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Second Sega Pluto Prototype Auction Ends With No Sale

Well, obviously, such a rare treasure is only for the super- duper hardcore. And whoever that is, he or she better have some major cash to burn. Is it you?

Roger Vega keeps trying to unload his vintage Sega Pluto prototype console; supposedly, there's only two in the entire world, and he's got one of 'em. He first tried selling it on vintage gaming auction site GameGavel, but fell short of the reserve goal with a final bid of $7,600.

So he decided to try again on eBay but as you can see , this failed to meet the reserve price as well, despite a high bid that was twice as high as the GameGavel auction. So $15,500 isn't good enough, eh? This is a tricky one because nobody has even seen a Sega Pluto until a few weeks ago, so it's hard to determine an actual price tag. Unfortunately, what this thing is actually worth, the world may never know…

Any die-hard collectors out there who absolutely must have this thing?

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11 years ago

Wow that's ugly, are there even any games for it? Wasn't there some scuttlebutt about a Sega Neptune back when they had no idea what they were doing?

Oh well, I'll just enjoy my Dreamcast.

11 years ago

wow, surprised it dident sell on ebay.
that things become so ridiculously inflated its not funny!
every time i go on there things are at least 12% more than what they are in stores, not to mention ridiculous shipping charges!
perfect example wanted to get a logitech G19 last week, hopped on there and the cheapest one i could find was 190.
googled it and found literally like 30 PC stores within 20 minute drive who all had it for no more than 140!
one even lowered the price to 120 once i went in and had a chat.

11 years ago

Essentially this is just another version of the Sega Saturn right? Which might well be one of the worst consoles in history… My flatmate had a Sega Saturn and it was just one of the worst console I have ever played, The Dreamcast was a huge improvement but rightfully got annihilated buy the power of the Playstation 2 – Which not being a PS2 'fan boy', but it utterly dominated that generation. But I would rather have a Sega Megadrive (Gensis) or SNES over that any day.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/13/2013 8:30:30 AM

11 years ago

not everything on ebay is a scam. this guy had a reserve. my new cell phone was going for 400 bucks up to 500 on some sites and i got it for 367 on ebay, which was close to its value. the only shitty part is its international thus i had to buy a case to fit it which is going to take an eternity to ship here. sometimes youll find dislay items or things that just dont sell and you can get a deal. i sorta wish ben would not post articles like this, it makes me sad. i miss sega. you can buy Sega Neptunes on ebay i think. those were in full on production and sega just said wtf are we doing and killed the console. i think there were about 10,000 made. the pluto i am not sure. IMO the sega saturn was the dagger to sega. not the dreamcast. if they had just stopped for a year or 2 and went right from 32x to dreamcast, theyd probably still be making consoles.

11 years ago

I'm certainly not one to stock up on "collectibles" (I hate clutter, and I'll buy stocks if I want something that appreciates in value, thanks) though I'm holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, all this talk of the Saturn days will lead to PSN or Virtual Console releases of some games from that system. Deeply flawed system, no question, but some real gems that no one talks about anymore that I would love to download.

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