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NHL 14 Celebrates 20 Years With NHL 94 Anniversary Mode

It has been 20 great years of EA's acclaimed NHL franchise.

And to celebrate, they're going back in time. EA has taken the iconic NHL 94 and essentially remade it for inclusion in the upcoming NHL 14 .

It's called the NHL 94 Anniversary Mode and although it's built using the NHL 14 engine, it's very similar to the old-school goodness so many of us remember. You've got the classic button controls, the total lack of penalties (who needs 'em?), a super cool retro presentation, and even that memorable star symbol for the player controlling the puck! The original soundtrack will be included "with a few more surprises" and obviously, the graphics and animations will be much slicker.

Still, this definitely looks like the NHL 94 I knew and loved. Hell, it's still in the other room, waiting to be played on my SNES. But if you don't have that luxury, here's another reason to pick up NHL 14 when it releases on September 10 in North America (September 13 worldwide).

Related Game(s): NHL 14

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Gaming Prodigy
Gaming Prodigy
11 years ago


11 years ago

That is awesome. I wonder if it will be playable online, now that my favorite kid-brother wingman lives a thousand miles away…

11 years ago

Lots of classes missed and time wasted with this sweet sweet game.

Stay Classy PSX… with your one timers

11 years ago

How about giving the Vita a bit of NHL love? My first ice hockey game was on the N64. Loved it!

photo K
photo K
11 years ago

SWEEEET, too bad they don't go back to NHLPA'93 where the players will throw down 10 times a game, lol.

11 years ago

lol @ "When Jeremy Roenick was king"

93-94 was all about Gretzky, and 94-95 was all about Jager. Roenick didn't get any award of any kind in either of the years surrounding 94. haha

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/11/2013 8:59:45 PM

11 years ago

I looked into him a little further… He was an all-star in the 93-94 season, but wasn't a starter or anything. And he wasn't an all-star at all in 94-95.

I thought that line in the video was comical. hehe

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