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The Last Of Us: 24 Perfect Scores So Far, And A New Trailer

The best game of the generation? The best game ever? Possibly.

Well, that remains to be seen but in the meantime, Sony has released a new live action trailer for Naughty Dog's latest masterpiece, The Last Of Us . It's below and it's pretty damn cool.

In addition, as the embargo for reviews lifted this morning, the reviews have already started pouring in. According to Metacritic , there are already 24 perfect scores (yes, 24) and hey, it's still early. The game holds an overall score of 95; it's down a little due to a few outliers, such as GameSpot's 8.0 score. But that's statistics for ya, right?

For the record, though, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which is arguably the best game of the generation, has 39 perfect scores at Metacritic, with an overall average of 96. I'm not sure TLoU can top that but who knows? As I said, it's still early; it has only been a few hours since embargo lifted and of many more reviews are yet to come. You'll see ours later tonight, hopefully.