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The Last Guardian Update At E3? Sony Says Maybe Not

It sure would be nice to receive an update on The Last Guardian , wouldn't it?

And when an entry for the long-awaited PlayStation 3 exclusive showed up at E3Insider , our anticipation level rose a notch or two…or three.

Unfortunately, Sony has clarified to Polygon that the listing is "purely speculative." So can we really expect "the latest details" on Guardian or will we be disappointed again…? Sony has said they don't intend to reveal the game until it's "absolutely ready," but how many years has it been? We really have to hope for at least some news next week at E3, because many of us are starting to lose faith in the project.

However, maybe we can take solace in Fumito Ueda's "coming soon" statement back in February. Maybe he thought Sony would provide that info during the PlayStation Meeting on February 20 but of course, that didn't happen. So now, maybe E3…?

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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11 years ago

Hopefully they do announce it especially if they release for both PS3 and PS4. It's one of those games that most of us have been waiting for. Team ICO always makes great games so if it comes out January 2014 I'm fine with that as long as it's another masterpiece.

11 years ago

Is there any exclusive console game that's cross gen?

11 years ago

I'm sorry to say this but I've pretty much given up. Sure, I'll pick up this title someday if it releases but… just ugh. It's worst vaporware than Final Fantasy Versus XIII (at least that game has 6 minutes of gameplay footage).

I canceled my pre-order a few months ago after pre-ordering it back in 2010 when it had a release window for 2011!!

11 years ago

Also, Ben, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles HD Collection on PS3 was confirmed! Told everyone that it would happen. 😀

11 years ago

F*ck yeah b*tches!

11 years ago

At this point. Just make it a movie of some sorts and release it like that. Don't make it a game. It's going to end up like DNF.

11 years ago

Vaporware. It's going to hurt them at E3 if they don't show something.

11 years ago

They've been working on this in some capacity since 2007. We're starting to edge over into Duke Nukem Forever territory (with less gratuitous nudity) especially since they haven't revealed anything in ages. At this point, they need to either show gameplay and announce a definite date or just cancel it.

11 years ago

Ok…what better way to send off the PS3 and kick into the era of PS4 than having The Last Guardian as the LAST AAA game coming out for it?

It's literally the last guardian, why not bring it out now?! Though…I really think the PS3 will keep kicking 4 years from now.

11 years ago

Sony has to show The Last Guardian at E3 next week. I think this is their last chance. It's do or die time.

If they still haven't got anything to show, then it's time to officially announce that the game has been cancelled. Let us all mourn the loss and move on.

My optimistic prediction however, is that Sony chose to make Team ICO rebuild the game for PS4 so it could be a launch title and they're going to wow the world with it next week… let me live on my cloud… just a little while longer.

11 years ago

now if anything is vapourware its this!
when a games been in development for at least EIGHT freaking YEARS and is not "absolutely ready" you know your in trouble!
hell, dident fumito say about a year ago he hadent even thought of the controls, and how they would work yet?
7 years in development, and he STILL hasent thought about controls!?

makes you wonder why fumito and so many lead development staff left jappan studio in the first place.
maybe they were not happy with the direction the game was going, hence why they left and the elongated development process.
sad, they were one of the very last truly creative and story compelled studios out there!
i guess my dreams of ape escape, and ico, receiving worthy successors will forever be pipe dreams.

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