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More Grand Theft Auto V Details

As the information continues to flow, we get more and more excited. Bring it on!

Grand Theft Auto V is less than two months away now (yep, only two months!), and we're soaking up as many details as humanly possible.

The latest batch comes from European source Area Jugones , citing the recent Famitsu feature about Rockstar's hotly anticipated blockbuster.

There's simple stuff, like the fact that each character's unique special abilities can be accessed with L3. We also learn that we can use ATMs to check our balance, play the role of a taxi by picking up hitchhikers, watch videos on our mobile phones, and take advantage of "hundreds of accessories" for your dog. We've heard about the TLC your pet can require already, by the way. I like this one, though-

"You will be able to drill a gas tank, drive the car into a group of enemies, then run and catch the trail to blow the car into the air."

The translation is obviously wonky but you get the idea. I've always wanted to be able to rig a vehicle as a time bomb in GTA! Then there's something about getting a ticket if you leave your car parked on the street…can't really understand the rest of the gobbledy-gook, but it certainly sounds interesting. Oh, and Rockstar calls the underwater missions a "game apart," as if they're very distinct in terms of gameplay.

Did I say "only" two months? Damnit, that's too long.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I have to admit I am still looking forward to crusing down the street with my poodle- I mean rottweiler glaring at the public to some bassy music.

But the game is looking promising. The biggest problem I had with GTA4 was a lack of variety. Once you reached the second island you began to see that all the interiors for the bars/clubs/shops. Once I found that out I barely took anytime to explore and just plowed through the missions and haven't really touched it since. So if GTA5 can overcome that problem I will be very pleased. But I wont be buying it day one like I did GTA4 in such hype.

11 years ago

Ka boom! Should be a lot of fun. I wouldn't really wanna pay parking tickets all the time though.

11 years ago

This game will step all the way up in my ladder of current backlog.

11 years ago

<continues his chanting>

… It must come to the PS4. It MUST. It must come to the PS4. It MUST. It must come <…>

… Come on, Rockstar. Come ON. Get a grip. Tell me you'll put this thing out for the PS4 too… Or the very least to PC within reasonable time!

11 years ago

They aren't foolish enough to make that announcement yet because it will cause people to put off their purchase. If they do it this way, people will buy it twice.

11 years ago

I would love it for PS4 too!!!! I think Rockstar will wait to see how well the PS4 & Xbox One will perform. Vita had alot hype until it released and the outlook changed.

11 years ago

Yup that's the basket I am putting all my eggs in, World. But boy, would it be nice to get it confirmed.

11 years ago

I wonder if there will be any cameos of characters from previous games. I noticed in screenshots the ballas are still around so it would be nice to see CJ. I would love to see Tommy Vercetti even though R said hes probably dead.

11 years ago

Enough Already!!
you're killing me with all this GTA V news!!! 🙂

i'm locking myself away once i get my hands on GTA V :p

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