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TLoU Multiplayer Factions “An Extension” Of The Campaign

There appears to be no doubt that the campaign is unbelievably awesome, but Naughty Dog has also been teasing a great multiplayer mode, too.

The developer has finally detailed the multiplayer action in their newest title, The Last Of Us . The mode is known as Factions and it will be "an extension" of the story and themes found in the single-player adventure.

All that great urgency you'll appreciate in the campaign, every bit of that drive to survive, will be evident in the multiplayer. "You'll feel tension and need to be intensely alert at all times," Naughty Dog said. You will select to be part of the Hunters or the Fireflies and each player begins with a small group of survivors that you must keep alive. That group can grow over time, too.

The first step to growing your party is to participate in a Supply Raid. You have 20 reinforcements and when they're all gone, the match enters sudden death. Then there's the Survivor section, where there are standard respawns. However, when a player dies, they're done until the next round starts. Matches are best of seven and Naughty Dog says overall, this innovative Factions multiplayer gameplay is "very tactical." You'll even do some of the same crafting you do in the campaign.

Fallen teammates can crawl toward allies in an effort to be revived before they bleed out, but remember that opponents can attack you when you're on the ground. Pre-ordering The Last Of Us at GameStop nets you the Survival Pack, which is a multiplayer expansion that features bonus experience points, a melee attack booster, a little extra cash, customizable items and two bonus skins that can be unlocked after the campaign is complete. Other retailers may have different pre-order bonuses.

Lastly, if you're so inclined, there will be a $20 DLC pass that includes day-one bonuses such as increased crafting speed, faster healing, clip capacity upgrades, etc. Do you want the most out of this incredible experience or not? This particular pass might be worth it…

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

Heh… it does sound very interesting but I'm more interested in the single player than anything else. I'v e had a hard time getting into anything multi player related after Resistance 3. I won't be getting the DLC or the pre-order bonus.

11 years ago

You know how long I've been waiting for a mode like this that actually sounds interesting and skillful all at the same time, well it's been years 🙂 Survival here I come.

11 years ago

I'll feel nothing cuz I aint touchin it with a ten foot pole.

11 years ago

So your telling me that after beating the story and getting Platinum your not even going to play online from time to time? Come on World you gotta stick that 10ft pole all the way in there. 🙂 No homo

11 years ago

lol you probably won't be able to get platinum without going through the multi-player (I may be wrong)

11 years ago

I don't have a single platinum, doesn't motivate me in the slightest.

11 years ago

My point is multiplayer overall, don't you like to socialize a little bit.

11 years ago

Love to, but I prefer face to face. The gameplay would have to do something truly amazing to make me want to get into the MP. I played Uncharted 2 and 3's and wasn't stimulated. Haven't touched Tomb Raider's.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/5/2013 6:20:21 PM

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