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The Last Of Us Sequel Possible, But Joel And Ellie Are Done

The Last Of Us is a modern masterpiece of the highest order. It's the second incredible brand new IP of the generation that Naughty Dog has produced.

And if Uncharted can have sequels, why not The Last Of Us ? Well, studio creative director Neil Druckmann told the PlayStation Blog that in fact, the universe "is ripe for more stories." However, that doesn't mean Joel and Ellie will return:

"I think the world is ripe for more stories, but as far as the journey Joel and Ellie goes on it ends with this game. We were very conscious that we didn't want to leave this story dangling. If we never do a sequel we're OK with it, because we told the story we needed to tell."

Druckmann also added a clarifying point about the storyline: A virus has decimated mankind in the game, but we never learn much about that virus; we don't really get a lot of specifics. However, Druckmann said that this was intentional because it's "not what the story is about." Above all else, he said it's about the two characters and their journey, which is precisely how we saw it in our review. This is absolutely character-driven in every way, shape and form, and it's greatly appreciated.

And dear Lord is it good.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

Don't forget the dlc that will be released. It is single player dlc so that could be it. I know Christophe spoke about how they have more stories to tell and the dlc can help with it.

11 years ago

If it's a sales success we will probably see at least one more with some new characters.

To be honest though I hate when they leave the reason for the apocalypse an unknown. Even if that's not what it's about I think a talented creator should weave it into the story somehow or it's just a regular old plot device that becomes an annoyance to me.

11 years ago

It was the Swine Flu.

11 years ago

They've mentioned it in some of the trailers and in interviews. It's caused by a fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. Fungi of this kind usually affect ants and other types of insects but in The Last of Us the apocalypse was caused by one that had evolved and made the jump to humans. That's why the clickers look the way they do.

11 years ago
11 years ago

I wonder what they have planned with that Single player DLC?

11 years ago

My impression with this game rose the question as to how it ends. Reason being, not knowing the game, how could they do a sequel? And should they bother next gen with this?

Not sure, but Naughty Dog probably has other game ideas and instead of focussing on a single franchise, which is not bad, they can make other games and I think at this stage the next gen calls for some new games.

Some games do not demand a sequel or a prequel like what we see in movies. You hear some devs going on about how they get tired of deving for the same thing over and over. Sometimes it shows in the 3 or 4th iteration.

Does this game ask or demand a sequel? Don't know. Whether it does get a sequel or even a 3rd iteration, depenfing on how I feel at the end of the first will determine for myself whether I care and want one… or not bothered and move on to something else.

Naughty Dogs call…. with I am sure a little influence from the fans.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

It may be the end of the story as far as Joel and Ellie are concerned but there's lots of room within the gameworld to tell more.

11 years ago

see, i KNEW the story would suck!
how can you have a game based on a scenario, but offer no info on that scenario?
christ, should of known a little backstory was just too much to ask for!

11 years ago

lol, you must really get a kick out of being negative.

If you've been following the game, you should already know exactly how the virus exists. I could tell you it all right now. Therefore your "no info on that scenario" statement wasn't well thought out lol. And as Ben says, as is the case with ND, their games are based around character's and their relationships. If you throw them in this situation, how will they react etc.

Any game that flat out tells you all the specific details like how your asking for are examples of bad writing; things should be left to the imagination (with the appropriate guidance). You should see it implied in how the characters act, how the enviroments have changed etc.

Now wait for the game to arrive (I know you pre-ordered it, like the rest of us), and I expect your immaculate praise with no hint of negativity 🙂

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 6/8/2013 6:20:39 AM

11 years ago

No story ever tells you how a virus starts. Even the George Romero films never specified how the virus started. Stop being an idiot and thumbing yourself up because no one likes you and your incessant whining about anything and everything!

11 years ago

and thats exactly why there stories have sucked.
you cant build a game in a universe without explaining anything about that universe.
would bioshock have been half as amazing and interesting without any information about andrew ryan, why he built his utopia, and how the splicers came to be?
f*ck no!
how about infamous, instead of explaining why and how kessler and odin created that bomb, and inversely created conduits, the story would of been about as interesting and engaging as a watching paint dry!

11 years ago

Really? No, I mean really? There is no point to argue with you. It is up to the reader to decide and considering that Night of the Living Dead is a classic that is held in high regard you just lost your credibility! The Road, no one knew what it was or how it started. It was an unknown cataclysmic event. The Walking Dead, no one knows how or why the virus started. A story begins to lose its focus once you show how something started. It loses its impact and clearly you want that. Halloween, the original, everyone thought that Michael Meyers was a nice kid plain and simple. The remake threw that out the window and explained that Michael was evil and loved to torture animals. It left the vagueness of the original and felt like a lesser film.

11 years ago

Stop voting yourself up op .

11 years ago

No sequel. Unless there is a fundamental change in the way the game is played. I haven't played the game and haven't read any reviews, but from what I've seen the gameplay intimately fits with the story that is told with these characters. Just tacking that gameplay onto another survivor would seem wrong.

And no more Uncharted games. That series is SO played out already. Unless Drake is going into space, I think they have achieved everything they could within the confines of that universe. And as we saw with 3 and Golden Abyss, they have no intention to shake things up and move it forward in any meaningful way.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

"And no more Uncharted games. That series is SO played out already. Unless Drake is going into space, I think they have achieved everything they could within the confines of that universe. And as we saw with 3 and Golden Abyss, they have no intention to shake things up and move it forward in any meaningful way."

Yeah, God forbid they'd make more of some of the best games mankind has ever seen. Uncharted 3 and Golden Abyss were just "so played out?" Just…wow. Do you even have a Vita? Have you even played these games? The potential for more Drake stories in more exotic locales around the world is just ridiculously high. Far more potential than most franchises that are ACTUALLY played-out.

You know, like Halo. And Gears. Two of the stalest franchises in the industry right now.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/8/2013 11:20:25 AM

11 years ago

You won't get any disagreements from me on Gears or Halo being at the end of their ropes creatively. I truly hope Gears is done. Halo…I can probably stomach another one.

I understand that Uncharted is a great series but sometimes less is more. There are so many great ideas probably cooking in those great minds at Naughty Dog. Why shackle them to an already existing franchise? Drake is not Mario. You can put Mario in a myraid of different scenarios and it always works. Drake, being so human, while making him vastly more relatable, also limits the situations you can place him in before you begin to strain credulity. So , yes, god forbid, in a NEW gen, I kind of want NEW franchises built from the ground up to take advantage of the new power given. Imagination unleashed. Though, I was always under the impression, that the subtle hint of having the The Last of Us Easter egg inside Uncharted 3 was a sign that they were, in a sense, 'destroying' that universe and moving on.

But you know, if they ever visited that universe, again I'd love to see an Uncharted with a young Sully as the main character. Totally different play style than Drake's. That would be very refreshing. Playing more to Sully's roguish qualities.

11 years ago

Naughty Dog could as least make a fun party racing game out of it, like with Crash and Jak & Daxter series.. Call it UnKarted.

11 years ago

Let me beat The Last of Us before we talk about a sequel. 😛 Uncharted needs another game. There are so many adventures for Drake and Co. Especially going into the PS4.

11 years ago

I still wonder if it would be drake and not someone else. If they split up drake and Elena again they kind of screwed over the ending of 3. Unless Elena is more than willing or it is drake and family I really can't see a sequel in the works.

11 years ago

"I think the world is ripe for more stories, but as far as the journey Joel and Ellie goes on it ends with this game. We were very conscious that we didn't want to leave this story dangling. If we never do a sequel we're OK with it, because we told the story we needed to tell."

Does this mean that Joel and Ellie's journey to find a cure is over, or does it mean Joel and Ellie are being "retired" as characters.

It would be odd if they just went ahead and stopped staring Joel and Ellie, considering how well developed they are as characters.

11 years ago

Actually,i just read on another website that the person who said the journey Joel and Ellie had was over,he meant the journey in the game.So there is a possibility that there will be a sequel with Joel and Ellie,a new journey maybe.

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