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Sony Corrects Beyond: Two Souls Pricing, Offers $5 Voucher

Those who purchased it at that price had to know it was a mistake, right?

Quantic Dream's hotly anticipated new PlayStation 3 exclusive, Beyond: Two Souls , will undoubtedly retail at $59.99 like most games. However, it debuted on Sony's online store at only $34.99.

Since then, Sony has admitted that it was a pricing error and the price has been fixed (as you can see). However, if you did pre-order at the incorrect $35 price, Sony is offering you a $5 voucher as compensation for the mistake. That $5 is good towards the pre-order of Beyond , which would of course bring the price down to $54.99. Personally, I'd pay a lot more than that to take David Cage's latest emotional ride, even if it is only about ten hours in length. That's a lot longer than Heavy Rain and that, in my estimation, was one of the top five games of the generation.

Can't wait for Beyond .

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Nice move by SONY. Legally, they're not obligated to give anything.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago


11 years ago

Maybe not, but to my mind I signed a contract when I made that transaction.

11 years ago

Don't be so naive, every online retailer has terms and conditions that the customer must agree to before purchasing an item or when they create an account. It's always buried in the "Terms and Conditions" page of the site but something you have to agree to before the online merchant will sell you anything. It usually sounds something like:
"Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our catalog may be mispriced. If the correct price of an item sold is higher than our stated price, we will, at our discretion, either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation."

We might not like it but it's the way the world works.

11 years ago

Dude, I said "maybe not" meaning that I know they put loopholes into purchasing agreements.

11 years ago

They may not be legally obligated to sell at that price, but it would have been an amazing goodwill gesture if they had honored the price for those who took advantage of the offer. Just acknowledging the error and saying, "We made a mistake by posting that price but if you bought at $35.99 then we'll make good on it" would have been a pretty kickass thing to do!

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 7/4/2013 5:22:57 PM

11 years ago

Regardless of the terms and conditions, the sale is a contract & agreement between you and Sony to purchase the order. Sony should just honor the sale instead of taking it back.

It came off so quickly. I doubt more than 1000 people preordered it. they lost $25000 at most. It's a small lost to them.

11 years ago

Sony is really doing some great stuff for customers. I'm glad there are still a few gems waiting for the PS3 considering this gen is practically over.

11 years ago

It's sad that they feel they need to do this to calm raging nerds. I didn't see this but if I had I would have assumed it was a mistake and not expected to pay that low price on launch nor expected compensation for their mistake.

11 years ago

I got DmC on launch at the same price so it wasn't strange to me.

11 years ago

What's the difference between a mistake and a promotional offer? It's not unheard of for a merchant to offer special, limited-time deals to drive traffic. It might be done for any number of reasons such as advertising the online store or booking revenue before the end of a fiscal quarter.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 7/4/2013 5:30:36 PM

11 years ago

Even when I had a chance to jump on that deal I wasn't gonna let go of my gamestop pre order. I want the special edition especially after missing out on the European special edition of Heavy Rain.

11 years ago

Is Sony for real? I cant believe how well.they are treating customers. Really I wouldnt expect this from.any company, because its just not necessary. But hey thats great.

11 years ago

I love the telegraph typing (STOP) HAHAHA (STOP) Must own blackberry (STOP) 😀

11 years ago

( > _ < #)

11 years ago

UM… i'm actually pissed by this Why would I assume it was a mistake When it was announced all over the internet, no one believed it was a mistake. Sony was always great with customer relations I thought it was a big promo sale because the game is debutting alongside crowded videogame releases. Also it was getting the Sony site some good traffic. I cancelled my gamestop pre-order after i pre-ordered off the Sony website. The $5 incentive is nice but think about those who thought they were gonna get the game $30 cheaper
Regardless as you said, Ben, i'll get the game regardless. It's just that that incredible deal would have been a great help for this holiday

11 years ago

I also cancelled my Newegg order which I had put in for 49.99 to grab this. It was well advertised and it's total bullsh*t.

11 years ago

Agreed. It really is an inconvenience But i guess there's nothing we can do about it. I'm still purchasing the game though

11 years ago

Not me, they lost my sale.

11 years ago

Hell no I didn't think it was a mistake, a quick discount to bring people into a store is common. That measly $5 coupon code won't even cover the tax. I'm not getting the game new anymore.

11 years ago

I actually kind.of.see your point. I mean good on Sony for atleast acknowledging the mistake and offering SOMETHING. But I distinctly remember when MAG came out I went to Fred Meyer and they had it marked for $20.00. Obviously a mistake so I asked for it and the guy came over unlocked the case and said nope thats a mistake and wouldnt sell it to me. So later I called the manager and he said come back down and pick it up because it was their mistake.

So I totally see your point man.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/4/2013 4:41:06 PM

11 years ago

I think a lot of people cancelled other preorders for this too, I can't get that discount back at the other retailer now.

If this was just a mistake why did it take TWO WEEKS to discover?

11 years ago

Im sure it was a mistake I just dont understand – like you – how it went undiscovered.

11 years ago

Haha, the "Customer Care" link in the email goes nowhere.

11 years ago

I think people are making mountains out of molehills about this situation.

Maybe this will be a lesson learned by all that you shouldn't get in such a rush to cancel your other pre-orders (that you can't always get back) until you know that the deal is for real next time.

Everybody wants huge deals now, now, NOW!, and don't seem to have much in the way of patience anymore. If you find a decent deal once, you should just be happy and satisfied with that and leave well enough alone.

I've been burned once or twice in the past on stuff like this and learned my lesson, and I don't see why is it so hard for others to come to the same conclusion I already have.

11 years ago

$35 for a launch game isn't that unique, I see it all the time…

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