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Vigil Wanted Darksiders III To Be Four-Player Co-op…Oh No

You know, I hate to say this, but I'm glad Vigil Games doesn't have Darksiders , anymore.

Darksiders II was fantastic and I've always wanted a third entry. After THQ went down and the franchise IP had to be sold off, I was disappointed. I had really wanted developer Vigil to give me the third entry.

But now I'm not so sure about that. In a recent IGN interview , Vigil Games co-founder and comic artist Joe Madureira said that the studio had planned a four-player co-op adventure for Darksiders III . This would allow the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to be playable all at the same time. A few new story ideas were tossed around, too, including a Western-type setting where the Horsemen were mortals after the rebirth of mankind.

Madureira said that the power of the upcoming consoles would've allowed for the four-player co-op proposal to fly, but of course, they didn't get the chance. Now, I don't know about other fans of the series, but none of those ideas sound good to me . Not the story ideas, and definitely not the four-player co-op idea. Why? Why are all developers insisting on "single-player multiplayer?" You know, some people don't like that. In fact, contrary to popular belief, a lot of people don't.

I think Insomniac stumbled a bit with Fuse , and I believe Vigil would've stumbled with a four-player co-op structure for Darksiders III . If we do get a new Darksiders from another developer now, it better be a single-player , epic adventure like the last one, damnit.

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11 years ago

As long as it had a core single player adventure I'd be fine with that. But it probably wouldn't have so oh well.

Remember y'all. If you got GoW Ascension today marks the first day of downloading and trying out The Last of Us demo.

11 years ago

Im waiting to play the full game, no spoilers. On the other hand GoW mp is callingmy name this weekend!

11 years ago

Fuse kinda proves all that extra co-op stuff just gets in the way of a core single player experience.

11 years ago

I liked Darksiders II for the most part, and while I really enjoyed the loot system that Vigil added and the weapon leveling, I feel like the story was overall weaker and more disjointed than the story was in the first one.

I would like to see a sequel, but I hope they don't stray away from the formula that made the first one so good, and the second one all right.

11 years ago

Actually this series was meant to be co-op all along from what I remember. After the first there was a lot of talk about implementing co-op into the second. Obviously that didn't happen but most of that talk recieved a lot of praise. Its cool taking each of the four horsemen and creating a story around them but it was even apparent back then that the fans wanted the foursome to have a story along side eachother.

Personally I think the stories were a little weak for me, to enjoy them single player. But because the gameplay is so great the co-op element would make it truly enjoyable. This could be like the next Borderlands, thats how I look at it.

11 years ago

Well there's something to be happy about the IP being sold.

11 years ago

just give us options dont see any thing wrong with coop all depends on storry but co op is always a pluss for me

11 years ago

A 4 player coop focus wouldve been a disastrous game to play for SP gamers.

11 years ago

I think it would have been awesome…

11 years ago

It would have… it needs it to some extent in my opinion.

11 years ago

well i understand what u mean by a 4 player focus story would be bad but at the same time they dont have to change a story to make a game fun coop and i mean the story can be the same but the option of a coop friend joining u on your quest helping and haveing fun in the game with u is cool by me with the same story line eg some games like halo 1 the story was ment to be played single player but was a blast coop and i did not care that there were 2 of the same players but the experience of playing the game story with a friend was great

11 years ago

now an eg of a story focus coop game are like resident evil 5 and army of 2 just to name some eg of games they were great but i get how a coop story can make a game bad at times , one great game that i wish was 4 player campain coop was rainbow 6 v that would have been cool for me and the best coop game i have played is borderlands that game is epic as a coop game ,i dont have a problem playing dead space 3 coop just at times wish there were more room to move around as there are 2 players but those who like coop would understand what i am getting at

11 years ago

call of duty world at war was a blast 4 player coop and to be honest i wish mmw2 and 3 had coop campaign same story but the option to play with friends with a harder AI or more attacking u is fine by me am cool with that kind of stuff

11 years ago

I wouldn't have minded co op. I thought that if they could have it four player and have the story remain strong that Darksiders would be awesome with co op.

But it would have to be done right. Otherwise they could make a game where you played as all the horsemen but just jumped around different ones at different times in the story.

11 years ago

This is actually old news. Has been known for months.

Personally, I don't like the idea of the four horsemen becoming mortal, I mean, these guys are bad ass.

11 years ago

great, like darksiders 2 was not enough of a stab in the back for fans!
as much as i hate to say this im glad vergil got split up, better that than see one of the best new IPs of this generation get totally destroyed!
2 did a pretty good job of that, but at least some of the franchises pride is still in tact…….

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