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The Last Of Us, Season Pass Available To Pre-Order Digitally

The Last Of Us will be ready to go in only a few weeks.

If you haven't already pre-ordered the game elsewhere, you should know that Naughty Dog's latest can now be pre-purchased from the PlayStation Store. Go for it!

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , you can now pre-order the digital version of the game. It'll be a Day 1 Digital Download, which means it'll be available right at midnight on June 14. It'll even include a unique download installer that will let you start playing once the data is more than half-downloaded. You get the game, the Sights & Sounds DLC pack and a PSN theme for the regular retail price of $59.99. That's a pretty darn good deal right there.

You can also pick up the Season Pass while you're at it. For $19.99, you can secure the three DLC packs that will be coming at a later date. Doing so will save you 30% compared to if you purchased the expansions individually. If you want to nab the Season Pass early, you'll also receive a few Day 1 bonuses that will give you the immediate edge:

Remember, they'll be cranking out some single-player DLC "for the first time ever." That should turn a few heads!

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

Single player DLC you say? Count me in! I thoroughly enjoyed Bioshock Infinite, so much so that it was the first game I ever bought a season pass for, and the DLC being single player DLC had everything to do with me buying it. I have complete faith in Naughty Dog so I'll buy this before even playing it.

11 years ago

And I'm still waiting on word of the Bio DLC

11 years ago

You and me both, I can wait though. My hours increased at work so I don't have alot of time as it is.

11 years ago

Idk, I don't see me buying the dlc. I really really am considering waiting for the GOTY edition, but I am not sure I can wait that long.

Last edited by firesoul453 on 5/28/2013 10:29:27 PM

11 years ago

No u can't wait that long! 🙂

11 years ago

The regular game will do, but I'm not so psyched with PS4 on the horizon anyway.

11 years ago

I'm the other way round. I'm not psyched for the PS4 but am looking forward to a number of the PS3 games being released over the next 6 months.

11 years ago

Do we know if all 3 dlc packs are single player?

It looks like a good offer unless you only care about SP in which case you may end up paying $19.99 for 1 piece of worthwhile dlc.

11 years ago

It s naughty dog so , i m pretty sure there will be at least 1 mp dlc and that 2 is more then likely . So if you don t care for mp at all , don t bother with it .

11 years ago

"Remember, they'll be cranking out some single-player DLC "for the first time ever." That should turn a few heads!" .

After that part i went from " right , i ll buy a season pas for mp dlc when we know nothing of the mp yet " to " hell yeah , more SP "

11 years ago

Oh so this will have single player DLC… Well that destroyed any hope of a day 1 purchase. Looking at the past of Uncharted, it is clear they will release a DLC edition by the end of the year. I didn't mind with Uncharted as it was all online, but if you actually look at all the content they're trying to sell on U3 it's pretty barbaric. Nope, so count me out Naughty Dog, until later.

11 years ago

Youre lost cause i m not gonna wait 6 + month to play what could easily be goty just to save a few bucks .

11 years ago

Eh, I'm not tremendously excited for it anyway. I can see why most people are, as Naughty Dog always deliver a groundbreaking experience in gaming. But the post apocalyptic setting has been done to death this generation. I enjoyed Fallout 3 but after that we got bombarded with too many games and movies with the same settings. So I have just got tired of it. But as it is Naughty Dog I know they will deliver.

I was considering getting it after a month or so, but now I will happily wait for the DLC edition – As I have been ripped off countless times this generation by DLC editions beforehand.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/29/2013 3:58:29 AM

11 years ago

Too bad you feel that way about it , for me , it s way more then just another post apocalyptic game . There is so much more going for it then just that and beside , it s not just desert for a change : ).

11 years ago

FINALLY SP DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pretty pathetic though making people preorder the season pass to get the making of video, what happened to the good old days where those were always part of the collectors edition?
the extent of 21st century companies greed knows no bounds!
plus, what about us humans who could not give two f*cks about MP?
we gotta blow 10+ bucks on things we wont use just so we can get a making of video?

O, and STILL no demo!
gotta love $ony, announce a "early access" demo in february, 3 months later, 2 weeks before release, and its STILL not out!
typical $ony…………
kinda isent early access when so many stores, and events are going on either now is it?
hell even my local store in the city has a demo station setup.

Last edited by ___________ on 5/29/2013 5:43:50 AM

11 years ago

Since 2 out of 3 dlc packs are likely to involve the multiplayer part of the game, I'll have to try the MP first. What if it's bland and generic?
I'm all for single player dlc though! Expanding the story = win!

11 years ago

Zombies and the apocolyspe are beating a dead horse,my backlog says Ill be waiting for a GOTY edition on this single player game. Online anything has become a joke unless its a battlefield game.

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