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PSXE Poll Update: GTAV Has A Great Chance At GotY 2013

It's not only one of the most anticipated games of 2013, it's one of the most anticipated of the entire generation.

When that happens, expectations go through the roof. So, how many of our readers think Grand Theft Auto V is already a lock for Game of the Year? Well, quite a few, but not quite the majority. Most think it has a really good chance of bringing home top honors in 2013, while a large chunk believe GTAV will undoubtedly be the best of the best. We've seen lots of great footage already and that gameplay debut went over very well. Hey, it's Rockstar. Since when do they deliver anything less than elite quality?

This week, we want to know how you see this generation shaping up. Obviously, it's impossible to predict a clear-cut winner right now, but which console manufacturer do you see winning this upcoming generation? Which system will end up selling the most? Are you going with the PS4, which appears to have the edge heading into the war? Or will Microsoft's stranglehold on the US only strengthen, and thus rocket the Xbox One to victory? Or, maybe you're one of the Nintendo faithful and you see the Wii U staging an improbable rise to power…

Let us know.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

PS3 won the last one with about a hundred strikes against it so I'd say PS4 will win it handily.

11 years ago

I agree. With all the negativity surrounding the Xbox One and the novelty factor seemingly worn off from Nintendo, this competition is Sony's to lose. They had better not muck it up.

11 years ago

It will be close…in the US.

11 years ago

Makes me ashamed of my country sometimes.

11 years ago

i'm have to give my appologies to GTA fans cos quite simply if GTA V wins GOTY i will be upset i'd much prefer TLOU or bioshock infinite or even tomb raider i just think that these games give me more than GTA as i've never really been a fan of the series any way and unless it gets more than TLOU in scores then it wud just not give GOTY award justice but hey thats just me i meant no affence
happy gaming =)

11 years ago

No, you are 100% correct. Theres no doubt R* delivers in quality, but people buy GTA because of its fun factor. And by that I mean you can bypass the story and just run around doing random things. Thats how most people play this game. You never hear people talk about the missions, but you hear things like "I picked up a hooker and drove under a bridge" or "I got the military to chase me, I crashed my car, jumped into the river, swam to the other side, ran into a building and started shooting down helicopters with my rocket launcher… awesome!"

That to me isnt goty. Like I said they have qualities and are developed well, and they do what they are intended to do well. But lets be honest for a second and really compare the qualities of the three titles you mentioned to any previous GTA's and they have some qualities GTA just doesnt touch and overall GTA doesnt add up to much when compared.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/22/2013 11:52:51 AM

11 years ago

I think it will be close here in the U.S. Most of the MS crowd remind me of lemmings, running over the brink to disaster. That is pointing my finger at some of my own family (nephews), who seem to be wearing blinders.

11 years ago

I believe Sony and the PS4 could walk away this generation.

Microsoft will have its American stronghold to cling to, but the rest of the world seems to understand that Sony is the way to go.

11 years ago

I'm going to have to agree with bigrailer. As good as GTA V will be, i just don't think it'll be able to hold a candle to TLOU in terms of overall awesomeness. Fun factor is definitely part of the whole picture, but if we went only by that then bayonetta would've won game of the year!!! Super fun game but it didn't have the story or graphics to really contend. Same could be said about Vanquish as well. If were going by the whole picture including story, graphics, gameplay, AI and hell even multiplayer, TLOU takes the cake. I hold my reservations for GTAV because i know it's going to be epic. I just don't think it'll be as epic as TLOU.

11 years ago

Agreed DjEzzy. I think GTAV could completely rewrite the open world genre, but TLOU is truly groundbreaking to me. It has some of the best performances, story structure and gameplay ever devised. Truly masterful.

GTAV looks like a great iteration the GTA formula, but I think its familiarity will be felt which may hold it back from the greatness of TLOU. We can't even comment on this yet until GTAV is released.

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