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Iron Mike Couldn’t Even Beat Glass Joe

Before you laugh too hard, remember one thing- back in the day, non-gamers had no shot at being successful. All games were designed for those who practiced and practiced.

…even so, it's still funny. Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is an icon of the ring, but he had some definite problems with his NES game, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

In fact, he just told TMZ that he couldn't even beat the game's first opponent, Glass Joe:

"I couldn't even beat Glass f***ing Joe. I couldn't beat Glass Joe; you know what I mean? I couldn't even play the game. I'm a late bloomer. I started playing games in 2006, 2007."

We're not sure how much he plays, though, because he said he really likes to play "Tour of Duty" and basically any game with zombies. By the way, Iron Mike actually had two other games after the '86 classic; there was Mike Tyson Boxing in 2000 for the original PlayStation and Mike Tyson's Heavyweight Boxing that released for the PS2 and Xbox in 2002. Yeah, games were a lot harder back then but I mean come on…Glass Joe?

Even I could beat Glass Joe.

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11 years ago

Well we didn't like him for his brains 🙂

11 years ago

This makes me want to play Mike Tyson's Punch Out! If only they didn't have to change it to Punch Out.

11 years ago

With all of these classics getting HD revamps, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out would be a great one to see (provided Nintendo would allow it to go multi-platform).

11 years ago

If im not mistaken, there was one for the Wii. I remember wanting it….but didnt want a wii.

Nevermind, I think it was a Lil Mac sequel

Last edited by H0TSHELLZ on 7/25/2013 4:07:36 PM

11 years ago

I fight it hard to believe that its possible to not beat Glass Joe. I wonder if he tried to play the game like an actual boxer. Its not a simulator man!

11 years ago

This is one of my favorite games of all time.

11 years ago

Coincidentally as of late, I've been playing this game, and it never fails to destroy all hopes I have of ever beating it…

The furthest I've gotten is…Soda Popinski?

Still struggling, but I'll beat this classic one day.

11 years ago

I suppose it's possible. Not everyone has the ultimate skills it requires take down the final boss of Punch Out! 🙂

Seriously, I had more trouble with the Sandman than Mr Dream.

photo K
photo K
11 years ago

Tour of Duty??? LOL c'mon MIKE! I love Punch Out, such a classic, I never fully beat the game either, I could never react fast enough to beat Tyson, his pattern is hard to figure out and he is so damn strong.

11 years ago

Tour of Duty is actually an amazing turn-based RPG. You guys should check it out.

11 years ago

in my top 10 difficult games of all time Punch-out made it in the 5….. Punch- Out, Motorbike, the duck hunter game & Mario make me think bout going retro session sometimes with some leafs twisted.

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