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Sony: The Last Guardian On Hiatus…No, Wait, It’s Still Coming

Although Sony provided gamers around the world with an excellent E3 press conference, many noticed that something was missing…

It's a game that has been in development for years, and many anticipated an update at E3. Unfortunately, The Last Guardian wasn't mentioned and Sony fans once again went away disappointed.

Not long after, SCEA president Jack Tretton told Spike TV that the project is currently "on hiatus." However, Kotaku then posted a quick update, saying that Tretton misspoke and that the anticipated title remains in "active development." This is the one thing that really annoys me about Sony right now: They really can't seem to give us a concrete update on this game. And that's just too bad.

But at this point, isn't it safe to assume it'll be headed to the PS4…?

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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11 years ago


11 years ago

I was thinking it was going to be shown as the last trailer. I uh… I didn't like either Ico or SOTC. Good games, but im not a fan of platforming. Im just bad at it. But i figured Sony would have made everyone happy at the conference including those expecting Last Guardian.

11 years ago

Well when the big man doesn't even know if it is still in development that probably tells you all you need to know right there.

The biggest E3 lesson that nobody seems to understand yet is that CONSPICUOUS ABSENCES MATTER!

11 years ago

I hate to say it but I think it's time to let this one go. Stop talking about it, stop reminding us of what could have been.

11 years ago

…yea…and people said the same for ff versus xiii…and look at what happened.

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

ill wait for you baby

11 years ago

Yes, I think its safe to say that if in development… its coming out on the PS4 and probably for next holidays. Hope so. Last Guardian would be a nice addition to the library. Maybe it was just ahead of its time and now the console hardware has caught up and they can now do what the want.

Keep Playing!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Theres always tokyo game show

11 years ago

misspoke my a$$!
jacks just trying to cover his a$$ from being chewed off from the fans!
come on $ony, if the games never releasing than at least have some respect for your fans and tell them!
dont be valve………

11 years ago

I wanted to see TLG at E3 so badly. Its absence just reinforces the growing belief that my most anticipated game of the entire generation is little more than vaporware… and that makes me a saaad panda…

11 years ago

I think all the hype for this game (including mine) is too much. If they ever release it, they will need to have a top notch game; anything short of creative, artistic, or simply excellent is going to disappoint the crowd. I have been expecting this game for a long time, just as many others have, but I think we shouldn't continue to grow the hype; it'll just leave a rather bad taste in our mouths the moment it doesn't meet our expectations. I'm not saying it won't though.

Last edited by Masszt3r on 6/12/2013 10:15:24 AM

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Somebody get the fork and prepare for sticking………

11 years ago

This ship has sailed. Look for it (when it DOES come out (oh is that Jesus and the 4 horsemen coming down from the sky?) in a WAL MART video game bargain bin come launch time.

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