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Contra Run And Gun Trademark Filed, To Be Revealed At E3?

Remember back in 2011 when Konami issued this teaser image? It was for a new Contra but we really haven't heard anything in some time.

Now, AllGamesBeta has spotted a trademark application filed by Konami; it's for a game called "Contra Run and Gun." The trademark was just recently filed on June 4.

It's for "video game software, video game programs; computer game software; computer game programs and electronic game programs." It's a little ironic that Konami closed their pre-E3 2011 press conference with this "They're Coming" teaser pic and two years later, just before E3 2013, we're seeing this trademark. If you're wondering, the last Contra title was actually 2011's Hard Corps: Uprising , which released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 and enjoyed decent reviews. It was actually a prequel to Contra: Hard Corps , which was available on the old Sega Genesis.

So, does this mean we're getting a next-gen Contra ? Or will it be a downloadable-only title for all platforms? Guess we'll have to wait and see. The good news is that the game is aptly named; of course Contra is all about "run and gun!" Really, what else could it be?

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11 years ago

Whatever this is, I hope there's a Vita version since that means I'll actually be able to play it in the future.

And while Hard Corps: Uprising was cool, I actually hope they fix the problems that game had (like the stages being too goddamn long).

11 years ago

I never tried Uprising, but I've heard good things, and will probably get it sooner, rather than later. I'd love the new game to just have the same feel, consistency and difficulty of the original NES games, with just upgraded graphics.

11 years ago

Uprising is indeed very good. Hard as hell, but it has the Uprising Mode that allows you to power up your characters, so with sufficient play you WILL beat it.

My main problem with Uprising is that the stages are TOO GODDAMN LONG. It takes an average of 12-15 minutes to get through a stage, and there are 8 of them. I used to be able to beat Contra III on SNES, the entire game, in 15 minutes. The stages are needlessly long, especially stages 1 and 2, with long points between check points (naturally, you're going to die a lot until you know what you're doing, and even when you know what you're doing, you still can't fly through a stage with any real speed).

There's also bad design with Uprising Mode, where you gain experience by re-playing stages you've made it to over and over, but you can't exit the mode gracefully. When you beat a stage, it doesn't end, it simply continues to the next stage like normal. If you exit , you lose all the experience you've accumulated! The only way to keep your experience is to die, lose all your lives and not continue. It's quite irritating, especially when combined with the aforementioned exceedingly long length of the stages.

I suppose if I were to nitpick, some of the weapons are garbage as well, like the crush missiles. Those are good for literally one boss, and are completely useless otherwise.

Even with these flaws, the game is a blast. A much better effort than the empty Wii-ware Contra Rebirth.

11 years ago

I just hope that the game stays as a side scroller haha! no 3d contra, thats just wrong

11 years ago

I'd like it to become a very good TPS that doesn't stray too far from its roots. But nobody seems to be able to make that happen.

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
11 years ago

I've been wondering what Bill and Lance have been up to, but the title hints at some kind of iOS release.

Last edited by Remo Williams on 6/10/2013 1:27:19 AM

11 years ago

That would be mildly disappointing, but depending on how good it is, I might get it for my ipod. I like to have a good variety of games on there.

11 years ago

Man I haven't played a Contra game in years. >.< Brings back memories. 😛

11 years ago

maybe it's some 3Ds exclusive so don't get too excited =p

…remember S-E's "All the Bravest" how quick that hype deflated as soon as it was revealed to be iOS.

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