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Tales Of Symphonia Chronicles Satisfies JRPG Fans In Early 2014

So it is coming. They're just not sure what to call it yet.

Namco Bandai Games America Inc. has announced that Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (Working Title) will be available in early 2014 in the Americas exclusively for the PlayStation 3. "The most celebrated Tales title ever" gets a high-definition upgrade along with additional content. Plus, it will feature the 2008 companion title, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World .

Those who have been JRPG fans for years definitely remember Tales of Symphonia . It released on the GameCube back in 2004 and also came to the PS2. It was one of the most critically acclaimed RPGs of its time, although Dawn of the New World didn't fare as well when it released in 2008 for the Wii. It's about time Symphonia returned to the PlayStation world, though, wouldn't you say? For more information on the upcoming HD compilation, check out the Tales Facebook page .

We'll let you know when the publisher settles on an official title, and when exactly it's going to be on store shelves next year.

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11 years ago

That was so not cool of Hideo Baba to pull a David Jaffe.

To Be Decided
To Be Decided
11 years ago

This is one those games I adore during the gamecube days. Shame I sold it but now I can re-enjoy it.

11 years ago

Cool aid. Cool aid. Tastes great. Wish I had some. Can't wait!

End of line.

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