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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Video: A Nostalgic Introduction

For the most part, it's the die-hard Kingdom Hearts followers who plan to pick up the high-definition remake when it hits in a few months.

But if you've heard of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX and you never had the pleasure of playing any game in the series, here's an introduction. The aforementioned fans might also want to watch it…if only to get the nostalgic tears a-flowin'.

This collection features the original title redone in brilliant HD, along with the sequel, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories , and new HD cut-scenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days . This could be the perfect lead-in to the recently confirmed Kingdom Hearts III , although it's safe to assume that the latter is quite a ways off. At the very least, we can revel in true KH HD goodness, right?

The ReMIX drops on September 10.

Thanks, Zak!