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What Systems Always Remain Hooked Up In Your House?

Generations come and generations go, and long-time, hardcore gamers often find it very, very hard to part with old favorites. I'm speaking of game consoles, of course.

So which video game systems are always hooked up in your home? Do you just replace the old with the new whenever new hardware rolls around? Or are you selective about when you jump into a new generation, and just which systems stay hooked up at all times?

Thing is, there are only so many inputs on a TV, right? And there are only so many places you can put a game console in the living room or bedroom. So, those who have been playing for decades always have some decisions to make when fresh hardware hits store shelves. It's not always a cut-and-dry situation, ya know. There are just some machines that you can't bear to put in the closet, despite your lack of space.

For me, I have to say the PlayStation 2 has been hooked up since I got it on launch day back in 2000, and that won't be changing any time soon. If I get the PS4, it'll replace the Xbox 360, not the PS2. Being capable of playing all PS2 and PS1 titles, I just refuse to remove the PS2, because I've got well over a hundred games for those systems, and many of them are classic RPGs I always want to go back and play. There's a good chance I'll have the PS4, PS3 and PS2 hooked up in my living room, which will enable me to play any PlayStation title ever made with the simple press of a button. Nice, right? Lookin' forward to it.

I'll also add that the Super Nintendo is always hooked up in the bedroom. It just seems right to have a classic old-school system somewhere in the house, and it seems to fit the bedroom motif. Maybe it's just because I – and most people I know – had our SNES systems in our bedrooms when we were kids, so… How's about you? What systems are always ready to go?

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11 years ago

Right now it's just PS3 and 360. I sort of bounce between the two. I have my PS2 and OG XBox around but I'll only get around to plugging them in when I'm in a special mode. I have too much of a backlog on current gen titles to be overtaken by nostalgia.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/14/2013 10:37:58 PM

11 years ago

PS3 is the only one that's always connected. When I'm not constantly moving around, like I have been over the past year, the Sega Genesis stays connected all the time as well. Sonic 2, Ghouls and Ghosts, and Streets of Rage are often calling my name… and Battletoads, when I don't mind the frustration 😉

11 years ago

My PS3 is fully hooked up. My PS2, Xbox1, and Dreamcast are all ready to go by plugging them into my upconverter which is already plugged in.

I have no clue where I'll fit the PS4, not sure if all my HDMI ports are full yet or not., but I'll find a way.

11 years ago

PS3 is hooked up, PS2 is in a big box with the games.. And I traded in my PS1 and games for two lousy PS2 games back in 2003, was one of the stupidest moves ever. Really wished I had my NES and SuperNES still. Also my Atari jaguar smoked on me, strange I have no idea wtf happened, it was scary s*** thought the system was going to explode.

11 years ago

I have just the PS3, Wii, and 360 hooked up. I have most every PS2 game I'd want as an HD collection so I don't need that hooked up. I also have most every PSX game I'd want as a PSN game that works on either my PS3/Vita/PSP so those are good there.
My 360 doesn't get much use these days but I did start playing more of Lost Odyssey the other night. I do want to finish it. Oh, and it's nice having ninja gaiden Black and classic Halo ready to go 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/14/2013 11:13:52 PM

11 years ago

Currently I only have the 60[650]GB PS3 hooked up, dual outputting to TVs in separate rooms. One for personal, one for family/group. And the gaming PC, of course.

The rest (everything but a 360) are neatly packed in the closet, ready to go at a few minutes notice. I never had to make the PS2/PS3 decision because of that sweet 60gig B/C. The PS2 games I can't play on PS3 can be counted on one hand.

11 years ago

Onkyo AV receiver = every system I own is hooked up and ready to play.

11 years ago

PS3 & 360 hooked up. Gamecube remains on standby if I'm ever in the mood for Twin Snakes. Original Xbox is the same for Path of Neo and Advent Rising. Wish those games were b/c so I could lose it entirely. I regret getting rid of my PS2 as I can no longer play Tenkaichi 3, FFX or LOK: Defiance. I don't go too far back for nostalgia purposes due to the ever growing physical & digital (damn you PS+….I love you) backlog of games I'm currently buried in. In a weird way it felt that I had sort of outgrown gaming when I finished MGS4. MG was always in seperate stages of my life. The original was as a kid, MGS in middle school, MGS2 high school, MGS3 college, portable ops during my finding myself period and MGS4 right before I met my future wife. Peace Walker was snuck in during lunch breaks at my job and I'm sure I'll be married by the time 5 comes out. Gran Turismo has been pretty much the same way. I keep seeing these games get larger, prettier, and more complex. I, on the other hand am getting older, sleepier and more simplified. I'll miss you gaming……….someday 🙂

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

PS3. Sometimes Gamecube.

11 years ago

PS2(which covers PS1), Wii, SNES, and NES atm.

11 years ago

My ps3 ylod on me today…. So my f'ing Wii…. Man am I sad.

11 years ago

let's hope the PS4 is more reliable this next go around.

11 years ago

Imagine how many 360's you would have to go thru.

11 years ago

Right now, I only have my ps3 hooked up, but I do have a ps2 and SNES in my closet, ready to be hooked up if need be. When I get a ps4, the ps3 will join the others in the closet.

I'll always prob keep my SNES and ps3, but I may actually get rid of my ps2 next time I move. I was way more into pc gaming during that gen, so I didn't really get into it as much as most others did. And if I can play ps1 and ps2 games on newer systems via either the Classics series or Gakai, then I won't have much use for it anymore.

11 years ago

Just PS3 and 360 at the moment. I only really have room for two downstairs so whenever I get round to buying a new generation machine I'll have to remove one of them.

11 years ago

It's actually the dreamcast for me.
I have never been very interested by the ps2 and ps3 (very slow Start in both cases) but I plan to buy the ps4 because of its wonderful architecture … Very promising in my opinion

11 years ago

Such a great system. I haven't hooked mine up in years, though one of these days I really need to revisit the old catalogue.

11 years ago

In my bedroom, there's the PS3 hooked for HD, and I switch between the PS2 and Nintendo Gamecube's component cables to the same tv. I record PS1 and 2 demos for my channel, so I always have it hooked up, in addition to replaying the classics.

My PS1 (since some memory cards aren't readable on the PS2) and NES is in the guest room hooked to the standard tv that was my main until last year. I haven't fully decided yet on the rearranging, when the PS4 comes out. My previous intentions were to replace the PS3 with the PS4, that way the guest room could have a fancy movie player.

11 years ago

360 and PC, all you really need.
PC covers all the bases with past systems, especially with the really hard to find rare games.
then theres the eye melting gems like metro last light and far cry 3.
it will be interesting to see how long after the ps4 comes out it takes for a ps3 emulator to hit PC.

11 years ago

Before my pc screen broke ( maybe not ) my ps2 ,360 and ps3 were hooked . Now my hdmi cable are used for my PC .

Last edited by berserk on 5/15/2013 6:06:54 AM

11 years ago

Currently I have my PS3 and 360 hooked up. I had my Nintendo 64 hooked up for ten years until I ran out of room. Same with my Dreamcast and Genesis.

11 years ago

At the minute, I have my PS2, PS3, Wii and Snes all hooked up 🙂
I don't plan on removing the Snes anytime soon, even when I do get the PS4….just yesterday I fired it up to play some rounds of Killer Instinct with my brother 🙂

11 years ago

I've got my PS2, PS3, Nintendo 64, and Gamecube all hooked up in various places around the house, LOL.

11 years ago

NES, SNES, 2xPS3, 2xPC. I haven't had my 360 taken out of it's box since I moved over a year ago.

Casual Friday
Casual Friday
11 years ago

I have two separate setups in our home theater room.

Setup 1 is a 100" projector screen with the PS3 & Wii hooked up to it.

Setup 2 is a 32" HDTV in the corner with the PS2, GameCube & SNES attached. We also have an old NES top loader in the cabinet but not hooked up.

Nothing like enjoying GT5 on the big screen while my 14 year old son is cutting his teeth on GT3 in the same room. Later we trade off and he gets to play Madden while I re-experience a little old school Mario.

11 years ago

PS3, and PC. I usually hook up the PS1 and PS2 every once in awhile. I did have the 360 hooked up one time but I don't own it anymore.

11 years ago

It's been PS2, but when PS4 comes out that'll probably get pushed to the closet. Most of the games I love for the first two PlayStations have either come out on PSN (FF VII, Symphony of the Night, etc.) or in HD Collections (God of War, Metal Gear Solid 3, etc.) So I don't think I'll miss it too, too much.

I won't be selling it or giving it away, though. I learned my lesson with the consoles I gave up in my youth. I traded in my genesis nearly 20 years ago and I am literally getting sad thinking about that right now. I also traded in my Saturn for a PS1 and Final Fantasy VII. Hard to argue with that trade, but in retrospect I should have just saved a few bucks to buy it and keep the Saturn in the closet. Miss the heck out of that thing and you can't find those games for (legal) download ANYWHERE these days.

11 years ago

The PS3 gets priority, which is a Slim 300GB model. I question the name 'slim' though as it is wider than my old PS3 takes up 1/4 the size of my coffee table where I keep my consoles on. Then it is my Wii, which I have plugged into the component port Which sits under my widescreen tv with ease. I then have a PS2 slim though I am trying to get it to look good on my HDTV. I bought a conponent cable but the image quality still looks dire. The PAL PS2 Slims don't have that progression scan mode like the US ones do so I just have it in with the scart cable for now…

I also have a Dreamcast, which is currently in my wardrobe, I only keep it for Shenmue to be honest and if that was ever released on the PS Store I'd sell it in an instant. Already happy with Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 + Jet Set Radio being on the PS Store. I honestly dont use it for much else.

11 years ago

My PS3 and PS2 (gotta be able to revist all of the 'true' Suikoden games).

11 years ago

Currently my PS3, PS2, Xbox 360, Wii, and Desktop Computer are hooked up to my TV(s).

I don't really play my PS2 much at all anymore since 85% of my PS2 collection is now on PS3. I have it hooked up for my girlfriend to play DDR when she's in the mood.

Mostly game on my PS3 nowadays or PC. When the PS4 comes, I'll probably move the 360 into my bedroom and have the PS4 in my main room.

11 years ago

PS3 (for the last 3 years) & PS2 (for the last 7 year).

Last edited by Kokushi on 5/15/2013 1:50:11 PM

11 years ago

My PS3 is always hooked up (hdmi 1) and sees a lot of use, and is my main gaming console. I still have my PS2 connected using the rca cables (Video 2) and ready to go. I even still have my original PS1 but its not hooked up at the moment. I also have an xbox360 (hdmi 3)that hasn't been turned on since January or February. I also have the NES and SNES in a box right beside my tv just in case. My cable box (hdmi 2) I even have the Atari 2600 but its in a box in the garage somewhere lol.

11 years ago

Not sure if this counts but while I have my DSi, I still play my NDS moreoften (for the Genesis and NES emulators mostly). Consolewise, my PS2 also has been hooked up since the day I bought it and it's looking like I too will have the PS2, PS3, and PS4 acting as my 3 Musketeers.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
11 years ago

My PS2 and PS3 are always hooked up. My laptop and other systems – NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Wii, and Gamecube – are ready to go and take about twenty seconds to plug in.

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