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Report: EA Killing Online Pass For All Currently Available Titles

We had heard that Electronic Arts was discontinuing the Online Pass program for all future games.

Now it appears they're taking it one step further. According to what EA corporate communications representative John Reseburg told Game Informer , you can wave bye-bye to Online Passes for existing games, too.

The company is currently in the process of removing the Pass from all their currently available titles:

"As we discontinue Online Pass for our new EA titles, we are also in the process of eliminating it from all our existing EA titles as well. We heard the feedback from players and decided to do away with Online Pass altogether.

Players will see it first with some EA Sports titles, where a prompt to enter an Online Pass code will no longer appear in-game; with other titles we are simply making Online Passes available free of charge online. These are rolling updates that are taking effect over the next several weeks. We hope players continue to enjoy our games and online services for a long time to come."

The Online Pass was instituted in an effort to combat used games sales, which don't give EA any extra revenue. They weren't the only publisher to implement such a plan; Sony and THQ did something similar and gamers have never been happy with the idea. Now it's time to see if Sony will disband the Pass as well. THQ has already bit the dust, so it's unlikely a nonexistent company could retroactively kill off the Pass that already exists in current games. But who knows?

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11 years ago

Holly crap! I am solo happy! If EA is really going good from now on then I'll be all for their success!

11 years ago

This may have a lot to do with what both Sony and MS have planned with their new consoles. Basically, this could just be publishers signaling that there'll be some sort of super structure in place to handle online access.

…so don't pat EA on the back just yet

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/30/2013 10:55:32 PM

11 years ago

But removing it from current-gen titles would mean that either:

A)it has nothing to do with the next gen consoles.
B)Sony and MS are going to implement DRM not only on next-gen consoles, but current-gen consoles too.

Removing passes for next-gen makes sense, but not current gen.

11 years ago

EA knows that their reputation among gamers is crap. They know they're now a two time reigning champ as worst company. This is a opportunity for them to soften their grizzled greedy suit and tie corporate image among gamers and do it with minimal loss.

What better way to look like a hero to us deprived gamers who have been revolting MS by reiterating their altruistic good will gesture to everyone. Come to EA. We care about you. We know game passes are WRONG. We're doing away with them. For you. We love you.


Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/31/2013 12:58:16 AM

11 years ago

EA probably figured that it was better to completely dismantle the current system (and take the good publicity that comes with it) rather than operate two distinct systems (one for next gen and one for current gen) in the future.

11 years ago

Don't worry I have no intention of letting them fool me twice

11 years ago

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. They said that they were dropping online passes and a week later Microsoft dropped a bombshell on us. I can't wait to see what the rEApers have in store for us now.

11 years ago

Everyone was saying that they only killed the Online Passes because of the DRM schemes used in next-gen consoles.

So if they are killing passes for ALL games, then that kind of goes against the former theory doesn't it?

Also, Yoshida from Sony has explicitly said that the Playstation 4 will NOT require mandatory registrations for each game you play, and that it is a Publisher decision on a game level. This to me says there will be no in-box DRM on the PS4, and any DRM will be from Publishers. If there is no mandatory registration, then there is no way to ensure DRM.

11 years ago

Still, it seems like a very odd move so it definitely signals something. There's no chance in hell they would go to the trouble to remove it from old games out of the goodness of their hearts unless it was for some greater need…

11 years ago

Could it be they've seen sales drop to a greater degree than the revenue generated by the online passes?

11 years ago

I say it's bull crap. If Sony and MS are both to institute some sort of used-game fee then they'll have just nulified the purpose of a online game pass in the first place. It'll be real sad if EA is just using this gap of time as a faux good will gesture. In reality they may just be stealing trust.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/30/2013 11:01:06 PM

11 years ago

I give them props but the thing is that Microtransactions are the future. I'm not for it or against it because its up to the person to buy them. The only ones I don't like is when they can unlock everything by simply paying to do so.

Last edited by MeXiCaNFiGhTe12 on 5/30/2013 11:20:13 PM

11 years ago

hmmmmm, looks like EA may not be a shoe in for the golden poo award next year…….
ubisoft, you better watch out!
this just in, hell is freezing over, leaders from every country have joined up to proclaim world piece, and hey whats this its a pig, flying backwards, while knitting my socks!
EA, doing something for their customers?
well ill be a son of a………..

11 years ago

I'm sure they have something FUN, FUN, FUN in store for us!

11 years ago

EA or i like to call them ELOCTRONC FARTS never do that unless there are a catch.since they already know they wont be needing online pass next gen anyway ,they have even worst plan than that its a DRM nightmare next gen

11 years ago

Interesting indeed. Can anyone tell me if people still play Medal of Honor ? Maybe now I could rent it and be able to play online, but I dont want to if nobody else is playing it.

11 years ago

As of now I have only seen xbox titles getting the pass removed. anyword on ps3 titles?

11 years ago

It kills you when you have kids that want to play.There is no resale issue here. I keep all my games and I do not buy used games.

I am glad to hear this.

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