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Mirror’s Edge Sequel Not Official Yet, But Is It Still Coming?

If there's one game that deserved a sequel and didn't get one this generation, it's undoubtedly Mirror's Edge .

And while there is no official evidence to support the theory that DICE is cranking away on a sequel, EA has often said they don't want to abandon the IP. Could a retailer listing be proof of…well, something?

A NeoGAF forumite noticed a listing for "Mirror's Edge 2" for the Xbox 360. This showed up at the German branch of Amazon and immediately got people talking. Unfortunately, EA told GameSpot that nothing is official right now:

"We appreciate fan enthusiasm for Mirror’s Edge, especially fans throughout the retail channel. This is not official EA material. We have nothing to announce at this time."

Okay, but that doesn't say the sequel isn't coming, right? Are we allowed to be at least a little excited? The original game laid the perfect foundation for the future, and such a formula could really shine with more power from next-gen consoles… I know, I'm getting ahead of myself.

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11 years ago

You're first sentence nailed it. This is definitely a game that deserved a sequel. Looking towards E3 for a glimpse of hope 😀

11 years ago

I don't know how this video helps without the VR but here's something kind of cool: ME in Oculus Rift

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/23/2013 10:50:33 PM

11 years ago

I really hope that the Oculus Rift will be compatible with the PS4.

11 years ago

wish they would do a sequel, it was such a fun unique adrenaline pumping fast paced game.
i just hope this time the level design is thought out allot better!
dont force us to run down a isle full of cops sitting on either side shooting at you.
does not take a brain surgeon to figure out 50 cops on left + 50 cops on right + you right in middle running past = one dead duck!

11 years ago

Mirror's Edge is the most underrated game of this generation.

I was at expos where it was being shown before release, and the crowds were so thick around the demo station, you'd have to spend all day there for a chance to play. It had what people want: New ideas! New gameplay! Unique style!

EA were fools to leave it on the floor.

11 years ago

Mirrors edge was a fantastic game with a couple under developed ideas.

I do hope to see a sequel but can we be sure its going to even slightly resemble the first game?

The facts are that EA games tend to produce terrible sequels. DA2, ME2/3(subjective but my point) DS2/3 etc. There is no denying that the original games in all of those franchise felt quite different then their sequels. Mass Effect and Dragon Age being the best examples while dead space was a bit less noticeable.

Now what is stopping them from making the sequel more gun focused? If you remember guns were not implemented too well and they weren't the focus of Mirrors edge. It was the running and the hand to hand combat.

I just have this terrible feeling that the sequel would have the shooting mechanics of any other modern shooter(which would make no sense as faith wasn't trained to be good with guns from what I remember)and while there would be parkour it would take a back seat to the gameplay and just be there because.

Kind of like Brink. The free running in that was cool, but in the end it was more about the shooting. I just hope this doesn't happen to Mirrors edge 2.

11 years ago

With 5 years since the last game, "too little too late" for this generation seems all but obvious.

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