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Check Out 10 New Multiplayer Screens For The Last Of Us

It won't be the focal point of the adventure, but it should still be awfully entertaining.

Sony has delivered 10 new screenshots of the multiplayer action in Naughty Dog's new PlayStation 3 exclusive, The Last Of Us . You can see two of them here; check 'em all out at Sony's Facebook page .

The game in question lands on store shelves on June 14 and Naughty Dog has been pretty quiet on the multiplayer details. All they've said is that it'll be the "best ever conceived." That's a pretty bold statement but does anyone out there really doubt this developer? Seriously?

As for these pics, it seems clear that we'll get some special abilities and some kick-ass weapons in the multiplayer segment. There's a flamethrower, for example, and you can see a character's outline through a wall in one screenshot. Maybe there's a reason Sony is keeping this under wraps until the last second…maybe it really is that special. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Or I just might see tonight, if I feel like leaving the single-player alone, and I probably won't. 😉

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

I still don't think this game needs multiplayer, but Naughty Dog has had success with previous games that have multiplayer. Maybe it will be pretty unique.

11 years ago

My flight is leaving tonight I should be there tomorrow morning to help you review it lol

11 years ago

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it attracts all Socom players but then again it's probably not even close to the same. (Oh and yes that's the reason I play HS&D)

11 years ago

I can't be the only one who doesn't care that this has multiplayer. That's not why I'm buying it and I doubt that I'll ever try it. Then again, I've been pleasantly surprised by multiplayer being included in games where I didn't think it would fit, so this might work out.

11 years ago

I will bet anybody my Uncharted trilogy that Nathan Drake will show up as a DLC character.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

That sounds like a pretty safe bet… but if you were wrong… an Uncharted trilogy would look pretty nice on the shelf.

11 years ago

Sorry, I am just not feeling it for this game at all. I did at first at the very very beginning when it was announced, but I am not seeing anything that is original or new. It just comes across like another sorts zombie mutant game.

I realize there maybe surprises, but I am not buying the game based solely on that it was made by Naughty Dog.

I am going to have to wait and see more gameplay and reviews from reliable sources.

Keep Playing!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

"It just comes across like another sorts zombie mutant game."

Yeah, it REALLY isn't.

11 years ago

I agree with Ben. Also, they uploaded multiplayer gameplay online. It actually looks rather interesting. You have to scrounge up supplies and find ammo. There are also weapons for melee and such. They break down after constant use.

11 years ago

Well then you two must have seen more of the game… most likely. But based on what I have seen thus far in trailers… nothing new. I am not saying there is no quality here. Heck this the company that brought us one of my fav series this gen, Uncharted. Until I see more of the game that is not just wandering a city, kiling mutants scavengers… as well as picking up supplies… my focus on Beyond Two Souls for story and gameplay. Not that I should compare the two which really are completely diff genres.

That all said, I am not completing panning this game, just waiting… cautiously. The multiplayer component does nothing for me since I do not do mp. The same was with Mass Effect 3. It was a decent mp addition but I only played it for trophies and the 100% readiness.

So criticize my judgement or call based on what I see. But it sounds like others are willing to buy the game before actually seeing more than just ruined city overrun by vegetation.

Keep Playing though!

11 years ago

If Ben's playing the game as we speak and still praises it.. well that can only mean one thing, right?

11 years ago
Here is the gameplay video of it. 🙂 It is in Spanish by the way.

11 years ago

I advise everybody to try the multiplayer before talking… The same thing ahppend with the Mass Effect Multiplayer… I was bad and Bioware didn't know what they where doing. It turned out to be a big succes and one of the best Multiplayers ever.

The Last of Us MP setup sounds intriguing and worth checking out.

11 years ago

leaked code puts it as a each player receives AI clans and you have to train up your clan against the infected and battle them against other peoples clans.
defiantly very different and creative, exactly why we love ND, but 1 will it work and 2 hows that MP?
whole point of MP is people versus people, but your team is comprised of AI, fighting other AI?
and the infected are also AI.
so hows that multiplayer?
would of been better if each player was a real player, and they had a leader, but then i guess they were worried about both the sheer numbers required, and also fighting about who gets to be the leader.
certainly sounds interesting, simply because its so different and creative, but i cant really see it catching on for long.
missing that competitiveness that all MP needs to be successful.

11 years ago

There is 4v4 matches with real people.

11 years ago

yea just found a vid on youtube showing a standard deathmatch.

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