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What’s The Very Last Game You Plan To Play This Generation?

Obviously, some people may not be able to answer this question. They're still not sure when they'll pick up a next-gen console and even when they do, they can't say for certain what their absolute last current-generation title will be.

That being said, I think many hardcore gamers have a tentative plan in their heads. Many either intend to trade in their current systems or simply banish them to the closet. Besides, this generational transition may be quite abrupt; it's long overdue and most developers and publishers are looking forward to the new era. That's why we have an idea of what to expect in 2014 and beyond.

Speaking of "beyond," I'd have to say the last current-gen game I might play is Beyond: Two Souls . It's slated to arrive on October 8 and honestly, I can't think of another PS3 or Xbox 360 exclusive after that. At least, not one that interests me. Can anyone think of any that are coming next year? I believe pretty much all of them will either be cross-gen (available for both current- and next-gen consoles) or simply only available on the PS4 and Xbox One. For the record, my next-to-last current-gen game would probably be Grand Theft Auto V (September 17).

How about you? Got it all planned out?

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11 years ago

definitely beyond: two souls, and i have yet to play Mirrors edge so i really hope to get to that before the gen shift

11 years ago

GTA V. I'll probably be playing it up until the PS4 launches.

11 years ago

Me and you got the same plan.

11 years ago

For me it's going to be FFX/X2, FFXIV (Probably playing this for years though) and GTAV. I think that's about it.

11 years ago

Beyond will be the last high profile game but I'll probably also play whatever PS Plus gives me. I hope they don't stop with the PS3 free games just cuz of PS4.

I sort of expect some more JRPG goodness to leak out of Japan on PS3 though. It tends to late in the generation.

11 years ago

I fully expect Sony to keep the free game train rolling on PS3. For casual gamers who are looking to pick up a system, it would be an enormous incentive to go with Sony's machine instead of a 360.

11 years ago

Borderlands2 and I'm finally going to open God of War Ascension and Darksiders 2. Can't believe I still haven't opened them but this will give me time to enjoy both of them since I'm not buying any more current gen games. I'm using all future funds for PS4, Killzone,Infamous, 2nd controller, and giant ass razor LED smart TV to play it on. Come on November

11 years ago

Kingdom Hearts HD collection 😀

11 years ago

Beyond. Can't think about anything else

And my PS3 will be hooked, you never know when its gonna be time to replay The Last of Us

11 years ago

Well, I am still addicted to Dust. Sooo I'll still be rockin my ps3 for awhile still. Until CCP decides to bring Dust 514, PS4 side. High profile game? Probably Beyond: Two Souls. But Dust 514 will definitely be the last game eventually.

11 years ago

So far, Beyond: Two Souls is the last game I plan to get. Unless Sony has something exclusive to PS3 that they haven't mentioned yet, I'll be shifting my attention to PS4 games.

11 years ago

Definitely Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix. The only game I'm truly excited for, and perhaps the last game I get for my PS3. Assuming there isn't a HD 2.5 remix coming out.

11 years ago

I want my last game to be the Last Of Us, and I probably won't play that till next year. Gotta stack of games I need to pass and complete editions released/releasing this year i've been waiting for. Im gonna end it with a bang.

11 years ago

FFX HD Collection for sure. Puppeteer looks pretty awesome too.

11 years ago

Gran Turismo 6

11 years ago


11 years ago

Dark Souls 2. Next game for me is GTAV.

11 years ago

The Last Of Us!

Were there not rumblings of Beyond and GTAV coming to the PS4? If so the I'll pick them up on the 4. If not then they may be the swan songs of my 3.

11 years ago

already finished the last of us ,my next ps3 game will be GTAV that if it didn't come to PS4.
cant wait for next gen ;D

Last edited by WARxWOLF on 7/2/2013 1:02:07 AM

11 years ago

does anyone know how to change profile pic?
yeh yeh i know im a noob at pc, but im trying tho

11 years ago

Beside your username at the top (logged in) click user cp, then there‘s another heading for adjusting profile info. click and then scroll down -you‘ll see it.

11 years ago

I‘ve been thinking about it for awhile (beyond is a possibility) but there‘s a better chance it‘ll be dark souls 2, I‘m pretty sure that it‘s current gen only.

11 years ago

thank you dude

11 years ago

What you talking about Ben you‘ll have to review whatever 3rd rate ps3 game some publisher ships you a year from now :p

11 years ago

Dark Soul's 2 but I'm hoping they'll surprise us by making it cross gen because by its release I'll already be moved onto the PS4.

11 years ago

Dishonored will go into history as the last game I seriously played on the PS3. I did pop in the Far Cry 3 disc once but only tried a coop mission, haven't even started on the single player game.

11 years ago

I'm really looking forward to The Puppeteer.

11 years ago

Depending on which comes out later either Batman: Arkham Origins or Beyond: Two Souls will be the last game I buy for the current gen. For the last one I play? I think whenever I finally decide to pack up my PS3 and put it in storage (which likely won't be until 2015 at the earliest) I'll send it out by having one more run with The Last of Us.

11 years ago

The last PS3 game I'll be getting and playing is Beyond:Two Souls. Way too excited for it to pass that up. I still gotta Bioshock:Infinite and Last of Us though. I expect greatness the last few months before my PS4 purchase.

mk ultra
mk ultra
11 years ago

GT6 or B:TS

But I'll play B:TS once or twice and GT6 until PS4. Actually until GT7, gunna have to find room to have PS2, PS3 and PS4 hooked up in the entertainment center.

11 years ago

I'm keeping my old consoles and disks and I have been known to go on retro kicks so I can't even predict which game will be my last. Ask me in 30 or 40 years!

11 years ago

oddworld new n tastys not due out till next year isent it?
probably will be that.
on the fence whether ill get GT6 or not, 5 was the biggest disappointment since that excuse for a resident evil game released!
and to think it took PD all that time, on what!?

11 years ago

Hey guys! Been a long while since I've commented, been busy with 2 jobs but I really felt the need to add my 2 cents here.

I'm going to wait until the first price drop or bundle deal comes before I get the PS4, so here's the last lot of games I plan on getting on PS3:

– Ducktales HD
– Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 REmix
– Grand Theft Auto V
– Beyond Two Souls
– South Park The Stick of Truth
– Watch Dogs
– Metal Gear Solid V

Also, I plan on getting BandFuse and Fantasia Music Evolved on 360.

With all those games to keep me gaming, plus my huge backlog on all my systems (still really wanna play Lost Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles, both I've had for over a year but never played) I doubt I'll get a PS4 until Christmas 2014 at the earliest!!

11 years ago

welcome back Dancemachine

11 years ago

Cheers World.

11 years ago

Well, Persona 4 came out on the PS2 long after the PS3 was released. If Atlus does the same thing with P5, that could very probably be the last PS3 game I will play.
But then again, never say never. You'll never know if that moment may come when you walk into a gamestore, you look in the budget bin and you see that one gem you forgot to play last generation.

Last edited by faraga on 7/2/2013 6:15:34 AM

11 years ago

I'm hoping for localizations Of Yakuza 5, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle (which I'll import in August, anyway), and Drakengard 3. On top of that with Dark Souls 2 Saint's Row 4, Tales of Xillia, FF 13-3, Killer is Dead, GTA5,Rayman Legends, FF Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Castlevania: LOS2, Batman: Arkham Origins, and, of course, Beyond: Two Souls. I'll be using my PS3 for so long….I doubt there will be a 'last game'.

11 years ago

hey Ben, what about Batman: Arkham Origins? aren't you going to play that? I think there is no released date yet of the game for the next gen consoles.. It's definitely an another must play/own game for the ps3… ^_^

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I'm sure it'll be great, but I've never been all that into Batman. Or any superhero, to be honest.

11 years ago

That's a good point, I'd forgotten about that one. It's not being developed by the same team that did Asylum and City, but I'll keep an eye on it.

11 years ago

@ben, I thought I was into Batman but as I played both Asylum and City I realized that I was just not that into them anymore. Even Injustice didn't do it for me. It seems I enjoy my superheroes between the pages of a comic book or movies and video. Games… not so much anymore. Am I getting old? Nah….

11 years ago

I couldn't possibly answer this… I have so many games to play still. I'm working on AC3 now, I have the Batman games and the Uncharted series sitting on my shelf (I haven't touched either… I know, shame on me). I need to add The Last of Us and Beyond to my list. Plus I have a host of other games I've missed this generation.

I still want to play just as much as I did a decade ago, when I had time, but it's getting harder and harder to find time these days. So my gaming "to do" list grows ever longer.

I want to get a PS4 at launch, and I probably will, but I have such a massive backlog of PS3 games that I know I should really just wait.

I suspect that, for a while anyway, PS3 and PS4 will be sharing shelf space on my home theater stand.

11 years ago

Grand Theft Auto V and Beyond: Two Souls are also my final two PS3 games, Ben. After that, it's straight to the PS4…if I can find one at launch. Watch Dogs and Knack would be my first two PS4 games.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
11 years ago

It's my personal dream to finish Resistence Fall of Man before the curtain comes down. HAHA I bought the damn game with it. At 46 with 3 kids I have finished very few games…. Weep.

11 years ago

I'll bet Sony keeps the free games coming on PS3 long after PS4 launches, so it's hard to say exactly what my last game will be. I'm on the fence about Beyond: Two Souls (I just need to see more before I know if it's the sort of game I would really like) but GTA is definitely going to be the last, mega-huge release I've been clamoring to play for years that will grace PS3. The perfect swan song and way to kill two months until PS4's launch.

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

the last game i buy will most likely be tales of xillia. miiight end up getting gta5 later on

11 years ago

Since I've played Batman: Arkham Asylum, I've become hooked in the Batman Arkham franchise.. It's the only superhero game franchise that I really enjoyed playing and I'm looking forward for Arkham Origins.. ^_^

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