy, or epic reasons.

Oh most of the time I was playing journey my eyes were watering and at the end I was just wet in the face. Not crying it was almost like a detox of emotions, but again it was very powerful how I felt.

10 years ago

Lavitz's death in the Legend of Dragoon, and the ending of Crisis Core. The ending of MGS3 STILL makes me teary every time I see it. There's also several VNs if you consider them games.

10 years ago

Crisis Core at many moments… especially when you know how it ends before it begins. It is a prelude, afterall.

FF6 Cyan bidding farewell to his wife and child…

Actually, now that I mention that, anything that involves those themes now that I'm a dad. I always get immersed in the stories, so I automatically feel like it's my own child. Last of Us… Heavy Rain… ugh… they don't just make me tear up, they make me sick to my core!!

Games can be art… just…. SO can be.

10 years ago

It's not really a PS game…
But this indie game called "To the Moon" by Freebird games. Everything in it is absolutely somber and wonderful. The ending will stay with me for years to come.
If anyone has a PC or a laptop, PLEASE play this game. You will not forget its story.

Last edited by booze925 on 8/13/2013 12:51:13 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot- Journey did it to me, too.

10 years ago

Same here. Left me speechless and out of Puff's.

10 years ago

ending of Xenosaga 3.

Also one of the ending on ( hours 9 persons 9 doors ALMOST made me cry.

Im sure Arc the Lad 2 did at some point too, though I could name far more anime that made me cry

10 years ago

The Last of Us was certainly an emotional roller coaster. No game has hit me that hard.

But other games out of pure joy like the Uncharted games!

Damn you ND! Bring out my sensitive side.

10 years ago

Hey, no mention of the classics????

What about ActRaiser 2 ending on the SNES? The statue slowly eroding through time and the prayers in the speech?

MGS4 has many moments like that, Snake crawling through the microwave hall, the "I have no future" line, Otacon telling Sunny where Snake went among many others.

MGS3, Snake saluting the Boss' grave.

Heavy Rain and the sad endings.

Oh crap, how could I forget!!!

Chopper's death in Ace Combat 5, Jesus H. Christ, everyone on your squad screaming at the top of their lungs: Chooopeeeeer!!!!

Man, those memories scarred me for life!

10 years ago

FF7 didn't do a thing to me. I guess since early on I favored Tifa between the 2. If they would've done that to Tifa, that would of got me.

The only game to ever get me a bit teary eyed would be the ending and secret ending to FFX. Amazing game and amazing story.

10 years ago

can't say I ever cried during a game but I know I got extremely depressed for like a month after beating persona 3

10 years ago

My vision got cloudy after that intro for The Last of Us. It's normally very difficult for a game to get me like that.

One that sent punches of sadness to the gut was Legend of Zelda's Majora Mask. With how Link had to acquire the Goron and Zora mask to take on their role so he could avenge them along the way of his quest.. What was chilling was the fact that even after completing, their people never realize that their hero was no longer living.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Sorry guys… Nothing here. No tears on my eyes. Just emotional feelings (TLOU).

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
10 years ago

Hmmm…The Last of Us. When Trish died in Infamous. MGS Peacewalker when Big Boss is pounding on the mamal pod.

10 years ago

No game or movie has ever made me cry. Street Fighter 2 on SNES got me to the verge of tears a few times, but it wouldn't have been tears of sadness more tears of frustration because of M. Bison.

There are plenty of games that have made me feel sad though. Certainly the end of MGS 3. The Last of Us had quite a few sad moments as well. Those would be the two games that got to me the most. MGS 1 and Peacewalker didn't get to me quite as much but did have some scenes that I could see would make people cry. I think the MGS series in general is very good at doing that.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 8/13/2013 4:52:27 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

**SPOILERS FOR MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted 3, Minor spoilers for God of War III and inFamous 2**

As others have said, the ending to MGS4. Snake kneeling in that graveyard; it's so poignant. I've watched it three times now and every time have ended up with tears smarting in my eyes.
Valkyria Chronicles. When Isara cops that bullet… and then Rosie's song, A Love Passed On, just beautiful, beautiful scenes.
Uncharted 3. That moment when Nate comes back from his escapades on the ocean liner, utterly exhausted, lays his head on Elena's lap and expresses how urgently he wants to find Sully – not a sad moment, but a really, REALLY powerful one.

Can I also add in a couple of powerful moments that didn't make me cry but have stuck with me?
(Baha. Asking permission when I'm going to do it anyway. :D)
God of War III, where Pandora is trying to inspire Kratos: "You're wrong Kratos. Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost."
inFamous 2: "I don't know if you've ever let someone down, got your ass kicked or straight up failed. But those are the moments that define us. They push you further than you've ever thought possible, and force you to make choices. No matter what the cost."
That is all.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 8/13/2013 5:00:53 AM

10 years ago

I'll just add the ending of Final Fantasy IX, the very last moments and then the song Melodies Of Life played. It's just beautiful. And one scene from Resonance Of Fate.

10 years ago

My mom was murdered a few years ago, so the beginning of Ni No Kuni really caught me off guard. Had to stop playing for a moment. Leave it to Studio Ghibli to pour out some emotion.

10 years ago

The games which always get to me no matter how many times I played were.

Metal Gear Peace walker when Peace Walker destroys
it'self to save everyone.

Metal Gear 4 when Snake was going to kill himself, the microwave moment and the final boss.

TLOU intro was just plain sad.

Hell even the Metal Gear V E3 trailer made me cry.

10 years ago

Never cried during a game. "Old Yeller" on the other hand got to me.

10 years ago

I've played a lot of games that made me feel a lot if emotions..but I've never been pushed to the man tears bc of those instances..However, one game that brought them up was Uncharted 2 when walking up the stair case to Shambala. Definition of eye bleeding graphics that made me realize how far games have come

10 years ago

There are quite a few. The endings of Kingdom hearts and MGS4 really got me.
*Uncharted 2 spoiler*
The scene where Schafer dies in Uncharted 2 is also a tear jerker.
*Starcraft spoiler*
Tassadar sacrificing himself in Starcraft I also found somewhat emotional.

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