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The Last Of Us Digital Tests Download Tech…Thoughts?

You might have already run into this news but if not it's kind of interesting to note that Sony has some unusual plans for the digital version of The Last of Us.

As confirmed by Gameinformer a few days ago the digital version of The Last of Us comes with a fancy new feature: you'll be able to start playing it after the download has reached the 50% mark.

Thinking back to the Sony press conference where the PS4 was revealed you may recall that the new system is supposed to be able to play games soon after beginning the digital download. So is this a test drive of that new technology? Do they plan to do research on whether or not this is a popular feature?

And what about you gamers, do you find the ability to play while downloading to be a highly important feature on the PS4? I like the idea, and it seems like a natural evolution of technology but I'm skeptical of how well it will work. On the other hand, since games almost never download in the background while playing other games, I'm tired of setting up my console to download and then waiting for ages.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

It does sound like a cool feature and will probably help spread digital downloads in the future but I plan on getting the disk version for sure.

11 years ago

Me too.

11 years ago

Me three

11 years ago

Me four! Oh wait….

11 years ago

I have the disc version pre-ordered, so me five!

11 years ago

I have the disc version pre-ordered, so me five!

11 years ago

I really don't care too much about it.

Automatic downloads at 12:00 a.m. on launch day if you preorder the game would be better, this way when you wake up your game is ready to be played.

There are some games I prefer having on disc, TLOU is one of them so I won't use the feature this time

11 years ago

I'm for the pro consumer way: physical products. But for demos and the smaller, download only games, like Pixeljunk Monsters, yeah, of course it's a great feature because you don't have to wait for the whole game to download to play, it's a no brainer.

Cons of the PS3 IMO (from the top of my head) are: games don't download while doing some things like playing a game (-_-), SLOW as hell downloads, you have to wait for the game to install separately (-_-), the install can be long too (-_-), slow ass hell PlayStation Store, slow as hell UI and in game UI, no multitasking, can't access almost anything while in a game or something else, which includes browser, no cross voice chat, universal game invites, universal custom music, get logged off while watching movie, only two USB ports and a few negatives on the controller.

All that better be fixed on PS4. There's no excuse.

11 years ago

pavlogic, there's already some games that unlock at midnigh…well, if they are available for digital pre-order. ps al stars was like that i know. as far as apps n stuff…besides the ps browser n movies/music saved on hard drive…only app that works n keeps your fame downloading is crackle…wish it had more anime

11 years ago

of course its a highly important feature, no one likes sitting there staring at a black screen for 20 hours waiting for a game to download!
shame it does not solve the other problem, bandwidth, but eh its a start.
hopefully its for all games, including PSN and mini titles too, and even maybe vita.

11 years ago

I honestly do not see the interest over this. If you're going to download a game, you would wait to 100% without much thought about it. Any sane person would leave it to download in the background while they do something else. I don't see how playing the game at 50% is such a beneficial feature. But like many have said, I too am not won over by the digital generation and would much rather have the game on disc.

11 years ago

The title of the Gameinformer article is a bit misleading. ND never says that you can play the game AND download the game at the same time, only that you can begin gameplay once your download reaches 50%. I'm betting that the download resumes, like any other background download, when you exit the (or any) game.

11 years ago

So I wonder how much of the game you can actually play before you have to let it download the other 50%.

11 years ago

Well ND is usually pretty good about making games with a good single-player experiences, so I'd like to think that most people might be taking a break a some point before they would be forced to download more. I'm sure ND could probably review their telemetry statistics to find out how long most people play their games in a single sitting.

11 years ago

I download games in the background while playing games all the time. The reason you aren't able to download games while playing one is most likely because you're playing a game that is connected to or is potentially connected to the internet. I can play Sleeping Dogs on disc or the Deathspank games while having Infamous downloading with more in que to download.

11 years ago

I prefer physical games.

If the PS3 can do this, then that's one less thing the PS4 has over the PS3.

11 years ago

Physical copies FTW!! Nothing can beat the sweet sensation of ripping the plastic from the game coverbox and that "its new!" smell!

Though the 50% thing is pretty cool…Too bad where I come the internet is not as stable as it used to be.

11 years ago

It will come to this, if the price is the same or even close to the physical copy… I am buying the physical copy. If they are offering both options in the future, physical and dl, I opt for physical. If its a PSN exclusive then this would be a nice feature unless I dl over night to play it hte next day.

BUT again, the price is what is the major factor here. It will have to be a large discounted price for the DL version. IF they are going to save on burning a disc, packaging, etc…. I would like to it reflected in the price.

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

Pre-download like steam offer sometime is better .

11 years ago

Great! Just like when I downloaded Tera.

The game is 30gigs. Thx to happy cloud I could start playing after 20mins while it finished the friggin huge download in the background 😀 My internet is regular highspeed and I did not have any lag.

Promising for future games. I like digital. Takes less space. I mostly only buy physical copies of my fav games and some cool collector. All the rest is digitalllll!!!

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 5/20/2013 10:02:24 PM

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