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Capcom Issues A Round Of Layoffs, Christian Svensson Gone

Capcom has launched a "staff reorganization" that has resulted in several significant layoffs.

This apparently includes senior vice president Christian Svensson, although he opted to leave the company. He explained the situation in a statement on Google Plus .

He said he wasn't the only one affected by the restructuring and a Capcom representative confirmed those layoffs to GameSpot . Svensson said he "wasn't always able to deliver" what the fans wanted, but he swears he did his best to "champion their needs and wants."

As for the company he's leaving:

"While I wish the company the best of luck, Capcom is going in a different direction and the need for people at my level, relative to other areas, is lacking. Those who know me well, know that I've been ready to go for quite some time. We tried some things that worked. We tried others that didn't. We fought fights that were worth fighting and even won a few. I'm proud of what we accomplished."

If there's one company that really needs to find themselves again, it's probably Capcom. Wouldn't you agree, at least to some extent?

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11 years ago

capcom used to be my fav back in the 90's. just stop
1- stupid disk locked contents.
2-rereleasing the same games .
3-day one DLCs.
4-trying to be COD ahmm (RE games)
5-handing over games to other devlopers.

11 years ago

They really stopped being my favorite developer after Resident Evil 4. That was their last "great" game in my opinion. They were awesome during the PS1 days but started to slip after RE4 and Shinji Mikami left. Then they doubled down on stupid with all the DLC policies, raping of their franchise and all but killing Mega Man. Street Fighter is really all they have left.

11 years ago

I agree. RE4 was their last great game, and boy was it awesome! They really dropped the ball with their key franchises and don't seem to be realizing it.

11 years ago

While its not good people lose their jobs I hope Capcom can fix some of their problems with this restructure. That company is in the toilet. They should just sell themselves to Nintendo, I kid, I kid… ;P

On a serious note though, Sven was a jerk and let Capcom Unity spin out of control. I used to frequent that site more than any other before I found this place and he would let the Xbot's and shabby volunteer moderators run wild. Then when you questioned him or his running of the forums, or complained about their crap DLC policies he would shut down the thread every time. Sucks he doesn't have a job but Capcom could do better than him.

11 years ago

What a gimp.

11 years ago

This is all sorts of wrong.

First of all, it wasn't Sven's job to run the forums. He was Corporate/Senior VP. He didn't have to be on Capcom Unity at *all*. He did so, frequently, on his own free time, because he was all about being in touch with the community. If he was ever a jerk, it was because of dealing with whiney, over-entitled brats day in day out. I defy you to be in his position and be any more civil.

Second, all of Capcom's outreach to the fans (particularly in the fighting game community) over the past 5 years have been pretty much ALL him. He championed PC ports of their games. And he regularly took ideas and advice from western fans back to Capcom of Japan, notorious for ignoring everything outside of Japan (still do, actually, but at least the attempt was there; there's no access now). Helpd push for GGPO in their fighters. The fact that he couldn't succeed ALL the time, and indeed, couldn't answer every question because he was constrained by his bosses, should not take away from the MASSIVE good that he did for us.

Perhaps if you don't care about fighting games you don't see the good that he did. Regardless, this is a huge, HUGE loss.


> I think their decline can be pin pointed to right after they announced at the beginning of this gen their partnership with MS in trying to move 360's. They really screwed the pooch with that move.

What blind fanboy garbage is this? Capcom isn't Square. Capcom has been overall very good this gen – their past year has been has a number of missteps, sure, but their overall output this gen has been great on BOTH platforms (unless you really, REALLY wanted Dead Rising and Lost Planet at launch).

11 years ago

If it wasn't his job he shouldn't have been there. I've delt with him enough to know the kind of person he was in regards to a business professional. He was rude, arrogant and stifled objecting opinions. He was also a spinster in regards to their crap policies. Making all kinds of excuses for their locking out of content not to mention be he was unprofessional about it and allowed moderator access to some of the worst kind of people on the Internet. Don't come on here attacking me for stating objective facts. NO Capcom has not been overall good this gen, their low rated games, destoryed franchises and Non Megman pressence proves that. If they had been overall good this gen their financials wouldn't be in the toilet now would they?

and YES they threw their support behind the 360 early on and even made the plain announcement they were going too because they wanted a new "partnership with the west". You deny these facts yet call me the fanboy? Okaaaaaay! Drrr!

What world do you live in?

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/12/2013 11:03:30 AM

11 years ago

I think their decline can be pin pointed to right after they announced at the beginning of this gen their partnership with MS in trying to move 360's. They really screwed the pooch with that move.

11 years ago

Capcom: Y U NO put fast travel in Dragon's Dogma!?

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