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Naughty Dog: The Last Of Us Was Initially “Too Big Of A Game”

Naughty Dog is an ambitious developer. They only want to produce masterpieces; at this point, anything less is a disappointment, right?

So it's no surprise to learn that they overextended themselves a little in the making of their latest masterful title, The Last Of Us . In speaking during a recent podcast , game director Bruce Straley and creative director Neil Druckmann explained why the game was delayed to June, and why they needed to borrow "a bunch of people" from other internal teams. The game was just too big.

They had to alter the ending a little (no spoilers here, don't worry), and here's another interesting tidbit- they were gonna have a dog join Joel and Ellie. But that was "cut pretty early" because it was just over-the-top and in fact, "one of the programmers just freaked out" due to the technical challenges involved. Oh, I can just picture it now: "A dog…?! A fu*&()& DOG?! Oh, that's it. I quit. I QUIT."

They also talked about Ellie's resemblance to actress Ellen Page, leading people to believe that it was in fact Page who would be voicing the character. The Naughty Dog guys admitted that they just didn't see that, so they worked to include more of the actual actress – Ashley Johnson, who does a superb job, by the way – in the virtual Ellie's features.

In our estimation, The Last Of Us is one of the very best games ever made. If you don't play it, you're missing out.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

My only complaint Naughty Dog please fix the bugs and other minor issues 🙁 Good thing I don't have a Phat PS3

11 years ago

Because a fat one makes bugs worse?

11 years ago

Me personally Ive encountered a few bugs in the Single player with the AI and not being able to walk through a few doors and the autos ave feature which has been fixed but nothing to major. Now in the multiplayer there is actually quite a few bugs with the main one being that if the host leaves or get disconnected for whatever reason you loose survivors. Good thing you won't play that portion of the game lol As for Phat PS3's people are having problems because it won't play the game and if it does some systems are overheating which sucks lol Other than that great game 🙂

11 years ago

Must be a powerful game to wreck the fatties.

11 years ago

My phat is fine while playing it? Runs loud but at this point it does that pretty much all the time haha.

Ascension on the other had crashed continuously.

11 years ago

Errr, I finished my game and starting playing a second run on my launch fat 60gigger and I haven't had a single problem. The AI issues have nothing to do with the console, haven't experienced any issues with not being able to walk through doors and my fat isn't running any louder than it does with another game. And that's with it being 90 degrees outside. It actually made my slim run louder than usual due to the heat. Uncharted 3 did as well.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/22/2013 2:19:37 AM

11 years ago

My phat PS3 runs just fine… not sure I can believe much of that. Ive also experienced minimal bugs, less than Uncharted 3 so far, which is good in my book.

11 years ago

My Phatty runs the game just fine.
It's mean to pick on phattys 🙂

11 years ago

I can never tell if the pictures for Sony stuff is Ellie or Jodie Holmes from Beyond, but yeah I wouldn't buy this game if they killed a dog.

I was hoping it would arrive today but maybe tomorrow.

11 years ago

A dead dog would stop you from getting this? I take it, then, that you're not a fan of House of Cards.

Last edited by dmiitrie on 6/22/2013 2:54:55 AM

11 years ago

I've never seen it, but I'm a dog person and I'm SO sick to death of creators thinking they are being clever by killing the dog to get an emotional reaction out of you. It's why I won't watch that Will Smith movie again.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/22/2013 11:46:48 AM

11 years ago

the game is amazing, it totaly sucks you in

glad they dumped the dog idea, nothing worse than a
barking dog when you're trying to be stealthy.

11 years ago

Okay… I am biting my lip here…. I am very close to caving in and buying. Thats it, I am not saying anything more. Thank god I am going on vacation to distract from this temptation… but knowing my luck, where ever I go… its will be there or someone will be talking about it.

I can wait. I can wait til Xmas or something.. I have the will power….eeeargh!!

…….. keep playing!

11 years ago

Just give in and buy it. You'll have a great time and you won't have the emotional turmoil of trying to resist. Seriously, it is that good and this is precisely the kind of game that you want to show support for.

11 years ago

Trust me its like I have been infected by spores…. I may… I may pop round the store and just … take a look at the case…. browse a little…. possibly. lol

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

I wish I could erase my memory of the game over and over again. So I could play it forever. It's that good.

FF7 was my favorite game of all-time, but this beat it out. And not just by a little. No other game comes close.

11 years ago

I freaking love this game. It's the best game I've ever played I think. It's not a fun game in the traditional sense. There's just too much tension for it to be enjoyable the same way say Zelda is. It's just a fantastic experience. I love the gun play too. Nice to finally play a game that doesn't hold your hand.

11 years ago

Summed up nicely. The thing is, the gameplay to me is everything that makes it awesome. Not just the gunplay, which a lot of people will judge the gameplay as just that.

11 years ago

Indeed. The weapon and item crafting is awesome as well as being able to use bricks and bottles to stun and pummel the enemies with. Its satisfying chucking a brick then charging the stunned enemy with a melee weapon. The stealth is great too and gives MGS a run for its money.

11 years ago

Now after finishing the game gamers obviously will want more so naughty dog could have kept the extra parts.But still its a long game to replay in new game plus mode.I'm sure the extra parts were cut before meeting tommy at the dam

11 years ago

I was quite surprised by the length. If one doesn't rush, searches everywhere and walks instead of running around and just take in the environments, it could take over 20 hours on the first run. I was just over 26 hours.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/22/2013 2:18:40 AM

11 years ago

@ Jawk: I took 24 hours, managed to get 114 out of 140 collectibles

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

damn… I finished in 13 hours, and I took my time.

11 years ago

28 hours here. The game was HUGE. So many things I loved about this game, but I think just walking about and looking at the dilapidation of nature reclaiming buildings & streets was my favourite.

I also took my time in combat, thinking out every possiblity before actually doing it. When it didn't work I had to bring out the trusty shotgun and felt a bit guilty, but when it did work…felt so good lol.

11 years ago

Lol, then you rushed Killa. By most accounts it should have taken you at least 20 hours if you were really exploring and listening to all the in between conversations.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

🙁 that's okay though, Survivor+. I will take my sweet sweet time.

11 years ago

I feel like whatever they did with the ending, it was cut shorter than they meant it to be originally, it felt as if there was something missing. I got the same feeling with this as I did watch the finale of The Sopranos.

11 years ago

Game of the Generation for me. What's unreal is how Naughty Dog keeps topping itself, best in the business right now and it's not even close. Looking forward to its PS4 effort. Hopefully the streak of brilliant releases will continue.

11 years ago

There really is no studio like them.

11 years ago

isnt it amazing, how focused and dedicated they are.

11 years ago

TLOU Really is an amazing experience. At this point if the level of The Last of Us is able to be achieved even now on current hardware the PS4 isn't even needed. It only provides greater fidelity in my opinion.

Only developers need to actually take risks and create more meaningful experiences. Not just shooter 2.0.

11 years ago

With MS being Sony's main competitor I really don't think well see games like this that are multiplatform this coming gen. There are some great multiplatform games no doubt, but nothing on this level. This is something that can only be experienced on Sony platforms.

11 years ago

Your right of course but it really shouldn't be that way.

11 years ago

I played The Last of Us… Now don't get me wrong it is a very good game and yes one of the best games this gen. But I think the praise is a bit TOO overbearing.

At times I found the gameplay a bit too simple, at least this was for the first half of the game though. I got really angry when they introduced the bigger enemies beginning with B (trying to avoid spoilers) It just reminded me of them Brutes in Uncharted 3 which I also disliked.

I don't generally have much to criticize the game for, it was really good. But I have to admit I was not on the edge of my seat for much of it like many games this generation have made me feel. It was a good game but and I expected nothing less than HD but a masterpiece of gaming… well it just seems a bit too much – Not my Valve or Demon/Dark Souls standards mind you. I can certainly see why it is a candidate for best PS3.

11 years ago

That's really not the beginning though. By that point you're a good ways into the game. I think if you're trying to compare it to a game like Demon Souls you're approaching of the wrong way. It's not that kind of game. Apple and oranges. Its like comparing Bioshock to Call of Duty. Completely different visions. I'm on my second play now and that entire section just before you meet the B is incredibly intense even after already experiencing it once.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/22/2013 4:38:41 AM

11 years ago

yea, it definitely feels it!
once you meet bill and finish that level everything drastically changes from there, it just feels like they sat back and went holly sh*t its taken us THIS long and were only this far into finishing?
were in trouble!
even with the massive delay it feels like a massive chunk of the games been cut and the rest of it really rushed!

wish you had allot fewer supplies too.
the game trains you to fear the infected, but then you get really powerful weapons really quickly and then all of a sudden your not scared of them anymore.
hell the humans pose a bigger threat than the infected, how does that work?
just so disappointing going through the subway level turning your butt crack into a rabbits nose, god that was so tense!
than suddenly everything changes and your no longer biting your nails and shaking in fear!

ND REALLY need to work on their cliches too.
i mean come on the story, the ending, and all the twists were just SO been there done that!
especially sam, i mean come on the moment they walk into the building i knew exactly whats going to happen.
come on, just come on!
wheres the surprise?
im so sick of games creating stories and plot points around things that have been done so many times before, it just makes it so predictable and really takes the impact away.
would the intro be half as impact if you already knew what was going to happen?
F*CK no!
so whys the rest of the game so predictable?
come on guys if were going to try create such a dramatic frightful story you NEED to come up with new ideas, not the cliches that have been done 100 trillion times before!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Honestly, the reason I love this game so much is because the relationship Ellie and Joel have is interpreted in so many ways. I've read many comments and articles regarding Joel and Ellie, and they all say something different.

I must also disagree with you on the prediction part of your comment. Another reason I love this game is because it wasn't predictable. I always thought it would end up like all the other movies/games end like. But it didn't. It wasn't predictable at all. Not on my experience at least.

11 years ago

oh please!
if you could not pick that was going to happen to sam you dont need glasses, you need freaking laser surgery from luke skywalkers lightsaber!
even the whole plot of the game, why your smuggling ellie.
how many games/movies/books have this concept?
its SO cliche!
as soon as that scanner dropped i already knew how the game was going to end, even though i was only a hour into the game, and 15 hours away from the freaking ending!
the second i got to the first checkpoint i knew what was going to happen in both characters cases.
every surprise and twist was about as surprising as putting a explosive in the fireplace, than actually being surprised when you come home the next day its gone bye bye!

another big mistake ND made, as they always do, is they showed off some REALLY stupid key plot points when they picked trailers, and that spoiled allot of events!
as greg miller said the instant that scene that happens towards the end he was not worried because well i wont say any more.
the ONLY part of the game where i was shocked, did not see it happen, and was seriously worried and upset, then i remembered oh wait that cant be.
ND have been slaughtered for showing off key plot points in uncharted 2, than 3, and they keep doing it again, and again, and AGAIN!

11 years ago

Dude, just get of it. All you do is whine about everything. Why don't you take a break from gaming since it seems to makes you so angry. It's supposed to be a fun hobby, not something that turns you into a ranting lunatic.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Actually he does have a point. The game is just a tad bit predictable and Naughty Dog did kind of reveal too much on the trailers. But it's nowhere near as predictable as you set it out to be. Lasik from Luke Skywalker's lightsaber? Made me lol. The truth is, Naughty Dog created an emotional masterpiece, with a flick of a finger. Something they didn't even advertise as much but came to be. Something Quantic Dream has been trying to do, but here are Naughty Dog just lifting a finger and doing it, possibly better than Quantic Dream. Let me know if you find a better game then The Last Of Us. I'd like to play it very much.

11 years ago

Oh my god this idiot again! Cliche would be Joel dying, Ellie dying, both dying. Get off your damn "high" horse, more like donkey, and go do something else. Your constant complaints about games is unremarkable. Not once do you praise a game, you do so then backtrack and talk more $&@#!!! Just get away from the computer and go out into the world. There is something out there…oh look a bird and clouds. Go!!!

11 years ago

The dude needs anger management or some zoloft.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

He needs Luke Skywalker pointing his lightsaber at him every time he opens his mouth. To let him know to not even say anything.

11 years ago

when developers keep shoving their finger in the power point and wondering why they got shocked, its kinda hard not to complain!
everything thats wrong with the last of us is the same thats wrong with uncharted, 2, and 3.
why do they refuse to at least try to rectify these things?

plus, how are you suppose to feel sorry for these characters when ND makes them so hateable?
every time something bad happens you couldent care less because the person that it happens to is a d*ck.
bill for instance, you walk into that house and all i could do is laugh.
then you walk into the kitchen and see that note, serves you right for being a prick!
kinda hard to feel sorry for people when you hate them.

11 years ago

I was hoping for an alternative ending where Ellie is K.I.A and Sarah was resurrected thru Joel memory.

11 years ago

Naughty Dog just really are truly amazing, absolutely loving TLOU, the gameplay I think is the best ive ever experienced, the graphics are just out of this world an some of the enemies are the best ive come up against, ps mr noname always makes me laugh with his WIERD comments, jawknee sums him up a treat a ranting lunatic lol.

11 years ago

Okay its official. I caved. Some jerks were talking about the game and unfortunately I was in ear shot and would you believe, they started talking openingly about the ending of the game and other characters. So I said F$%K!!!

So the only solution… was I had to buy the game now and play it before I hear any extreme details of the game and it outcome.

I think when people talk openly in places… they. like they do online, should yell out… SPOILER ALERT!!!


Anyway, started playing it this aft. Crap… after playing the intro… I think I am getting on an emotionally rollercoaster here. What a way to spend a Saturday aft.

Keep playing!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Poor choice: holding out on buying it.

Great choice: Eventually buying it!

It's a masterpiece of art.

11 years ago

I forgot to mention that I think TLOU is the best game of the generation, in my eyes anyway, nothing comes close, well maybe Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 3, hmm all naughty dog what else can I say about them.

11 years ago

2 more trophies and………….PLATINUM

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