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E3 2013 Attendance Rises, E3 2014 Dated

With two new consoles to show, is it any doubt that this year's E3 was quite popular?

According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 48,200 people attended this country's biggest video game trade show during the week. This is up by 2,500 over last year's tally, and there were around 230 exhibitors, too. The show also delivered the city of Los Angeles revenue of $40 million. Say "thank you," LA!

Said ESA CEO Michael D. Gallagher:

"This year’s E3 showcased the best that our industry has to offer and channeled the immense energy, drive, and enthusiasm for video games onto a global stage. Thanks to our members and exhibitors’ boundless capacity for innovation, billions of consumers are seeing the future of our industry through this outstanding landscape of creativity, technology and content."

As you might expect, E3 2014 is already scheduled for June 10-12 and it will once again be held at the LA Convention Center. The week saw Sony give Microsoft a virtual bloody nose after announcing no DRM and no online restriction for the PS4, as well as a $100 cheaper launch price and the promise of a whole lot of top-tier exclusive software in the coming year.

Who's excited?!

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11 years ago

Oh God. That image up there just scared me. I only started paying attention to E3 when I first came online to see what was new in the world of video games and stumbled upon a little site called Psxextreme. Since then the E3's have just frickin' flown by.

Hopefully next year somebody will televise the whole damn thing again.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Someone introduced me to psx, after that my gaming innocence dwindled. I miss my innocence 🙁

11 years ago

How did PSXE umm… deflorate you?

11 years ago

every year for the past 4 years E3 has been a MASSIVE disappointment!
manufactures spending more time waving their d*cks about talking about statistical stockbroker data, gimmicky 3D and motion controls, or just boring general BS like $onys stupid boring NBA 2K crap on tuesday.
and very light on the game announcements, and even lighter on surprising ones.
what happened to the old E3 where it had you screaming OH NO F*CKING WAY I CANT BELIEVE THERE DOING THAT!!!!!!!!!!
the excitements gone, weve gone from seeing the rules of physics rewritten every time E3 came, to going backwards.
and i was expecting this year to be exactly the same till the ps4 was announced, than i said no way they cant bring in new systems with stockbroker talk.
and sadly i was wrong.

11 years ago

Dude, everything is a massive disappointment to you, I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself.

11 years ago

when Ferrari turns up to the biggest motor show of the year and shows off only their new lego collection, its kinda hard not to be disappointed!

11 years ago

I hope they get a better TV deal, Spike said they're the new home for E3 but they only showed the Microsoft presser, EA presser and one more than went back airing reruns of CSI and Tattoo Nightmares.

11 years ago

That was a kick to the nuts of gamers. You can't trust an MS partner to broadcast a gamer event.

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