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Rumor: Persona 5 To Be Revealed Soon?

JRPG fans might have cause to jump up and down in ecstatic girlish glee.

Well, maybe. As spotted by All Games Beta , the parent company of Atlus, Index Corporation, has registered a new domain called "" This was just recently registered on June 25.

Fans of the critically acclaimed franchise have been hoping for a true-blue sequel, but this doesn't necessarily mean Atlus is poised to announce Persona 5 . As Index Corporation doesn't currently own a "" or "," this could just be the company's way of covering their IP from squatters. That's more than feasible. However, it's about time we got wind of another installment in the popular series, so maybe the fifth entry will be revealed some time soon. Maybe really soon.

And if it is, maybe it should come to the PlayStation Vita. It could use some exclusive JRPG goodness, right?

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11 years ago

A 5th entry on the PS4 would be incredible! I don't even mind if it can't be done for the first year of its life span but it would blow many minds to have Persona on HD consoles for the first time!

If I thought 3 and 4 were pretty large games even though they are for PS2, imagine what they could make for the PS4…

11 years ago

PS4 please, please, please. IDK but I think this could move some consoles. I would get one for it, if I wasn't already getting one at launch.

11 years ago

Yeessss! Persona 5 is a huge want for me. Though I still need to finish 3.

Last edited by Feryx on 7/8/2013 12:05:17 AM

11 years ago

I really hope it is announced at TGS. P4 came late to PS2 so it could still be a PS3 game. They aren't huge technical achievements so there's not much reason to make it for PS4, plus it has been in development for a very long time.

It is likely to go multiplat, but we're used to that though.

11 years ago

To hell with multiplat,those other consoles haven't played persona for 4 games and they need persona 5?to hell with them

11 years ago

*Cough* Kingdom Hearts *cough*

11 years ago

Yeah I know, but you have to remember they made Catherine to get used to multiplatform development.

11 years ago

Holy Shit PERSONA 5 as PS4 Exclusive,I"m going to faint!

11 years ago

Persona is most certainly guaranteed to be on a PlayStation platform (PS3, PS4, PSV), but i doubt it will be exclusive to it. Unless its like Bayonetta 2 and Sony helped develop it, I doubt it'll be an exclusive. 3rd party exclusives have become more and more uncommon and a lot of developers see little profit in exclusives. Besides, who cares if P5 it exclusive? I'll just be glad its out.

11 years ago

Deep Down from CAPCOM is PS4 Exclusive buddy and that's third party.
Persona 5 will be i guarantee

11 years ago

I didn't say there would be no more 3rd party exclusives, "buddy." I just said that they're increasingly uncommon. The fact FFXV and KH3 are now multiplatform and how Rayman Legends lost it's WiiU exclusivity is more than proof enough. Also, I doubt Deep Down is a good example, since we still know next to nothing about it or if it'll stay exclusive (knowing how Capcom handled DMC4).

Last edited by sonic1899 on 7/9/2013 12:14:32 PM

11 years ago

I think it will be a PS3 game with a PSV port coming later.
I mean look at Persona 4, came out in 2008 for the PS2, waaaay after the PS3 came out. I think they've been developing this game for a few years now with the PS3 in mind.
Persona 4 Golden is the main reason I bought a Vita by the way, and I'm really satisfied with my purchase. That game is amazing!

11 years ago


11 years ago

PS3, PS4 or PSV, I don't care, I just want it announced ASAP. After the decline in quality in the FF games The Persona series replaced it as my favorite franchise… and the wait has been long for this one… come on Atlus, pretty please, announce it already!

Advent Child
Advent Child
11 years ago

Old news for me. When I finished Persona 4 Golden I looked up Persona 5 and found this.

"On August 2011, Persona 5 was officially confirmed to be under development. According to the Famitsu magazine, the basic preparations for the game development are finished, with the usual staff, Katsura Hashino as director, Shigenori Soejima as character designer and Shoji Meguro as music composer."

11 years ago

under development doesn't equal a reveal.

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