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Kojima On GTAV Trailer: “Rockstar’s Team Is The Best”

When Hideo Kojima praises something, people take notice.

But the question is this: The man is a renowned perfectionist and he conquers most any design obstacle. Is it the right attitude to say your new game has no chance of reaching the bar set by another developer…?

Well, maybe we don't have to dig that deeply. Maybe Kojima is just lovin' the look of that new Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer , just like everyone else. On his Twitter page , the MGS guru first said the trailer is "awesome" and that "free control is future of the game." Then he took it a step further, saying it actually makes him a little depressed:

"I don’t think our “V” can reach that level. Rockstar’s team are the best. W/o question they will pull up the possibility of game."

Of course, from what we've seen of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , that's not looking too shabby. It'd be a bad idea to try and compare MGSV and GTAV at this point, and we're pretty convinced that both will be fantastic. What do you think about Kojima's comments?

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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11 years ago

I think they will both be successful titles.

But I am glad some japanese devs are looking at what the west are doing. They can both learn from eachother.

11 years ago

After seeing the trailer, I gotta give it the GOTY. As amazing as Bioshock Infinite and The Last Of Us are, GTAV is gonna win it. Can't wait to play GTAV when its released.

11 years ago

I disagree, GTA can be as awesome as it wants but it's still the same thing in a shinier package in the end.

11 years ago

I just can't see any GTA game matching the all-around masterpiece of TLOU.

11 years ago

Me neither. Last of Us is one of a kind. No way GTAV wins it over The Last of Us.

11 years ago

Argh, this reminds me of 2008 with MGS4 and GTA4. Both were worthy of GOTY, but in the end, it had to be MGS4. There was no other way.

If TLOU doesn't win it, something ant right in this industry.

11 years ago

As much as I love the GTA series….and completely ready for the September release….they will have to face the Last of Us…which I think deservedly will garner game of the year.

11 years ago

Meh, while I do agree GTAV looks impressive even to someone like me but Rockstars games get damn boring after so many hours. I have yet to enthusiastically finish one of their games this gen. They're always top notch in production values and presentation but the game play gets redundant fast. Also don't like their shooting mechanics. Why do they have auto aim in every game?

I don't think Kojima should worry. If anything he should look at this as a way to make "his V" even better.

11 years ago

The only one I have finished is Max Payne 3. Eventually a city sim or cowboy sim wears on you.

11 years ago

I finished Max Payne 3 too but like Red Dead I felt I had to force myself.

11 years ago

I've never finished a GTA…I always just start driving and exploring….I have way more fun causing mayhem…but I did finish Red Dead because I wanted to know how the story ended…same with LA Noire.

11 years ago

What kind of sake is he drinking lately? Rockstar makes high quality games no doubt, but they are usually aimless and meandering. People don't want all that in Metal Gear Solid in the first place. This "open world interactivity and freedom is better than anything evar" mentality could really pose a problem for fans.

If he has to say who is the best he should be talking aboot Naughty Dog anyhow.

11 years ago

"usually aimless and meandering" -> I think this is SO unfair to their games, I feel the urge to stand up for Rockstar in these regards.

They CAN be aimless and meandering, if you let them be so. But if you stick to the storyline and focus on that and chase the next chapter, well then it's pretty much like any other linear action game out there. Ok, there might be some transport stretches to the next mission starting location, but that's about the only difference.

But nothing's forcing you to focus on the story. There's always options and alternatives, and I very well can understand *how* one can think like you do. But that is really up to the player.

If you want GTA5 to be a tight action experience, just head into there focusing on the main story and ignore the sidetracks (if you can avoid the temptation), and see what happens!

11 years ago

GTA has the Rockstar style of pacing, and I love it. When you get a flow going between say 5 missions, where intros some new characters that THEN open up new missions, but after you've done certain missions. It can have that 'don't-want-to-put-down' quality similar to Uncharted.

I never enjoyed the shooting mechanics fully because you could never smoothly transition between other mechanics. Like it always felt really heavy. So if someone comes up behind you, it's really awkward to position yourself correctly to take him out – I can't just naturally turn round and shoot him. RDR improves it, but the sentiment remained.

11 years ago

I take your argument my friend, and my rebuttal is only that if you lined the story up in a linear game it would still be meandering.

Not that there's anything wrong with it for GTA because a criminal's life in the big city would do that, but I don't think that's the direction for Metal Gear Solid.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/12/2013 10:42:45 AM

11 years ago

He's right in that it is the future of gaming, though. It's where we are heading.

Other than that I think it's great to see people in the business handing out applause to others without any personal gains behind it.
Very good.

11 years ago

While GTA5 does look impressive with it;s open world I still think Metal Gear Solid 5 will be better. The story and legacy of Metal Gear is esasily the best written franchise within gaming – by that I mean a series which has sequels that follow one another rather than have sequels which a self contained like Final Fantasy.

But an open world does not make a great game. I got bored of GTA4 when I reached the second island because I was expecting more to do. But the game just repeated the same interiors and minigames. Metal Gear shines in it's diversity of controls. There is just so much you can pull off from diving, crawling, hanging of rails, pressing against walls and then all the features you have in your item and weapon menus. No other game I have played has given me so many options to experiment with. I would say MGS2 is my most re-played game because the possibilities and fun you can have are endless.

I believe in The Phantom Pain so much I am willing to buy a PS4 for it. While I am interested in GTA5 and was impressed with that gameplay trailer I do not want to be disspoainted like I was with GTA4 which was far over hyped.

11 years ago

The comments above are simply disappointing to me. The Last of Us is a truely amazing game, there is no doubt. But disregarding GTAV as a competitor on grounds that its the same game with a shinier coat is utterly ridiculous.
Shame on you people.

11 years ago

It's another sandbox game with thugs as the protagonists seeking money and power. Hardly award winning stuff. At least the Last of Us managed to take an over done theme(post apocolyptic)and turn it on its head while introducing a strong female protagonist who isn't your typical sexualized, big breasted heroine.

11 years ago

knowing these lot, are you really surprised?

11 years ago

"Hardly award winning stuff."

11 years ago

Jawk bringin' the objective truth to the table.

GTA games are done well. No doubt. But to say their formula matches anything that TLOU has accomplished is downright insulting to TLOU. Everything from solid, essentially glitch-free gameplay, amazing and detailed visuals, believable characters who aren't invincible gods set in a normal world, excellent emotion and immersion… and everything else. There's just no contest to anyone with eyes and a brain.

(Not really a spoiler, at all, but if you're easily offended by even the most minor detail, this is your warning.)

I mean… ND even takes care of the little things… Like Joel rubbing his watch in the dialogue at the end of the game. That's incredibly important blocking done subtly and effectively.

Like really… bravo and brava ladies and gents of ND. *slow clap*

11 years ago

That was me who said that, and I'm not here to bash on GTA. I've enjoyed them all, even IV to some extent. That said it's still GTA, which is freedom to goof around, a plot revolving around crooks coming up in their crime world, and plenty of mini-games. V seems to do that as well, but with shinier visuals. It really doesn't need to do anything more does it?

11 years ago

""Hardly award winning stuff."

Nice retort. It exudes insight and intelligence.

11 years ago

Don't need a insightful or intelligent remark. Arguing with you isn't worth it.

11 years ago

That's because you have no argument. You lose.

11 years ago

Yeah, Booze… I'd love to hear your thoughts. You haven't really offered any insight as to why TLOU doesn't deserve a GOTY nod. All you've done is scoff at Jawk, and you haven't even addressed anyone else…

11 years ago

He never said it was NOT a contender, he said he didn't see why GTAV was already being disregarded already, simply because it's a sequel. Maybe you should, you know, use the eyes and brain required to see TLoU's greatness and use them here, as well. Anything that isn't unwavering adulation for The Last of Us, you people take as some insult to a family member or something. Hell, the guy said it was truly amazing. That ain't even enough…..

Last edited by n/a on 7/12/2013 5:10:35 PM

11 years ago

Read my above comments VERY carefully. Did I ever once say that TLOU doesn't deserve GOTY? Did I ever once say that GTA5 deserves any praise over it?
No I did not.
I love TLOU as much as the rest of you and know as a player that it deserves something more than an award.
But having people take Hideo Kojima's praise of an un-released game and turning it into a slam-fest about how Rockstar creates sub-par experiences is petty in my eyes.
I'm not going to argue with Jawk because he jumped to a hasty conclusion and assumed I was looking to get into a GTA5 and TLOU debate.
I lose? I never began, dude.

11 years ago

Kid, run along and go play Deadpool.

Booze, I was merely pointing out that the reason some are dismissive is because GTA it's an old franchise that has basically done the same thing every damn game yet you found it appropriate to wag your finger at us in a scolding manner only mother would do as if it hurt your sensibilities. GTAV looks pretty cool but at the end of the day its still the same damn thug life sandbox game it always is. THAT'S why people dismissed it as a contender.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/12/2013 7:13:18 PM

11 years ago


So I re-read what you wrote, and thankfully I read it properly but I'm not sure what you wrote reflects what you think. I was under the impression that you felt GTA is a contender versus TLOU for GOTY.

I didn't realize, but I'm glad to hear we're on the same page about TLOU deserving to win GOTY this year over GTA.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/13/2013 3:24:32 AM

11 years ago

yea that sounds pretty accurate.
MGSV im sure will be good, but not GTAV good!
thats if hes talking quality, if his talking sales well its going to be a f*cking slaughterhouse!

11 years ago

I don't know what to think of Kojima regarding these comments. He is either an honest director that appreciates a great game, or he is just saying this to make himself look good. I believe the former is the one though. He recently talked about how good he thought Pacific Rim was, and while I understand they are in completely different products and industries, it is still worth noting. This shows you a guy who simply appreciates that which is good and is not afraid to praise it. Or… I could be wrong. Still, while GTA5 looks like a serious GOTY contender, I feel it's just the same old thing… just polished and in a bright new package. I think MGSV will be an instant must-have.

Last edited by Masszt3r on 7/12/2013 8:28:14 AM

11 years ago

I think you are right about Kojima, however when you take into account the new sandbox style for Metal Gear Solid it says something a little more.

11 years ago

Japanese people are very humble, even to the point of self-deprecation. Japanese parents will often speak lowly of their children in order to praise the children of others. It doesn't mean they actually believe what they are saying, it's just a way to pay others respect. So in a sense it is done for appearance — they are creating an image of themselves that is compatible with the expectations of those around them.

11 years ago

honestly metal gear is one of my fav series, but honestly GTA i am far more pumped for.

R* is one of the best devs in my opinion, (Possibly tied between them n naughty dog for best)
kojima n nintendo would come after that.

11 years ago

I know they will be both awesome games in their own rights, more importantly both games will have a RPG feeling to it.

11 years ago

Well GTA5 looks freaking crazy, so the praise is much deserved. I have been a big fan of MGS since MGS4 and all 4 games are in my top 10 games ever played, but I can honestly say MGS5 might not live up to the MGS name. Times have changed so MGS5 better bring it so Rockstar can say the same Kojima.

11 years ago

honestly i think Kojima is stupid to compare Metal Gear Solid to grand theft auto
they are just 2 completely different games and both play completely different
maybe if it was Saints Row being compared to grand theft auto i could see the point of comparing the games

this isn't about JP looking at the west i think Kojima is looking at possible sales and seeing how grand theft auto games are some of the top selling PSN games i think hes making a stupid prediction that GTAV will outsell Metal Gear Solid 5 based off PSN sales

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