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PSXE Poll Update: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Interest Waning

This is what happens when a game essentially drops off the map for over six years.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII was once a hot item. A few high-quality trailers and videos released more toward the start of this generation were immensely promising. Then, as time went on, it started to adopt the unfortunate traits of "vaporware." Is it this era's Duke Nukem Forever ?

So we wanted to know, how badly has this affected the interest level of gamers? Our latest poll indicates that in fact, the continued, elongated silence has taken its toll. Although it was close, the majority of participants said they absolutely don't care at all about Versus XIII . Almost the same number said they're still stoked for the project. This isn't a good sign because three or four years ago, most everyone (especially at this site) would've been amped up. Big time. Of course, it doesn't help that Square Enix's continued missteps with the franchise in question have soured fans on anything with "Final Fantasy" in the title.

This week, we want to know if you plan to pick up the PlayStation Vita in 2013. The release schedule for the portable is still lacking in the opinion of most, but maybe there will be enough accumulated titles to pique your interest this year. Planning on getting one? Waiting until later? Already got one? Let us know, if you will.

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11 years ago

I'm still mad. What ever happened to Escort Mode on BO2 🙁

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

You said that already

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

What does that have to do with this article?

11 years ago

Escorts are good.

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
11 years ago

I've had a Vita nearly since launch, and aside from the memory card prices (still going strong with my 8gb), I've enjoyed it immensely. Since I skipped the PSP, I've got an entire system's backlog to hold me over between major releases. With Killzone, Tearaway, and Ys coming up, and hopefully a couple of major titles revealed at E3, the Vita should be set for the rest of this year.

11 years ago

Its still my top anticipated game for the PS3. Even above the Last of Us.

I will be very upset if it got ported to the PS4 as an exclusive.

11 years ago

Look on the bright side: By the time it comes out, you'll have a PS4 anyway!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I'm just curious-

How can a game be your most anticipated when we know exactly nothing about it?

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

im excited for it because im a tetsuya nomura fanboy

11 years ago

While we do not know much about the plot, no one can deny that 7 minute trailer we saw back in 2011 was very, very impressive. Many of us were drooling over our keyboards with awe and felt the buzz of what we hoped would be an impressive game. Many people get excited on hearing a leading franchises name alone, If I hear something new from Final Fantasy I shall always look into what is on offer, more recently it has just been ports, silly music games and phone apps. But Versus did have a lot to offer, essentially mixing the gameplay of Kingdom Heart and putting it into a more realistic but fantasy driven world.

11 years ago

Remember when the PSX was brand new and gaming journalism was in its infancy?

Remember just looking at the cover of a game and reading the back and getting excited for the game?

That is kind of how I feel towards Versus13.

Also I know it is being worked on by the Kingdom Hearts team which I love, the director is Nomura who makes great games, and from the little I have seen and heard it sounds like it is going to be an amazing game.

I know enough about it to be excited about it 🙂

Last edited by xenris on 5/20/2013 10:18:06 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

We got nothing but pretty pictures from that trailer, Ultima. Have we EVER seen actual gameplay?

11 years ago

Yeah there was a few scenes of the combat gameplay and it looked fun.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I have no confidence that anything we've seen hasn't been changed a hundred times. Especially if they're going to be changing generations, which seems highly likely at this point.

11 years ago

I can't remember where but I saw the extended trailer shown at .. one of the Tokyo game shows.

That is the trailer 🙂

11 years ago

The post above is gameplay. Ben you seem to think we haven't seen any gameplay but there is quite a bit in this trailer :

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

And I don't get why you think any of that even exists right now.

11 years ago

You still can't ever admit when you are wrong can you?

Ben the point is THAT is footage for versus and THAT was what got me excited. Also the premise of the game is exciting.

You said there has been no gameplay footage, I proved you wrong. I say that is why I am excited and you say why do I believe that even still exists?

Good grief man I dont know maybe it doesn't exist. But it doesn't mean that I'm not excited about that game if it does come out. If it doesn't come out I was still excited for it to come out, if it does come out I will get it.

The point is you are 100% wrong about there being no gameplay footage. There is and that video is proof. You don't have to admit it but it just makes you look silly.

Whether it exists or not anymore is irrelevant to that FACT that that is gameplay footage for VS13 of which you said there was none. The other fact is that if that game shown does exist I am still excited for it.


Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Well sony said they'll support the PS3 through 2015 so there still a chance for FFVsXiii & The last guardian.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that FFXiii & its sequels were funding the slow development of FFVsXiii

11 years ago

Versus will be in trouble on so many fronts, you have the bad attitude after this extended delay, fans not pleased with what has been done to FF, and it will only get worse because I can just about guarantee you that Lightning Returns will cause more damage.

11 years ago

I'm more concerned more about The Last Guardian than FFvsXIII. I mean, who wasn't expecting this from Square Enix? They've been constantly disappointing games all over the globe ever since this generation started.

The Last Guardian alarms me because I've been waiting for it ever since the first trailer came out and I was shaken when I found out Ueda had left Sony. Come on, SotC is easily my favorite game ever and hearing that just made me curl up into a ball and cry. So, what we need is new information on TLG and not FFvsXIII because that's beating a dead horse. They're probably looking for a way to make it multiplatform somehow, mark my words.

Metal Head
Metal Head
11 years ago

I don't care for versus anymore. The last Guardian is the only game I desperately want to play.
I don't understand the constant complain of lack of games for Vita when it has too many good games and many more coming. It does needs a huge memory card at a reasonable price. I already bought 3 Vitas. My nephew,brother and I are very please with the devise.

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

has it really been 6+ years? my god

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

and yo. happy owner of a bargain cheap vita here $260NZD. i encourage anyone who loves old classics or missed hundreds of fun psp titles to get one. play it on the bus or when taking a number 2

dont worry the games will come… soon im sure lol

11 years ago

There is only one way S-E will ever peak my interest in this title. A release date. Something we have all been waiting for for at least 6 years, the game showed a lot of promise and I was certainly interested upon seeing the Jan' 2011 trailer – over 2 years ago. I just can't be bothered to follow up on the game anymore, if they want to finally release it I will take interest until then, it doesn't exist in my eye.

I can't see myself getting a Vita in 2013, I have yet to see a single appealing reason to get one. It has a couple of decent titles but hardly motive to buy a new console for. If I had a Vita I would buy Persona 4, Uncharted, Gravity Rush and this Tare-away game. Back on to Final Fantasy had they released Type-0 on the Vita, I may well have considered it. But a world wide release of that title looks as if it is sitting next to Versus on the shelf in limbo.

11 years ago

its not what happens when a game drops off the map for years.
all of R*s titles fall off the map after reveal, does not mean no one was interested in them.
hell how long has it been since the last guardian was announced?
and when was the last time we heard udea talking about it?
i rest my case!
people dont give a sh*t about versus 13 not because its been in development hell, but because there skeptical it will be what they want it to be.
and the chances of that happening, well, lets just say pigs will fly backwards while fighting off mutant zombie aliens by the time $E puts out a proper FF game!

as for the vita, does anyone want to throw 400+ bucks in the bin?
oh and dont forget the 30 bucks for a mandatory memory card.
absolutely pathetic how much $ony overcharges for those things, i mean a 16GB card for the vita is the same price as a sandisk 64GB high speed card!
you can buy a ford focus for 500000 bucks, or a ferrari.
touch choice!

youd be able to forgive their penny pinching if there were games to make use of the expense, but sadly theres not.
theres not that many games in the first place, and 98% of the few there is are direct ports of games already on the ps3.
1% for the exclusives which are spin offs of well known famous franchises like killzone, resistance, ect,ect.
only big name AAA titles the vita has to call its own are gravity rush,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, well, thats about it!
how sad………
so in short, no i have no intention of spending 400+ bucks so i can play gravity rush, and the rest games i could play on my ps3.

11 years ago

I don't see why you keep saying its vaporware. Just a month or 2 ago Nomura said the date is set for when their giving out more info on it. Yeah its not much but we will hear about it soon. Sure it'll have ridiculously high expectations, but it sure looks fun, and pretty too.

I'll get a vita when I have more money and when there's more games I can't get anywhere else that I must have, mainly jrpgs, also a GTA and gow would be nice too. Right now though, there's not a killer app driving sales.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You apparently haven't been following along.

Square Enix has "set a date for more info" about a half-dozen times by now. We'll hear about it soon? Zero gameplay and no actual game information in six years = vaporware, my friend. It's the exact definition.

11 years ago


You're wrong about there being no gameplay. Have you not seen this trailer Square Enix had released 2 years ago?

You not bothering to check the url doesn't make gameplay footage non-existent. Because it does.

I usually agree with your posts regarding Versus. But to say there's zero gameplay is quite ignorant.

Last edited by Seldom on 5/20/2013 6:39:45 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Again, who cares? It tells me nothing. The brief snippets of information we've had are contradictory and with the new generation here, there's no telling WHAT gameplay we'll get.

And there has been nothing – I repeat, NOTHING – in the way of official information revealed to the media via press releases and formal announcements. All we get is second-hand stuff and a few brief glimpses. Again, empty promises and nothing more.

11 years ago

Same with 'The Last Guardian'. Hype for both titles is dying (hard).

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

And by the way, at least we get updates with The Last Guardian. At least Sony will talk about it here and there.

We get nothing from Square Enix besides what we always get- empty promises with nothing to actually say.

11 years ago

I doubt I'll get a Vita yet, have to save for a PS4.

11 years ago

Says a poll from a site that's diminished its amount of actual news…

11 years ago

Still close to 600 users. Not a terrible sampling for the sake of journalism.

11 years ago

Boy do I hope SE eventually has the guts to admit this game is dead. I'm so sick of hearing about this BS, and feel bad for those who are holding out hope it not only still exists (it doesn't), but will be some amazing, transcendental Final Fantasy (it would never have been.) SE has lost their way folks. You only need to play their games in recent years to know that. No reason to think Versus XIII was going to be so different, and it is CLEARLY dead anyway.

I do have to ask a question for the die hards, too: Versus XIII would have been the fourth – THE FOURTH! – game based in the FF XIII universe. Is there a single Final Fantasy out there that ever justified FOUR games set in the universe?? This series is so FUBAR.

11 years ago

Who says it's sharing the same universe as Final Fantasy XIII? It's sharing the same mythos as XIII (and Final Fantasy Type-0) but they're not set same universe. They're not in the same story arc.

Last edited by Seldom on 5/20/2013 7:01:04 PM

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