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Ted Price On Insomniac Fans And The Difficulty Of A New IP

Insomniac Games has a new title coming out later this month. It's Fuse , a four-player co-op action title with style.

In our roundtable discussion with studio boss Ted Price, he first said he believes gamers will really enjoy the campaign due to excellent AI and a solid story. Later in the discussion, we asked Price if Fuse was an example of Insomniac attempting to appeal to new gamers that aren't necessarily long-time fans of Insomniac. Price's response:

"I think with every game we do, we're hoping to appeal to Insomniac fans with certain consistent features, like a story that we spent a lot of time on, and a great, sci-fi-driven world. And of course, weapons you won't find in other games. But with Fuse, we wanted to add to all that with the co-op feature. So this can appeal to everyone who likes to play games with their friends. We've done that to some degree in the past, but we've never really led with the multiplayer idea."

We also asked him if starting a new IP is as complicated as most developers say it is, and whether or not Price believes Fuse is positioned to succeed. He first said they're striving to get the word out, to "educate" people on the game. His theory is that new IPs really need that to compete against all the well-known franchises. He added:

"It’s very clearly coming out at the end of a console cycle, and it can be difficult to release a new IP at this time. We're just waiting to see how it goes. We've been very transparent about the evolution of the game, and we're trying to educate people on this new IP. That's something we have to accept, and we're hoping that the core fun of a game, and its fresh approach to co-op helps people break out of the desire for the familiar. You know, not just want to play sequel number four or whatever."

I told him I still want Resistance 4 on the PS4. He just laughed and said he'd love to see that happen but clearly, that's not part of Insomniac's game plan right now. Too bad. Fuse is set to release on May 28; give it a shot!

Related Game(s): Fuse

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11 years ago

I too want r4 🙁

11 years ago

That sounded like a defeated man speaking. I look forward to the reviews and sales numbers.

11 years ago

I hope for the sake of the studio the game makes them money. It may not be high on my play-priority list but this sort of genre is Insomniac's forte so it should be better than it's rep seems to suggest. I'd be pretty surprised if the game weighed in under 80+ by critics.

11 years ago

Brand new, barely promoted IP. Right before the new consoles. Tied to EA during their PR nightmare(s). Co-op centered design, hot on the tail of numerous lambasted co-op games. Game that looks reeaalllly generic from a distance.

I feel sorry for these guys. No matter how good or bad their game is, everything is running against them before it even releases.

11 years ago

I loved the Resistance franchise and I still do. I have all of them except the ones that were released on handheld devices and after trying the demo for Fuse, I was severely disappointed. I always prefer third person over FPS but this was several steps backwards from Resistance.

I hope they do well with this franchise but I'm definitely not getting it even if three other friends want me to. I'll be busy playing other games such as The Last of Us, Castlevania and Dark Souls 2.

11 years ago

I agree about it being generic. I was not disappointed since I expected it to be from the gameplay videos. The design and controls were mediocre too.

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