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The Last Of Us Multiplayer Will Be The “Best Ever Conceived?”

It obviously won't be the focal point of the game (thankfully), but Naughty Dog wants everyone to be excited for the multiplayer component in The Last Of Us .

Studio lead artist Nate Wells has made some waves today with a simple Twitter update ; it's especially interesting because Naughty Dog hasn't detailed the multiplayer element of their new title. Said Wells:

"I wish I could appropriately prepare you people for [The Last of Us]. But even if I were allowed to, I can't. And I really can't prepare you for the best [multiplayer] ever conceived."

Now, we're not sure if he means it'll be the best multiplayer ever or just the best multiplayer Naughty Dog has ever produced. The latter seems more likely but you never know… So far, we only know that The Last Of Us will boast a multiplayer aspect of some kind. Beyond that, we're sort of in the dark, although we're starting to get intrigued. Oh, and co-president Christophe Balestra has revealed that the game has gone gold, thanks to a "makedisc ship final" code he posted on Instagram .

The Last Of Us is set to arrive on June 14. Everyone ready?

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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11 years ago

Well Uncharted 2 and 3's multiplayer was pretty good so I have no doughts.

11 years ago

doubts? 🙂

11 years ago

Dough! *facepalm* Thanks. 🙂

11 years ago

doh? 😉

11 years ago

Already pre-ordered.

11 years ago

Well-conceived and well executed? Very possibly
"Best ever conceived"? Doubtful
Last of Us is shaping up to be one of the best games of the year but even if the multiplayer works there will probably no earth-shattering changes to the mode.

11 years ago

Everyone knows I'm the best conceived.

11 years ago

I actually think my son was the best conceived…

aw yeah…

11 years ago

I'd imagine the slow paced and brutal gameplay of the single player but facing off against multiple others. Hopefully you need to worry about ammo conservation, using environmental resources and extremely limited health regeneration.
The pacing would be almost like an intense game of chess 😀

11 years ago

I don't think health regeneration should be used. Does the campaign use it? I think it would be better if it didn't because it is realistic and adds strategy, thought, difficulty and more no longer found in most games.

11 years ago

Give people 1-2 bullets , some component to make stuff ( like enough for either some health or a cocktail Molotov ) make it so that you can take what left from the corpses of other people you kill and you got yourself a unique and fun mp mode .

I think it would fit with the game and make it feel fresh .

Booze gets it .

Last edited by berserk on 5/16/2013 3:12:11 PM

11 years ago

I can't see this being anything too crazy amazing to be honest. Not because I doubt Naughty Dogs talent, but because they aren't going to make anything that isn't accepted by the lowest common denominator. So it is either going to be like Uncharteds mulitplayer, or a mix between uncharteds multiplayer and left 4 deads Versus mode.

What would blow me away is if it was something lik Day Z. A multiplayer mode that was Co op and it was sandbox, and you could play it indefinite if you survived long enough but you had to find food, water, and weapons etc. That would be cool.

I mean I might be wrong and I'm going to wait and see because I already have the game prepurchased but, I just cant see it being the best thing ever conceived.

11 years ago

Don't care bout that, just the SP.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Ohh, you're going to care, my friend. You're going to care.

11 years ago

That would be some big achievement if I do.

11 years ago

sure, whatever.
so its the best ever concieved, thats why the games been announced, and constantly shown off for what, 2 years now and we still know nothing about it!
its a month away from release and we still have ZERO details to go on!
yea, sure, forgive me if i file this into the typical PR BS cabinet.

11 years ago

Well in their defense if it is truly something amazing and never before seen they would want to keep it a secret so no one can copy them.

11 years ago

Since it's the best conceived it's very likely Sony wants to show it off at the biggest stage of them all, E3. Seems very smart to me.

11 years ago

still havent answered my question

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