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Rhode Island Earns $713,000 Thanks To Continued Amalur Sales

Well, it's a start.

Since 38 Studios went down and the state of Rhode Island obtained the developer's assets, a Providence Journal report shows that sales of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning have netted the state $713,000.

This number is the cumulative revenue from ongoing sales of the relatively well-received title, as well as digital distribution sales via Steam. However, RI's lawyer, Richard Land of Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, reminds us that publisher Electronic Arts still has the right to sell the game and get some profit. The only problem is that the state still faces over $100 million in debt due to the demise of 38 Studios. Rhode Island is hoping to get some of that back by suing 38 Studios founder Curt Schilling and other executives for $75 million.

That won't be a pretty lawsuit. This debacle kinda proves that just because you can throw a baseball doesn't necessarily mean you can run a big company. Even if you are a gamer.

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11 years ago

Bunch of babies, next time put some laws in place that don't allow for reckless spending and unsure loans.

11 years ago

In the meantime, sell the IP to someone who will do something with it.

11 years ago

100% agree. I was ready for DLC when I finished the game and I am now ready for a sequel.

11 years ago

I would really like to see a future for this game as it has so much potential. That and it is the only RPG my wife has ever gotten into.

11 years ago

They should sell the IP in such a way that its pretty much giving it away, but on the premise that whoever gets it MUST make a sequel and that the RI get paid some sort of royalties for the transfer of the IP.

Selling the IP normally won't net them the money that they've lost. And because of the way its viewed, there's no guarantee someone would buy it and if they do they'll probably try to lowball RI because its a "damaged IP".

If RI plays their cards right, they could probably make some back on royalties not only on a sequel but other possible games or merchandise in the franchise.

11 years ago

If only they hadn't wasted all that money on creating an mmo

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