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Completion Percentages For Four Final Fantasy Projects

If you're wondering how Square Enix is progressing on the Final Fantasy front, FF-Reunion has a Tweet for you.

It basically shows you the completion percentage of four FF projects currently in the works. That involves both the Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 high-definition re-imaginings, along with the upcoming Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and the PC port of Final Fantasy VIII :

We don't know if those percentages apply to the PS3 and Vita versions of X and X-2 but here's hoping. And if Lightning Returns is only 70% complete and it's set to come out later this year, doesn't that mean FFX HD should be due soon…? You watch- the latter will sell more than Lightning Returns , thereby causing heads to explode in consternation at Square Enix.

Thanks, Ross!

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11 years ago

Still no mention of Versus XIII, I see. Either they completely dropped the project (boo!) or it's now the Final Fantasy game for the PS4 (the rumored FF XV). God, S-E. Just finish the game and put it on the shelves!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I keep telling everyone, it's vaporware.

11 years ago

Absolutely, positively vaporware. They aren't saying so in all likelihood because lord knows they've had enough problems to explain to shareholders in recent days and years.

11 years ago

If it were cancelled, why would they constantly state otherwise? What benefit can you conjure up for lying about it? It's very real and you're wrong. You'll find out sooner rather than later too.

11 years ago

There is a very real benefit to pretending to have a killerapp on the horizon for millions of pissed off fans. It allows them to try their crazy money-leeching scam-games while promising something substantial somewhere down the line.

11 years ago

Not Vaporware Ben.
I expect a retraction and apology to people for reporting incorrectly when news comes out.

11 years ago

Nah, I still don't believe it.

This isn't really the same as DNF, the gameplay we have seen for vsXIII looked quite polished. With DNF, there was barely anything except words until it was finally back on track.

If they don't mention anything about it at E3, then I will stop thinking about it.

11 years ago

LOL @ Sogi

He didn't report it's officially vaporware as if SE themselves announced it. lmao

Dude's entitled to his opinion, too, you know.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Sony promised to support the PS3 through 2015 & have a stake in square enix so its not out of the realm of possibility that SE will release FFXIII vs after the XIII trillogy is out. Keep hold of that dream rpg fans!!!

11 years ago

I've been on a serious retro game kick these days, since so many are now available as downloads on current consoles (Super Metroid is FUN on the Wii U gamepad, I'm trying to beat Motherbrain right now…) On that note, I'm getting very excited for the FF X HD remake that's coming out. Hope the cross play for PS3/Vita doesn't cost anything extra, though.

11 years ago

retro gaming is a blast when you can get into the groove.

11 years ago

I didn't know about the HD Final Fantasy VIII
I'm excited to see that.
I still own it but never got around to playing it for the story, that card game was way too addicting 🙂

11 years ago

It's not going to be in HD, it will be like the Final Fantasy VII re-release, just with some extra cheats. Apparently the game was still in its original resolution – Otherwise I would have bought it day 1. But being fair the PS Store version of FF8 that you get in the US looks good on the PS3 full screen so I am content with that for now.

11 years ago

What the hell? How long ago did that game come out?

What the heck is going through their heads?

11 years ago

Not as far as I'd hoped on FFX HD, I've already preordered it but the stand-in date is the end of this year.

Can anybody else just smell how bad Lightning Returns will be? Now that they are rushed for time there's even bigger trouble. I want to play it just to see the train wreck.

11 years ago

OMG Lightning Returns is going to be EPICLY BAD. I still can't believe they are making ANOTHER FF XIII game, and I don't know that I ever will.

11 years ago

Don't they have to wait for x-2 to be completed to bundle the two together? All I know is I want to play 10. The past year I've gone back and beat old ffs, I actually just beat 6 for the first time last night. I beast xiii-2 recently also and enjoyed it for what if was so maybe I'll enjoy xiii3 when its bargain bin as well. How come everyone likes 8 so much? It was really hard for me to get into.

11 years ago

I dont know if u guys remember, but i am not an avid rpg player I played two Pokemon (forgot which version) anf FFX. Today i downloaded FFVII on my Vita to see what the excitement is all about I do plan on getting the FFX HD remake But i'll see if FFVII will transform me into a rpg fan so that i may keep an eye on the others in development

11 years ago

So pumped for FFX

also in other news,

FF13 versus -99.9%

11 years ago

I just realized something… I think I stopped caring when 13-2 came out, and I never played it.

Hey Square… here's a thought…

Remember that fan Chrono Trigger project you waited to get finished to 99% and then C&Ded. You had every right (even if waiting till they nearly finished it was a real dick move), but if people are willing to put that much effort into such a project, don't you think that maybe… oh… I don't know? That's possibly the type of thing people want?

Remember all those fans that asked for a FFVII HD remake… Those ones from all those years ago… and also today… and all those days between those two… Yeah… Just maybe listen to them???

Look at the IP that you have, that people like, and look at the things that people enjoyed. Now look at the things that people are saying they did not like… Okay, now here's the real trick…

Do the stuff people like, and Don't do the stuff they don't like.
Can you get that through your skulls?


Oh, well I'll go back to not caring about any of that crap above.
Will Square Enix ever learn?

Turns over the Magic 8-Ball: "Outlook not so good"

Last edited by richfiles on 6/3/2013 3:06:44 AM

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