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Is The Current Generation Of Consoles One Of The Best Ever?

While it's certainly true that more games will arrive for the current generation of consoles, there's no denying that the upcoming transition may be quite abrupt.

It seems like hardware manufacturers, developers and gamers alike are all champing at the bit, ready and rarin' to go. It's also difficult to pinpoint high-profile titles that are only coming out for the PS3, 360 or Wii after 2013 is over.

So, where would you rank the current generation all time? How does it stack up to the glory days of the 16-bit era, when the SNES and Genesis owned the world? Or how about the awesome combination of the original PlayStation, N64 and PC. Don't forget that 1998 was one of the very best years in gaming history for all three of those platforms. Of course, the PC is always relevant in every era, so perhaps that isn't fair. How do you feel about the PS2, Xbox and GameCube generation? Was the GameCube just too disappointing? Or was the PS2 just that damn good that it wins all by itself?

I'm still not sure where I'd put the PS3/360/Wii generation on the all-time scale. It really depends on the criteria one uses; if one puts more emphasis on revolutions in the world of interactive entertainment, things get dicey. One could argue that there have been significant revolutions and evolutions in each and every generation. If you're only going by the quality of the games, you run into another sticky situation, just because it's almost impossible to qualitatively compare a PS3 game to an SNES game. Then again, you could just take the easy way out and pick the generation that you personally loved the most. I'm sure you have your reasons.

If I'm going with my favorite generation, I might have to pick the original PlayStation, just because that, coupled with the PC, represented my most memorable moments in gaming between the years 1995 and 2000.

How's about you?

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11 years ago

I think for me the PS2 had the biggest variety of genres with a great amount of JRPGs.

I think that the PS3 has had some of the most memorable story driven games, like uncharted and the last of us.

I would say that the PS2 still hasn't been beaten though, just so much new and awesome stuff was born on that console.

11 years ago

Overall yes,a lot of top quality games. but personally, no. Not enough of my preferred "sub-genre", the "JRPGs".

11 years ago

The answer depends on "what games you like".

For fighting game fans, this generation has been -fantastic-, definitely the best ever. Street Fighter IV brought about a renaissance of fighting games and made them (relatively) mainstream again, and online play, while not perfect, has been a boon for the genre. Say what you will about Capcom's blunders in the past year or so, but there's no question that they've done right by fighting games on the whole this generation.

If you like JRPGs, on the other hand, this generation has been abysmal on console. Portables have been pretty good, though not quite on par with the PS2 era. But aside from a few gems (led far and away by Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii), the console scene has been terrible.

The fighting game fan in me has had a lot of fun this generation, and I look forward to that continuing in next gen, though I'm not in any hurry. The JRPG fan in me, however, wants this generation to end RIGHT NOW so I can maybe play some goddamn great JRPGs on a console again. I'm already looking forward to Project X, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, so my body is ready.

Last edited by Ultima on 7/21/2013 10:43:55 PM

11 years ago

I think the PS3/360 generation is pretty far down the list of greatness. Microsoft's full attention on the industry basically kicked off the destruction of the JRPG during the early exclusivity buyouts. Their DVD format held the entire generation back. Devs never really got the hang of the PS3 except Naughty Dog. Call of Duty poisoned the well in favor or action/shooters so that nothing else could survive. Japanese devs lost their way (and their minds).

I think the PS4 generation will be exponentially better because the really good stuff that got tried out on PS3 and 360 will have the hardware, media, and infrastructure to be fully realized. Plus indie games and small development communities are going to energize this whole thing from the ground up, maybe even show big pompous AAA devs what can succeed when there's some heart put into it.

11 years ago

Totally agree. I am really excited for the next generation.

It could be a renaissance of gaming.

11 years ago

I have a feeling this new generation is going to be more of the same. As of right now there is not a single game in both platforms that screams Im NEW. I'm speaking of big titles. The only thing I see going for this generation is Indie games but when I say that I mean the first ones only not sequels.

11 years ago

I agree Mexican, but we're months away from launch, when lineups are never looking great. I think as the gen unfolds you will be impressed again.

11 years ago

only played 2 generations – the Atari 2600 – and the current generation.

Have to say Im liking the current offering

11 years ago

You fall into a coma between those two or something?

11 years ago

LMAO hopefully that's not true because then it would not be funny lol

11 years ago

I've been watching too much anime, everyone's either in a coma or has amnesia lol.

11 years ago

Hmm… i had a decent time with the last Generation of consoles.. i had the Gamecube and thoroughly enjoy the Remake of RE1, RE4 as well as games like Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Soul Caliber 2.. but id say this generation was the best for me with all the great games that have come out for my PS3 and plenty still on the way this year… some of the highlighted games for me so far have been Persona 4 Arena,God of War 3,Alice:Madness Returns, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series,Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City,the Tomb Raider reboot, Dishonored, Infamous 2, Bioshock 2, and Saints Row the Third, and Star Ocean The Last Hope International… im looking forward to getting a hold of Tales of xilla, Batman: Arkham Origins, Watchdogs, Saints Row 4 and The Last of Us as well.. a good generation all around.

11 years ago

I like the innovation the PS3 offered with Heavy Rain, Mirror's Edge,and Naughty Dog's outings.

11 years ago

Y'know, there was plenty of innovations this generation. Perhaps more subtle than say 2D to 3D, but still plenty smaller innovations.

11 years ago

PS2 was just so diverse and plentiful… I gotta go PS2.

11 years ago

PS2/PC overall is the best days of gaming for me thats all I needed then.

11 years ago

No, this generation is definitely not one of the best.

I mean, most PS fans would use Naughty Dog as a reason why it IS the best, but one developer can't define a generation.

Personally, I think the PS1 era was the best. But I really do believe the PS4 generation will be the best ever.

11 years ago

Games from Naughty Dog, Rockstar, MediaMolecule, GuerrillaGames, Sony Santa Monica, Kojima Productions and Quantic Dream have really defined this generation for me. Such diversity in there as well.

But honestly, Naughty Dog have made this the best generation all by themselves.

11 years ago

I'm biased with nostalgia over the NES-SNES and of course PS1-N64. There were way more games back then that made it easier to dwelve into the game's world with the rich story and soundtrack that made the 'bad' graphics seem trivial and have little importance in purchasing a game. I know that's a rare thing for someone of my young age to say, but oh well.

What I do love is the increased connectivity for the current and up-coming gen of games. Multiplayer seems pretty rare back then compared to now.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 7/22/2013 12:59:00 AM

11 years ago

For me it really just depends on how you look at it. To me the most nostalgic is the NES and Sega days. It was just fun and a good time to remember. In terms of diversity it was hands down the PS2. But in terms of overall quality this generation has produced some of the best games ever in larger quantities.

11 years ago

The Title should be Changed to Current generation Console that is the Playstation 4.

11 years ago

um i have to say for just one gen the ps2 cos thats wat i grew up on and sme of my still to this day fav games were on there but as i had a few ps1 titles with the reverse compatible ness but ps2 has given me the vast majority of my best console and gaming memories and the games variety of quality and genre was the ps2,so for me ps2 was my fav so far over all but the ps3 was still gud.
happy gaming =)

Last edited by PlatformGamerNZ on 7/22/2013 6:42:09 AM

11 years ago

No, Microsoft held this generation back with DVDs, shooters, and buying exclusives.

I really love the Sega Dreamcast. So many great games.

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

ps2 was the world

11 years ago

When you take nostalgia out of the equation and look at the huge variety of games and ways to interact with games, this generation takes the cake!!

I have found several games, input and control methods along with many innovations and technical leaps that far surpass anything the previous generations have achieved.

Here is my personal list of why this generation is by far the best. I hope many of you will agree.

1. Blu-ray. PS2 made DVD popular back in 2000, but if it weren't for the PS3, hardly anyone would know or even care to buy a Blu-ray player. It was because every PS3 had it that people used it, and it expanded from there. Well played Sony.

2. Motion controls. The Wii introduced us to Wii Sports and gave players (along with the new and massive audience of Casual players) a new way to interact with games. PS3 gave us the incredibly accurate (and barely used) Move controller, while Microsoft innovated again with body tracking, gesture controls and voice recognition in Kinect.

3. Music games. Harmonix are creative geniuses, matching incredibly fun dance or instrumental gameplay with awesome music in video game form. Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Dance Central (along with the upcoming Fantasia: Music Evolved) are some of the most fun and memorable party games enjoyed with friends and family.

4. HD gaming. I had no idea just how pretty console games could be until Uncharted, Heavenly Sword and Heavy Rain came along. Even The Last of Us continues to Wow gamers by pushing the graphical limits of the current gen of consoles! I never thought I would see the day where I'd say, "Wow, these PS2 graphics are ugly!" Thank you HD gaming.

5. Online gaming. With Xbox Live leading the way in 2005, and PSN soon to catch up, gamers can now play with anyone anywhere in the world with any of their favourite games, all with the simple press of a button. Splitscreen is still around for when you want to play with your friends on the couch, but online gaming was perfected this generation! The popularity of online gaming, social networking and sharing your gaming experiences are now the pillars of what next-gen consoles are built around.

6. Downloadable / Indie games. Discounted, smaller but by no means lesser in quality or fun, these games pushed the boundaries in gaming in more ways than just prettier graphics. They twisted our minds, surprised us and gave us unique experience. Braid, Flower, Journey, all giving us that sense of wonder once again, in bite size form.

7. Disc-based games still rule! While there has been an increase in games being downloaded this generation, many gamers still turn to good ol' discs when playing games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Gran Turismo or God of War. Games can be traded, borrowed and played anytime with no second thought given to installs and online activation requirements. I'll always cherish my library sitting on my shelves.

8. Consoles as media centres. Downloading or streaming music, movies and TV shows has never been easier, and it was all built in this generation. While the PS2 could play DVD's, the PS3 could play Blu-rays, DVD's, stream media content from your PC or local network, download movies and TV shows or stream music and movies from services like Music Unlimited or Videos Unlimited. With this generation, the consumer has more choice than ever for accessing their favourite media content.

9. The exclusives. While Microsoft has incredible franchises like Halo (love it or hate it, it's still a massively popular franchise) Gears of War, Fable and Forza, the PS3 has seen the likes of Motorstorm, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, God of War, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain, Ratchet and Clank, Littlebig Planet, Killzone, Infamous, The Last of Us and many many more!!

10. Gaming diversity. While FPS' certainly became more popular this generation, the number of different games and various genres is staggering compared to previous generations!! In the NES days, it was mostly 2D platformers. SNES has platformers, fighting games and RPG's, but the genres truly burst out with the original Playstation. PS3 however, has the greatest number of genres of games and varying experiences. From Call of Duty to Just Dance, from Wii Sports to Heavy Rain, from Gran Turismo to Gears of War, from Journey to God of War, from The Last of Us to Braid. The true power of this generation is best displayed from the large libraries of games many gamers have built this generation, and the sky-rocketing sales that go along with it.

It is true that there has been a decline in JRPG's, but that is but one decline in a generation of many innovations and technical achievements. We still had several pickings of JRPGs on PSP and Nintendo DS, so to say that this generation is not the best just because of that is highly opinionated and incredibly biased.

I will enjoy this generation, the greatest generation, for at least a few years more before moving onto the next. All I can say is that the PS4 and Xbox One certainly have their work cut out for them.

11 years ago

A well thought out response, respect.

11 years ago

Amazing post, Dancemachine.

11 years ago

Awesome post Dancemachine, agree on every point 🙂

11 years ago

One of the select few who actually recognizes and reflects every genre in a positive light. Impressive and amazing, indeed.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 7/23/2013 7:13:26 PM

11 years ago

I would like to think that this generation has been the best for me because I have played more games this generation than I did for the last 4 generations put together, but I'm not quite sure whether it is or not.

I have had a blast with games since I played my first game on the NES, and I wouldn't trade in the experience of witnessing how games have evolved over the years since the time I played that first round of Duck Hunt way back in 1986.

Really to me, games are only now just beginning to take the shape and form that my imagination in my early youth believed games should look like, and I would love to see the trend continue in that direction, but only as long as gaming genres don't keep drying up as we have already seen this generation with JRPGs to accommodate that change.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 7/22/2013 5:28:00 PM

11 years ago

Not a coma – parolled

Just joking

11 years ago

The Original Playstation was easily the best gen in my opinion. I was the perfect age to experience everything it had. I had fun with Spyro and Crash, but still was old enough to appreciate the magic that was MGS and Chrono Cross as well.

And Twisted Metal 2! I used to go to my friends house after school every day for months on end and play TM2 for hours. His mom used to kick us out if we played too long.

We got our playstation in 1998, I was 14 years old. We got it for Christmas and Crash Bandicoot was the first game we had for it. I got MGS later that winter. I completed Crash Bandicoot 100% with one of my friends, we had the save on a memory card and we would bring it to each others house and play.

MGS is the game that really sucked me in though. Playing it took gaming from a hobby to something more for me. It was the first time I felt an emotion (other than anger because I couldn't beat a level) while playing a video game. The original playstation hooked me.

And now, even though I don't have enough time to play as much as I would like to, I still feel that connection to video games. It's the reason I preordered a PS4, even though I most likely won't play it much. It all started with the original Playstation.

11 years ago

PS1 is the best era for me (though PS2 is right there with it, but just below). My favorite genre (Survival Horror) was basically born that gen.

I'm hoping it makes a return back in style this upcoming gen with the PS4, because I'm craving some real survival horror games.

11 years ago

It was a great gen but pales in comparison to the last gen and the NES-PSone eras. PS2 is still my favorite console of all time and I do think its library was good enough that it beats out this gen by itself. Xbox and Gamecube had no where near as good libraries, even if you combine them but each did have some gems as well so when you factor those in, and the fact that not everything had to be a shooter, you get a much better generation on the whole.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 7/23/2013 2:51:40 AM

11 years ago

Hmmm, no love for the Commodore 64? With games like Impossible Mission, Cauldron II, Pitstop II, Green Beret, Gauntlet, and the Epyx 'Games' series!
I would probably put the current generation first, closely followed by the Commodore 64 then the Playstation 1, then Playstation 2.
Am I too old for this thread! Haha!

11 years ago

for me the Ps3 is the best console. with previous consoles i still had ideas of wanting more in a console when it comes to games. Ps3 broke that since got mine feb 2007. its nothing else my mind wonders & say this feature or amount of detail should be available….. without a doubt PS4 mine but next gen & future consoles im not anticipating….. based on what i hear bout Ps4 my view might change.

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