In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII , the world will end in exactly 13 days if the heroine doesn't do something about it.
This is the crux of the storyline in the latest FF, which also impacts the gameplay. See, you've got 13 days to work with; as each day is two hours in real time, it seems there are 26 hours available to you. Supposedly, that time can be extended or shortened based on your actions.
In this new E3 trailer for the game, we see Lightning square off with Noel (which we've seen before), and there are more glimpses of gameplay. More platforming elements have been implemented as well, and there's plenty of variety in the locales. It looks like it could be a pretty darn good game. …it ain't a Final Fantasy and it ain't an RPG but nonetheless, it could still be great. Just take away the title and think of it as a new action game from Square Enix. Like the Tomb Raider reboot.
That's the easiest way to deal with the pain, I think.
Thanks, Zak!
Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
I don't know why, but it feels so weird! It doesn't even feel like FFXIII anymore. Way to twist the story around. It was so unnecessary in the first place with the whole time travel thing and this trailer just proved it imo. What in the world is going on lol.
I don't think they even know what is going on anymore, this entry is even weirder and more unnecessary than being snatched out of time and made into a Goddess.
I could not get into the other games, and for this game. I do not seem to care either…
I hope Versus 13 will change that for me, still have a little bit of hope for SE, but not very much as i used to.
Even though I have no idea what is going on in the story anymore I am glad to see Snow back again. So I presume that Fall 2013 release date was for the Japanese version only. Still' that's not much of a wait really but then again that is because I am not anticipating it so much. I think S-E would really benefit from showing a gameplay demonstration with the developers talking about the features. So we can really get a sense for what this game will be like to play – As for now I am just not excited for it.
I didn't like FF13, but I did enjoy 13-2 a LOT to be honest but this one doesn't interest me. Even if it was called something else I'm just not interested however I can say it's beautiful though. Really showcases what the PS3 can do. Taking a look at what's coming out for the rest of the year, I can't see me buying anything else game related except the PS4.
Last edited by Condemnedsoul23 on 6/6/2013 2:52:56 PM
Pisses me off they took out CG cuts for 360, those were gorgeous.
Well, at least it looks very Japanese. If nothing else. Those who like that style might find *something* in here?
Agree with Ultima, I played through the first two and I haven't the slightest idea what's happening with the story now, it's like an acid trip movie or something.
BUT. I think I'll just do what Ben suggests and think of it as some kind of new action game, the end to a painful series, and as Beam says something Japanese. I'll try to enjoy it for what it is like I did Duke Nukem Forever…when I buy it cheap and probably used.
Now i know im going to get hate for this but the gameplay looks interesting for this even though its not even a rpg anymore. Il just have to get my true rpg final fantasy fix with ffvii,ffviii & ffix
My god! I feel like Square Enix just copied Nier
*Could use some positivity in here*
I like the few elements reminiscent of the RPG LoZ: Majora's Mask, speeding up and slowing down time. This supposed final entry for Lightning's saga just about confirms Time as FFXIII's main theme. Just wish the trailer wasn't so vague on what's going on.
This game might honestly be enjoyable, but to enjoy it I need to stop hating it. I will buy it when square makes another great FF.