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Instant Game Collection Celebrates One Year Anniversary

One of the best reasons to be a PlayStation Plus member? The Instant Game Collection.

The PlayStation Blog is celebrating one year of the ever-growing Instant Game Collection, and the titles are just gonna keep on flowin'.

Plus entitles you to a wide range of benefits across all PlayStation platforms, which has been viewed as one helluva deal by many gamers. In the first year alone, 64 PS3 and Vita games have hit the Instant Game Collection, which means free high-quality goodness for all those involved. In addition, don't forget that one of the PS4's anticipated launch titles, DriveClub , will be immediately added to the IGC on day one. June has already seen the arrival of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (single-player), LittleBigPlanet Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown . Two of those games are great in our estimation, and one is an absolute masterpiece.

July will see even more marquee titles so if you're looking for a great reason to be a Plus member, here ya go.

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Anyone with a BestBuy rewards zone can get either $5 or $10 off from 3 and 12 month subscription.

11 years ago

Another cool way to get free stuff is on iTunes. I type in Final Fantasy VII. Then at the listing of like 80 songs click 'preview all' on the bottom of the list. It gives you a 90 second preview of every song, one right after the other. It's like I'm playing the game in my ears.

11 years ago

I've got some Final Fantasy VII goodness headed to PSXE soon. Stay tuned.

11 years ago

FFVII for Vita?
I was thinking that seeing that FF games have become somewhat popular on iOS and stuff it may increase the chances of seeing a Vita revitalization in the near future, similar to like FFIV just had.

11 years ago

I have been on Plus for close to a year and I have had the chance to play some nice indie games, free or discounted. The majority of the free games some of which were big games on disc are not the kind I am interested, Saints Row currently one there that I am not. BUT Sony does give one a variety of freebies, and the discounts on other games and dlc is a great benefit. It also backs up your saved files on to their servers which is great too so if, god forbid you system dies or you are at a friends and log in to your account you can download those saved files. Never tried it but its there.

Its an option I think most should try for a few months to get a taste.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

That looks impressive at first but then you realise by the time you have reached the second line on the list they become Vita games then indie games… What is even more noticeable is that all the top tier games are only free years after their release… when you would have already played or even still own the games… So I am not sold I'm afraid…

11 years ago

"I am not sold I'm afraid"

But I am sold. 🙂

11 years ago

I gave you a thumbs up because I know where you're coming from on the matter. I've softened up a bit though on the program because Vita's newer and premere titles, including PS4's Drive Club, isn't exactly your typical bargain-bin-ware you'd expect from these programs. I'll probably join at some point in the future.

mk ultra
mk ultra
11 years ago

I would probably still have plus if all if offered was cloud storage and discounts. The free games is just icing on the cake. I also get to try games I would have never bought on my own like Demon Souls, Xcom:Eu, Space Marine, and Bloodrayne. And what is wrong with indie games? Some of the best experiences this gen have been from indie devs and plus gets their name out to way more people. I don't see what your afraid of unless it's new experiences and free stuff.

11 years ago

And what's wrong with that? Not everyone ONLY has a PS3. Besides, one game in that list on the top PAYS for Plus on its own…so…(if you count when they first came out, if not then about 2-3 games instead. /edit)

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 6/29/2013 4:25:00 PM

11 years ago

eh, it's not for everybody.

mk ultra
mk ultra
11 years ago

I'm still kinda confused as to what the IGC is. I mean, they've been giving away free games since day one on plus. I just don't see how it's different than what they were doing before.

11 years ago

I think before the free games were small digital only titles and PSPmini's. only after IGC did we start seeing full titles like inFamous, Uncharted, Resident Evil 5, Vanquish, etc.

11 years ago

So what does 'IGC' stand for?

11 years ago

Instant Game Collection

11 years ago

whats different now is that the quality of the games has gone way up. also there was not an instant game collection before. it was more of a mess of games they figured they would throw up every month. you didnt get 18 games when you first started. i put up a list of all games that have been given out since plus started. its quite long and most of the crap games came at the start. if anyone wants to see it let me know. i will have to count all the games to get a running total. we also use to get avatars and themes a lot more. id rather have the full games than those though.

Last edited by frylock25 on 6/29/2013 9:39:52 PM

mk ultra
mk ultra
11 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense. Now that I think of it the only full games we got before were Far Cry 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld, and they haven't even given out a mini in a while.


11 years ago

I remember paying 15$ a month for xbox live a few years ago. I barely played the 360 and when i did children yelled at me in halo 3. PS+ is 17$ for 3 months and 50$ for a year. I just… Free games for an entire year plus discounts and free avatars and other things? PS+ is a fantastic service. I thought it was a quick cash in for sony but its not. They really created a stellar service

11 years ago

We also got Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Advent Child
Advent Child
11 years ago

It's gonna be for everyone who wants multiplayer on the PS4. Personally I think we are gonna see a major slowdown in the free games offered since it is going to become something more required than something completely extra.

11 years ago

I would agree.

On the other hand they will be getting more revenue from the memberships, so we may even see more. Maybe thats why its gone to no longer being free. Theyveseen the success of Plus and members are appreciative and will keep paying If their is great content.

11 years ago

July see's Payday:The Heist and Battlefield 3.

YYeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. That's awesome.

11 years ago

I have Payday the Heist on PC love that game, along with BF3.

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