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Thatgamecompany Finally Starting To Earn Royalties For Journey

Thatgamecompany faced some serious financial issues during the development of Journey .

Sony really had to believe in the project, and they essentially saved the developer from bankruptcy. Thankfully, that faith paid off as Journey became one of the most acclaimed titles of the entire generation.

However, it obviously needed every bit of that acclaim, because only recently did the game become profitable for Thatgamecompany. According to the studio's Twitter page , they're certainly still operating and they've "started to receive royalties." Well, it's about time.

"We're alive and kicking and we've started to receive royalties as #JourneyPS3 has become profitable (including mktg)"

Journey ended up being Game of the Year for a great many sources in 2012; it won several awards at PSXE, including PS3 Game of the Year. It remains one of the most immersive and rewarding experiences we've ever had; if you have an ounce of sentiment, you likely appreciated its subtle depth of feeling. And hey, it's finally making Thatgamecompany some real money, so good news the whole way 'round.

Related Game(s): Journey

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11 years ago

THe Journey soundtrack is a great companion while working math problems. I love math!

11 years ago

Math is evil.

11 years ago


Math is not evil

11 years ago

That is the difficulty with game development, so much money is spent upfront, it can be a long wait to bare the fruits of their labour. Good thing for them they had a willing publishing partner right from the start that appreciated their vision. Trying to shop this game around to a different publisher would have taken more time, money and energy, and may have spelled even more trouble to this unique studio.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

And now they've gone multiplat 🙁

11 years ago

That's got to be some kind of crime against art.

11 years ago

I'm glad. I almost bought Journey digitally and I never buy games digitally until I saw that they were releasing the Journey collection on disc and bought it not too long after they released it and love having Flower and fl0w to accompany Journey. 🙂

11 years ago

makes you wonder how the blazing hell they got themselves in this mess?
i mean the games like 2 freaking hours long, hardly has amazing graphics, has the technological marvel of a black and white TV!
so where did all the money go?
kinda hard to break the bank buying a eraser and 4 thumbtacks!

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