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Spicy Horse Still Negotiating With EA For New Alice Title

It seems Electronic Arts isn't quite sure what it wants to do with the rights to Alice .

At least, that's the vibe we're getting from developer Spicy Horse's latest newsletter (as cited by Joystiq ).

According to the information, EA and Spicy Horse are still in the process of negotiating:

"It still comes back to our negotiations with Electronic Arts for a licensing agreement to produce a new Alice title. Should we reach an agreement, then come July, it's full steam ahead on a Kickstarter for Alice. If we cannot, to Oz with Dorothy we shall go."

So when and how will Alice: Otherworlds see the light of day? Well, it's going to be funded by a Kickstarter campaign that will commence in July, so concrete details are TBA. We just don't know exactly which project will be moving forward until they launch that campaign, and that decision apparently hinges on EA. The last series installment, Alice: Madness Returns , was decent, but it had a few too many mechanical issues.

We still want another twisted Alice adventure, though.

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11 years ago

Loved Alice 2, the minor drawbacks didn't hurt the experience for me. I really hope this game gets the go-ahead.

It could happen too because their other Kickstarter game Akaneiro Demon Hunters met it's goal. Looks great too, I just hope it somehow makes it to a PS platform:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/29/2013 10:40:42 PM

11 years ago

I never got to play Alice 2. I never bought it because EA ripped me off with the DLC version of the first game on the PS Store. I read the information on the page and it did not mentioned you needed Alice to at all. As yuo can imagine I was Furious George once I found out I needed the other game to play it. I did complain and the following week that tad bit of information was added… I still payed £9 for a game I cannot play. Might see how how cheap Alice 2 is now actually…

But the series has plenty of potential I would be all for seeing another title.

11 years ago

grab it used online so your little bit of money goes to another gamer, I enjoyed playing the first Alice again too. Well worth it.

11 years ago

so its not being funded by EA, they just have to give the licensing rights?
so WTF wouldent you say yes?
they get royalties, ie a big chunk of what the game sells, and they dont have to fund development, so WTF would you say no?
sit on my a$$ and get millions?
nah ill pass!

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