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The End Of A Generation: So, What’s On Your Back Burner?

So another generation is drawing to a close, and gamers everywhere are digging through their collections, trying to find the titles they never finished.

Yep, it's time to see if you can finish all those games you fully intended to complete at one time. You've got a pretty bare summer to make a run at it, so see what you can check off your list! By the way, what's on that list…? Any gems lying there unfinished?

I've been looking back at what I've got, and I don't have too much. I really hate having games in my collection I haven't completed, though, so a few just might have to be finished. I always wanted to complete one of the PS3's first exclusives, Folklore , but I never got around to it. I'm afraid it may seem quite dated by today's standards, but there was something very special about that game. More recently, I had planned to finish up Hitman: Absolution but I got sidetracked, so I might give that a go. It was a really solid game.

Then there's Atelier Totori: Adventurer of Arland , which I really liked. I wasn't the biggest fan of all the Atelier games this generation, but I enjoyed what I played of Totori . It might take me too long to actually complete, though… I never did finish Assassin's Creed: Revelations , either, and I've been debating picking it up again. Thing is, I saw the end credits of every other AC title this generation, and it feels like a black mark on my history with that franchise. I just didn't think it was as strong as the other installments. Lastly, I've got Need for Speed: Most Wanted ; I always wanted to get farther in that one; it was a big-time rush.

How's about you?

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11 years ago

I dont have too many really that I actually enjoyed that are not finished. I do need to finish AC3 though, that one for sure. I never finished Dishonored (never got past the first 3 hours) and dont plan to either. Glad I got it on sale. Theres also God of War: Ascension. Despite how awesome it is, sadly Borderlands 2 got in the way, Although thats been typical since I picked it up. The Last of Us is the only game thats peeled me away for more than a week. I also would like to finish up The Walking Dead, and I also downloaded 400 days or whatever its called.

Although its not in my collection now, I will be getting Bioshock Infinite amd that one will be finished for sure. Otherwise Id say im pretty well caught up. Aside from racing games like Need for Speed, which by the way is super fun. Ive almostcompleted that one though.

Im actually thinking about selling most of my PS3 games, I love my collection but to an actual collector what I have pales in comparison. Mostly AAA PS3 titles with a few surprises here and there. Other than sentimental value with the PS4 coming I have no reason for them to stick around.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/3/2013 10:06:41 PM

11 years ago

I haven't finished AC3 either. AC games get boring after so many hours. They're repetitive much like Rockstar games. I didn't finish L.A. Nior and techinically didn't finish Red Dead(got to the last mission then quit, but watch a friend finish it)for the same reason.

11 years ago

I know the feeling, I'm cleaning house a bit myself. Where some people might wish to keep just the AAA titles, I seem to be keeping the rare and less mainstream experiences in the collection instead. Games that tried something new or are in a dying genre.

11 years ago


Oh yea I never finished LA Noire either, thanks for reminding me!
Yeah as far as AC goes I typically pley them for a few weeks get part way throughthen I just mever seem to pick them up again until a few weeks before the next one releases. Its a trend for me.


im with ya. I really only feel like I need to keep the handful Id most likely go back to. I have a lot of games but for me to call it a collection, well, I dont know if it can be considered that. I dont have any that are rare or anything, so its really just for looks because I probably wouldnt lick up about 80% of them ever again.

11 years ago

I guess by rare I mean that in a few more years they will be difficult to find at a reasonable price if I ever want to play them again unlike certain titles that had millions upon millions of discs pressed ya know.

11 years ago

I haven't even started Brotherhood… which is now about 4 games behind in the series and to be honest by now I have just forgot the rest of the story so I may as well start over… but I am not so encouraged to do so.

11 years ago


Dont worry about the story so much, at least on Altair' behalf because later in Revelations you relive that story and it also fills in some holes from the first game.

Honestly I pretty much tell anyone who is interested in the series and has yet to play them, to skip the first game altogether or if they insist on playing the first to only play the first hour or two obecause one its a chore and two like I said Revelations ties it all in nicely.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/4/2013 3:02:44 AM

11 years ago

GT6, Beyond(at some point), Deus Ex, Ni No Kuni, Dead Space 3, Red Steel 2, Eternal Sonata, FFXIII & XIII2(maybe), White Knight Chronicles 1&2, and a few others I can't think of at the moment.

I hope Sony continues to support the PS3 with some top notch exclusives like they did the PS2. I kinda want to see another Last of Us installment on the PS3. The gritty graphic presentation ND's engine combined with the PS3 fit that universe well.

11 years ago

The lovely thing is that the devs could still keep making games for the PS3 upcoming 2016 and after.

11 years ago

I have to finish Rage, Battlefield 3, Deus Ex, Demons Souls… but I'm playing TLoU, not sure when I'm gonna move along

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I have over 20 games. Some include old games like The Darkness 2 and some are newer like BioShock Infinite. I hope MS has a good deal for me because I don't want to open my songbird edition.

And I did buy and play FFVII. I will keep playing.

Question, I see there's a FFX HD remake, is X good?

11 years ago

Glad to hear you are giving VII a shot, Final Fantasy X is also fantastic entry that seems significantly less dated to today's folks. It has the classic battle mechanics fans love, a wonderful ensemble of characters, and an emotionally gripping story. I'm shelling out for the HD update on day 1 and I can't wait to play it again. X-2 comes with the HD update and while it has the best battle system yet the story is less than epic or emotionally gripping, but still fun.

11 years ago

X was that last 'great' FF. I say that because I really liked XII but it wasn't 'great' like X and below.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/3/2013 11:04:03 PM

11 years ago

Agree with Jawknee.

11 years ago

the story to grind ratio wasn't well balanced in FFXII. I kept getting the feeling they wanted to blend too much mmorpg style play into FF for that one.

11 years ago

I agree with Jawk too. Fair assessment.

11 years ago

Ben you should finish DmC too.

I also never finished Folkore, I totally got stuck at this one boss (the girl with the crazy hair) and that's just where it is since 2007.

Man I've got a ton of games that need finishing. Mass Effect 3, Rage, Warfighter, Ni No Kuni, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, Atelier Totori, Atelier Meruru, Crysis 2, Deadly Premonition, TLoU, Deus Ex, Vanquish, Sleeping Dogs, Mugen souls, Darksiders 2 and more…

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/3/2013 10:35:37 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

This gen for me will overlap with the next. Next gen ain't going easy either…

11 years ago

It's hard when you want to jump right in and you still have a foot in the other pool.

11 years ago

I can't remember, did you ever finish Eternal Sonata World?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

DMC might not happen. It's great but it isn't really my thing anymore. 🙂

11 years ago

Jawknee, yes I did and I'm glad for it, it was a grind but the whole experience was pretty magical. We still haven't seen anything visually quite like it either.

Ben, I guess that's fine but I did think you'd appreciate the end and it's not like it's a long game.

11 years ago

The list is simply too big. Really, there's enough games I'd like to play that are out now that could hold me over for another console generation. I remember console generations of the past where it wasn't hard to stay on top of all the hottest games. Dry spells really meant something back then because my appetite was larger and speed of consumption was was way greater than the supply of games.
These days my game time is far more constrained, yet there's tons more games asking for my time than ever. Some of which are long huge games. I'm really going to rethink my whole approach to consuming this stuff because logically I'll never be able to keep up. I'll be old and dead and buried but the games will keep pumping out in droves, assuming there isn't an economic and societal breakdown or natural disaster that reshapes everything about our normal way of life before then 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2013 11:16:50 PM

11 years ago


Ni No Kuni, Fallout 3 & NV, Disgaea 3 & 4, Nier, Farcry 3, and maybe a few others. I invested SO much time into Skyrim that everything else kind of fell by the wayside. So… I may yet spend some substantial time with this generation still.

11 years ago

Those are all lengthy games too.

11 years ago

Max Payne, Deus Ex, Demons Souls, LA Noir, Red Dead Redemption, DmC, Sorcery.I really need to find the time to complete these, however, with family life keeping me so busy, I just don't know when this will happen.

11 years ago

Oh man. My list is too long to show, it's just embarrassing.

I bought way, way WAAAAY too many games this gen. I started learning around midway to not stress with buying them. But man, there's so many games in my collection that I really should and would have enjoyed a lot more had I not had a pile of other games distracting me.

But here's hoping that I one day into the future will turn on my old PS3 over at the cabin, pick up these collected gems I've tucked away there and get into them like they deserved to be.

11 years ago

I realize my console game collection is fairly tight with only titles like Heavy Rain, Journey Collection, and Ico & SotC not really belonging. It's my PC collection of games that is out of hand. It's really because I've gotten all of them for so very dirt cheap.

11 years ago

The Steam sales are legendary. Speaking of Steam, I saw Final Fantasy 7 on there now – I almost considered buying it after Bens intensive hype over the years. 🙂

But since I am at the cabin now I headed over to the ps3 drawers and counted: My backlog consist of 74 titles. Seventyfour. Insane.

And that's after I've traded in everything but the games I wanted to keep for later. Some of them I've beaten but can see myself playing again (like the Fallouts, the BioWares, Crysis 2, Katamari, the Bioshocks, stuff like that) the rest are games I'm not done with (all the Assassins Creeds, the Batman games, Far Cry 3, GTA4 with all the DLCs, LA Noire, Infamous 2, Dishonored, Skyrim, RAGE, Kingdoms of Amalur, man it goes on forever).

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2013 2:52:59 PM

11 years ago

I'd say a lot of FFVII's aura will be lost on you if you weren't part of the culture during it's initial release.
It's interesting how a hype cloud of a given title and the perceived quality of it are intertwined as one.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/4/2013 7:04:48 PM

11 years ago

I'm actually doing really well this gen. I have so many PS2 games I have yet to play at least 10 of them are JRPG's too o_0 But this gen I have completed most of the games I own – Not counting the ones I have already sold of course.

The main offenders are:
Star Ocean 4 – I loved the 3rd game but I have just yet to start this. I heard mixed things about it too

Ni No Kuni – A game I was tremendously hyped for but the story just dragged on giving you so many diversions – it just never progressed even within 20 hours of play.

God of War III – This is due to not playing the first 2 games yet. Which is because my backwards compatible PS3 broke. So now I cannot play PS2 games. They look awful on the PAL PS2's we dont have the progressive mode every game in the US has… which is devastating.

Yakuza 4 – I loved Yakuza 3, so it really is only a matter of time.

Dead Rising 2 – I found this game so frustrating. I saved the game literally seconds before missing a timed story event so whenever I load the game it just tells me off and tells me to restart. Such an un-enjoyable gaming system.

And that's all of them. Considering I have at least over 60 PS3 games that's a pretty good ratio.

11 years ago

Yakuza 4 has a ca-razay story, but it's very creative and remains Japanese. I loved it.

11 years ago

The GoW Collection has been on the cheap for a while. You'd do well to pick that up. Personally, I think it really don't matter what order you play those in.

11 years ago

Folklore was a magical experience, and I played it relatively late this gen, too. Yes, the mechanics and level design is relatively dated (think Onimusha), but it has an enchanting and imaginative aura about it like no other. Highly recommended as a palette cleanser, and a memorable experience in it's own right. Trivia: Can you believe the creator of Streetfighter 2 was the mastermind behind it?

11 years ago

really want to finish off CLoS, but kinda pointless now that konami just went and completely spoiled the whole game when announcing the sequel.
thanks for that guys!
really should finish RDR as well, got up to the part where you meet his son then got side tracked by the alan wake DLC and never got back to it.
BLURs another game i really want to play, dident get to play much of it since there were just so many games released at the same time.
oh split second too.
really want to finish dead space 3 too, just really interested to see what happens at the end but my god every time i play that game it makes me want to crush some skulls in!
army of two the devils cartel same thing.

11 years ago

so far I've finished all the games that I've played except Dragon Age. That game never got around to me. And the hardest game that I've played this generation is Demon's Souls. I don't want to replay that game again..

11 years ago

I sympathize.

11 years ago

Well, I have a number of games I need to start and/or finish and that would be, not necessarily in any particular order:

Little Big Planet 2
Killzone #
Grand Theft Auto 4 (tried 2 times to play it)
Bioshock Infinite

I have still not decided yet whether to purchase Assassins Creed 3.

Beyond Two Souls is my next game purchase for end of the PS3 era.

Possibly I will check the cheap/used bins and see if I missed anything that MAY be worth playing for fun.

Currently going through Survivor Mode in Last of Us… and its a bugger. Talk about more tension. Stealth definitely plays a factor. A bottle in one hand, an empty gun in the other… and 5 clickers in front of me. lol. THATS how it feels. Wheres McGyver when you need him.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

How come you didn't get through GTAIV? I got cut off by a no more missions glitch after a long play and rage quit.

11 years ago

I just can't get in to it. It could be not my thing, theme wise. Admittedly its my first experience with GTA which might be a factor. I will force my way through it at some point, but right now after this there will be no more GTA for me. To each their own. At least I got it cheap, even with all the DLC.

11 years ago

I have TOO many games on my backburner due to bein a trophy hunter lol I got starhawk on launch date and havent even touched it yet.. Ive still got 12 games to beat and platinum.. and thats not counting the games that dont have platinums or games that have online trophies.. otherwise Id have 30+ games Id still need to finish lol

11 years ago

New Sly Cooper, GTA IV, Deus Ex, Mass Effect 3, Demon's Souls are the big ones that I haven't either finished or gotten to yet.

Still need to get GOW Ascension, Beyond (when it comes out), and MGSV (when it comes out), Batman Origins and the new Rayman title coming this fall as well. Also playing through Jak and Ratchet games that I haven't finished yet. Also haven't finished Shadow of the Colossus HD yet either.

I'll be busy for quite some time this gen. I am personally not even wanting a PS4 in the slightest. Even if ND came out and said, Uncharted 4 or TLOU 2 is coming to PS4 in two or three years, I wouldn't jump ship yet.

I love replaying my games, and there are plenty of games I still need to get before I even remotely think about a PS4. Plus, my school will have a PS4 that I can play in our game lab anytime when it comes out. I won't be getting a PS4 until 2015 at the earliest.

Last edited by Twistedfloyd on 7/4/2013 5:00:32 PM

11 years ago

Armored Core V, I don't like the direction the series turned in that new installment, but I'm still trying to shovel through it.

11 years ago

Dead space 3.
Platinum Dead Space 2.
Platinum Bioshock Infinite.
Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Go back and play all the Skyrim DLC.
Platinum Vanquish.

hmmm. can't think of others. Maybe go and play all the Instant Game Collection games I have downloaded.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 7/4/2013 8:26:26 PM

11 years ago

My PS3 broke down and I couldn't finish the last of us ;( personal tragedy

11 years ago

I have so many games in my backlog thanks to PS Plus that it is ridiculous.

I even have some retail games that I have started, and never finished.

Batman: Arkham City comes to mind :(.

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