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Grand Theft Auto V Police Will Present More Of A Challenge

The police haven't always been the brightest bunch in Grand Theft Auto . Just keep chasing you like maniacs until either you go down, or they go down.

They showed more intelligence and strategy in GTAIV, but that's nothing compared to the challenge they may pose in the upcoming GTAV. As noted at GameStop's Facebook page , the police will definitely step up their game.

It seems they'll utilize "advanced driving tactics" and even "seek out higher ground for better visibility" if you're running along on foot. There's also the possibility that they will coordinate better; i.e., set up more effective roadblocks, pin you in during car chases, etc. Therefore, don't be surprised to see the authorities using real-life tactics to take you down. There's no doubt that the gameplay in GTAV will be more dynamic and realistic than ever before, although we're hoping it doesn't get too realistic. That takes all the fun out of GTA, damnit.

I still liked destroying police helicopters with a rocket launcher and bashing everything in sight with a tank. That stuff just never got old.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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11 years ago

I'm all for better AI but there's some fun in having a somewhat stupid police lol. Oh man did I have fun in GTA3… n_n

11 years ago

I thought the police AI in IV was actually pretty good; much better than in previous titles. However, the more challenging the better.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I can't wait for this game. Although, looking at the Ps4 game trailers and the trailers for GTAV, I can notice that this is current gen. Remember how we all thought this was next gen graphics? Wrong.

11 years ago

^ never believed it for a second.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Me either

11 years ago

This will probably be the game that keeps me from a day one PS4. …unless they announce it for PS4 before 9/17.

PS R*, a new trailer with some gameplay please.

Stay Classy PSX…

11 years ago

I won't survive long enough to appreciate their tactics, I'll just take as many with me as possible.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Nope, sorry. They'll take as many of you as possible before they go down.

11 years ago

Good luck to them, there's a lot of me!

11 years ago

Dont be to hard on us L.E. guys World!

11 years ago

Only virtual ones.

11 years ago

Yeah I agree.
Generally speaking I really can't want to see better AI in games, but for this particular franchise I actually want them to be a bit gullible and rather just show up in volumes instead. It's huge fun to play around with the cops in GTA in a totally unrealistic fashion.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/14/2013 2:23:06 PM

11 years ago

From what I recall they had a really unfair 6th sense for seeing your crimes and where you were hiding. I hope it's more realistic in that it takes longer to trigger the police response levels but of course more realistic tactics from them will be nice too.

PS3 title? Lovely.

11 years ago

Any one in the ps3 ff 14 beta it's super empty

11 years ago

Way to go off topic. But yes, I'm downloading the beta right now 🙂 Will be hopefully on later tonight. Assuming good server stability and all that. I hear character creation is down right now.

11 years ago

It wasn't empty they just don't show up till after a certain segment I'm on now servers are great this is a solid game bout Damn time squeenix jjlive1 add me I'm down to run with anyone

11 years ago

This sounds great (as does virtually everything I've read about 'Grand Theft Auto V' thus far), but I just hope that they don't make it annoyingly difficult (as in, the game is basically cheating to give you a hard time). 'IV's police were mostly fine, but I hated almost being out of the circle only for a police vehicle to spawn seemingly out of nowhere and force me to start my escape all over again. And I don't want the police crashing into me, then trying to arrest me for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Finally, you shouldn't get a wanted level for simply engaging in a pushing match with somebody. If an officer is nearby, they should just break it up and move on.

11 years ago

It didn't help that they reworked the Pay n'Sprays! You could only use one to lose your wanted level if they didn't see you enter which was easier said than done.

11 years ago

as if they were not challenging enough in IV!
one thing that really spilled the fun of the game, pissing the cops off was a death sentence it was impossible to fight with them!
sigh, looks like all my worries of GTAV being GTAIV with pertier gwafix were exactly spot on.
amiss the days where games were actually, you know, FUN!

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