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Barlog Returns To SCEA, Working On A “Freaking Huge” Game

And when we say "home," we mean Sony Santa Monica studio, where we say he belongs .

After working with Tomb Raider team Crystal Dynamics, Mad Max developer Avalanche Studios, and even "Star Wars" creator George Lucas, God of War II director Cory Barlog has returned to Sony Santa Monica.

He announced his return in a recent PlayStation Blog post, but he unfortunately wouldn't provide us with any details concerning his current project. He did say, however, that they've got an "Ocean's 11"-style cast of designers and the game is "freaking huge." He's also looking for some peeps to help out:

"If you are a freaking rock star unafraid to roll your sleeves up and take risks, reading this thinking that your current digs are feeling…well…a bit small, a bit dull and in need of some excitement–you need to contact me at Sony Santa Monica."

Wow. No idea what the hell is going on over there, but I'll hazard a guess: God of War IV for the PS4! Well, why not? What else could it even be? Unless, of course, they're laying the GoW IP to rest for awhile and they've opted to work on something completely new. Either way, it's probably for the PS4 and we can't wait to see it.

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11 years ago

Sweet. The director to the best GoW game is back in home court. Woo hoo!

Shepherd Book
Shepherd Book
11 years ago

I would love it if they took a run at Heavenly Sword 2.

11 years ago

They have the sci fi writer from Battlestar Galactica on board for it too write? Freaking huge = outer space? More evidence for Savage Starlight?

11 years ago

Ocean's 11 style cast of designers? Would that also include David Jaffe?

11 years ago

I'd be surprised if it was another God of War, he's probably been coaxed back by the lure of having the freedom to craft his own big IP.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
11 years ago

He did an unbelievably good job with God of War II. All the games were good, but it was without a doubt the best one.
I thought he did a particularly good job with pacing of the action and story, in addition of the obvious technical benchmarks set on the PS2.
Glad to see him back with Sony. I'm sure something badass is in the works.

11 years ago

New GoW could have the Persian War and then start off right after part 3, after Kratos's body is gone, will he find himself with his brother in hades realm? See what is going to take place! Could do a twist in time with Egypt as Kratos's unleashes his brutality against the Egyptian gods. Anything is possible and you just know the story and gameplay will be brutal, bloody, gore and everything that is expected of GoW!

11 years ago

now they only need david back, and it will be the old team again!
i seriously doubt their next project is GOW related.
allot of rumors are going around saying there working on a open world shooter.
im not sure which id rather, GOW really needs to go back to its roots, and now cory is back it will.
but, well, im all GOWd out!
ah f*ck it, give us a new IP for the launch of ps4 then you can get to work blowing us away bringing kratos back to his core roots!
and just remember, boss battles are great and all, graphics are great and all, but there nothing if the game aint fun and challenging!
cough GOW3………

11 years ago

David Jaffe and Cory Barlog bringing another God of War to PS4

11 years ago

well it cud be GOW4 or something else but watever it is it sud be awsome.

happy gaming =)

11 years ago

After the bad taste GoWA gave they need to start making GoWIV asap!

Last edited by Oxvial on 8/10/2013 4:18:55 AM

11 years ago

I think it's a new IP. God of War IV would be to obvious.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

New ip

11 years ago

As much as I love the GOW series, I really hope it's a new IP.

I'd say give GOW a rest for now, and create something awesome!