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Volition Wasn’t Happy About Tera Patrick Promoting Saints Row 2

Yeah, I think we all knew that it was a ploy for attention and nothing more.

If you don't remember, mega pornstar Tera Patrick was employed to help promote Saints Row 2 as part of the Ultor Exposed DLC. However, this was publisher THQ's idea; developer Volition didn't think too highly of the plan. In a new Edge interview , Volition Associate Producer Kate Nelson said the pornstar angle "didn't really fit."

"I did not always love how much THQ put an emphasis on porn stars. I think it’s important in marketing games to make sure that the essence of the game is what’s being marketed, and I think the porn star angle didn’t really fit in with what Saints Row is at heart, which is a parody. We like to poke fun."

She added that the team wasn't too enamored with the idea of naming Patrick a "special producer." It's a little funny to think of Patrick as any sort of producer for a video game, and Nelson obviously didn't like it, either:

"Saying that someone who had no industry experience was in a role that is sexualised as a producer of our project, or saying the penthouse girls are our QA staff – I just…I can see the humour in that angle of promotion but for me that’s the line where it gets into reality."

Saints Row has always been about pushing the envelope in regards to offensive material. But it always has been very tongue-in-cheek, and having real-life pornstars promoting a piece of DLC goes a little beyond "tongue-in-cheek," I think. …use your own dirty minds to come up with a quip concerning that last sentence. 😉

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10 years ago

I can kind of see that, you want to have a line somewhere and have marketing that fits.

10 years ago

yeah i think it kinda crossed the line how far cud be debated but i don't agree.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

gone are the days where advertisement actually had something to do with the product.
the budget car insurance ad for instance, all has is a naked women in the shower pronouncing budget wrong because of her strong french accent.
WTF does a woman singing in the shower have to do with car insurance?

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