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Assassin’s Creed Creator Pursues Legal Action Against Ubisoft

He warned them he wasn't happy, and that he would aggressively pursue retaliation.

After Ubisoft fired Patrice Désilets , one of the primary creators of the acclaimed, blockbuster Assassin's Creed franchise, he told the media that he'd take action.

And so he has: According to Game Informer citing French source La Presse, Désilets has sued the French publisher for $400,000 and the rights to purchase 1666: Amsterdam . A former agreement with now-defunct publisher THQ said that Désilets was to have full creative control of the game (he left Ubisoft to work at THQ). But after THQ went down and Ubisoft purchased the project, that control disappeared. Ubisoft says they will "evaluate their options" concerning this legal action.

Désilets has claimed that he was fired for no reason:

"This was not my decision. Ubisoft's actions are baseless and without merit. I intend to fight Ubisoft vigorously for my rights, for my team and for my game."

By the way, shortly after Désilets got the axe, fellow AC producer Jean-François Boivin was also fired from Ubisoft .

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11 years ago

I hope he gets everything he's after.

11 years ago

Good. Ubisoft deserves it after the way they've acted.

11 years ago

Well that's just plain dumb how Ubisoft acted

11 years ago

makes you wonder why?
reading the court documents it sounds like ubisoft wanted to tone down his creative control on the game, and he was not happy with that.
problem is though they only tell 1 side of the tale.
question is, WTF would you do this to 2 of the guys who created one of this generations most successful IPs?
why did ubisoft want to put the leash on him, instead of giving him a sealed briefcase and say get to work!

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