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Battlefield 4 Launch Date Confirmed, Next-Gen Date Uncertain

Looks like another FPS showdown for the fall.

We know Call of Duty: Ghosts will launch on current generation consoles and PC on November 5. Now, unsurprisingly, EA and DICE have tossed their hats into the virtual ring.

Battlefield 4 will launch for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on October 29 in North America and on November 1 in Europe. This date may not be accurate for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions, as we probably need system launch dates for both before we know when the next-gen BF4 (and Ghosts ) will arrive. Chances are, the dates will be pretty darn similar, as both new consoles are slated to hit this holiday season. October or November, probably.

EA also revealed that developer DICE will show off BF4's multiplayer at E3 this year, and a multiplayer beta will kick off in a few months. Lastly, DICE confirmed a pre-order bonus: If you put a deposit down on the game in question, you will gain access to the China Rising DLC, which is set on the Chinese mainland and provides players with four additional maps and new vehicles. DICE did something similar by giving out the Back to Karkand DLC to those who pre-ordered Battlefield 3 .

Yep, another Battlefield vs. Call of Duty year. So, which is your horse?

Related Game(s): Battlefield 4

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11 years ago

I'm pretty well done with military FPS. But I hope Battlefield has success on the next consoles because it's going to look a lot better than the cod.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

My FPS horse is …….. Borderlands 2! Have been playing this game since September. New DLC coming in June – I don't know when I might ever stop playing this one………..

11 years ago

In on Battlefield 4, already have it pre-ordered. Out on CoD. I was out before, jumped back in for BLOPS II for some reason, regretted it and traded it in toward Ni No Kuni. Best. Choice. Ever.

I get the itch to shoot digital people after a while. I still play KZ3 occasionally.

11 years ago

No cod for me this year and since bf4 is out before it , i can guaranty it .

Had like 7 days of playtime on mdw , 5 on black ops , mdw 2 and barely 1 day on black ops 2 ( on mp , don t play sp ) .You can easily see i m tired of it based on that i m sure .

11 years ago

BF has just been a COD wannabee, and COD while there adding a new engine and are trying to give a more character driven emotional experience, i just cant see myself playing it especially so close to next gen release, and the inevitable influx of exclusives from them.
give me knack, drive club, forza 5, and hopefully quantum break god that looks SO cool, and remedy are KINGS!
give me those over BF4 and CODG any day of the week!

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